Saturday, September 6, 2014

Personal Journaling September 06, 2014

Personal Journaling September 06, 2014
2014-09-06 09:58:24
Personal Bible, Blessings, Prayer, Writing Noteboook and Journaling

Good morning, Lord. Thank You for this day and the opportunities it brings. What a blessings (742). 

743 I am grateful for what happened last night (more on that in a bit).

744 Thank You, God, for breakfast with B.

745 What a blessing B and I just had as we did more planning for our future.

746 Thank You, Lord, for

747 I sure appreciate my tablet, which I'm using to journal this. 

Before I babble, I want to take some time to lean in to You and Your Word. 


John 14:23 Good News Translation (GNT)

23 Jesus answered him, “Those who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and my Father and I will come to them and live with them.
Good News Translation (GNT).
Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society.

Now, that's what I'm talking about, Lord. Amen and amen!

God, help me to obey Your teaching and do what You say, when You say it, how You say it. 

Psalms 148-150 and 1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 15:58. 

Psalms 148-150 is praise and worship of God. Read each. (748-750 Blessings)

Now, bummer. I've finished reading the Psalms for my reading the Bible in a year reading. That being said, I will continue to read the Psalms daily in addition to my daily Old and New Testament readings. I will read three to four verses every day and will start tomorrow with Psalm 1.

Read 1 Corinthians 12-15 (blessings 751-754). 

755 Just spoke with my Mom and told her everything going on in my life, and what God has done, which is quite a bit. God's working mightily and I'm doing my best to listen, trust, ad do what He says, when He says it, how He tells me. 

2014-09-06 11:38:57

Ugh. I'm tired of feeling like a non-committed, ADD or ADHD writer, all over the place, not sticking with the same thing--not staying the course. It makes me feel so small. Never mind my writing. 

What's a writer to do?

The truth is, I realize God has been growing me the last decade. He's teaching me and stretching me. I've needed the practice, so to speak. I need to hone my craft. 

I also know He has me in a holding pattern now. He needs to do some more work in me, and I need to have a couple more experiences, then He will reveal to me the project and His vision for my writing. Until then, I will accept His daily promptings and will write those. They can become a book of daily devotionals later, if God leads me in that direction.

Regardless of where God leads, I think if anyone is a Christian, a journalkeeper, or a writer, even through my all-over-the-place writing, I think there are golden nuggets, or gems, you can find here.

Lord, I want every word I type to be Yours, not mine. Guide my pen (my typing) moment by moment. Use me. Mold me and shape me. I just want to show You glory through what I write and journal. 

Please reveal to me "THE" book and series You want me to write. Help me hear You clearly. Help me to take the time to write it YOU desire, not me. 

I will stop thinking, "This year, I've got to write THE book," and will change my thinking to Your plan, your timing, Your book.

I thought I was doing this all along, but I realize that when I think I have an idea, I run at it full speed. I keep trying to run a sprint with my writing. But, I've never been a sprint runner (physically--not just in my writing). I keep trying to do it with my writing. In running, a marathon is more my size and speed. So, why would I think my writing would be any different? 

I think You're trying to tell me to slow down and listen far more to You than what I ever write. 

What is wrong with writing two books per year, rather than three or four? 

God, what genre? Nonfiction or fiction?

Or, am I to write two books a year, one fiction and one nonfiction? 

Am I to keep doing the miscellaneous blog posts and combine it into a book at the end of the year, when I see a repeating theme or something?

Lord, I keep feeling the pull to do NaNoWriMo in November this year. (NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month--which I can write a nonfiction book and it doesn't have to be fiction.) Are You telling me to do it--or am I hoping to do it? There is a big difference.

At this point, I am fairly certain You are telling me to write a book of the faith of 1 Corinthians 12:9a, but I'm not sure. I keep also getting the feeling You are telling me to wait. Not yet. Give it some time. 

I also keep having the inclination You're telling me to write about life and journaling. 

Again, I turn forty--I mean four decades old--on September 13th. Maybe that should be my journaling entry and blog post series if nothing else for now. We shall see. 

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