Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Prayers for Spiritual Awakening and Revival #1

This is a blog of prayer. It is meant to help us learn to pray 247365 (24 hours a day, seven days per week, three hundred sixty-five days per year) and develop the self-control to do so.
After a great deal of deliberation, I realized something. I think we do not pray because we do not know how to pray or what to pray. Then, to further complicate our lack of prayer, we get busy and/or sidetracked. So, what if we carried around with us at all times prayers based directly off the Word of God, the Bible? Wouldn't this teach us to pray and give our minds something else to keep busy with, one that pleases God since it is commanded by Him?
How different would our personal lives be if we prayed 247365 and filled our minds and hearts with prayer, rather than on junk and the superfluous? How much different would our neighborhoods, towns, cities, states, churches, countries, and world be if we did? The fact is if every Christian were to pray 247365, we would not recognize ourselves or the world.
Praying without ceasing, and thanking God for everything, along with meditating on the Word day and night are commands given to us by God. If we were to pray, pray verses from the Bible, and do so morning, noon, and night, then we would please God. Then, our faith would increase in a dramatic fashion, and our world would be nothing like it is now.
The prayers offered on this blog is for that purpose. It is my goal to turn this blog into the largest collection of prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, and based directly off the Word of God (the Bible), on the internet.

Please pray all the prayers. Do not skip one. There is a reason why God put it in front of you to read and pray at this time. You may not see it or understand it at the time, and it might not make sense at all, but trust God. He will use your prayers and will answer each of them in time, so pray all of them and do not skip any. After all, while the prayers may not apply directly to us at the time, they might have in the past or will in the future, and they most certainly apply to others in this world. Intercede and pray the prayers for them, even the unknown faces, if they do not apply to you.
We are to oray for self and for others. Hence, I also ask you to pray each and every prayer for these focuses: yourself, for those in your home, your direct neighbors (in front, back, and to both sides), your direct family, your distant family, your friends, your block, your neighborhood, your schools, your town or city, your church, your denomination, your state, your country, the persecuted, the Church as a whole, other specific countries, the lost, and the world as a whole. This is what can make one of these prayers last for the next 24 hours alone as you pray.
Pray thoroughly and completely. Do not pray just a simple blanket prayer. Pray for every single person to receive an answer to at least part of the prayer.
Pray specifically.
Prayer journal as you pray and keep a record of your prayers. That way, when they are answered later on that day, or up to decades later, you will remember your prayer and trace (track) how it was answered over time. Therefore, prayer journal as much as possible and at least several times per day.

In time, I will edit each of these prayers and add to them and will publish them in a book format from time to time. I will publish them in the order on this blog in two to four books per year and then will publish them once a year divided into topics. I will also offer multiple books in one as well so you can save money and not have to buy several books.
However, you can also just read them off of here for free, but they might not be as polished as they could be. I will try, though.

Also, feel free to interact with me and with one another, share your prayers, prayer requests, answers to prayer, etc. on this blog by attaching a comment at the end if any blog post. How you do that is by clicking on the envelope. Or, there is a contact form on the right hand side of the blog toward the bottom and you can include any correspondence there as well, whichever is easier for you.
Let's make this a prayer community.
Also, make suggestions, ask questions, etc.
Do you want to join the prayer team on this blog? Attach a comment or use the contact form. Let's pray for one another, the Church, and the world. Let's pray for a Spiritual Awakening and a revival.
I look forward to hearing from you.

I will tweet and Google+ articles to pray for and about each day. So, please take a look at them at any of the following:
twitter: @Prays247365 https://twitter.com/Prays247365/tweets 
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109155391641093838203/posts 

This is the other purpose for these prayers and for this blog.
Our world is experiencing a holocaust, along with the utter depravity of mankind, even within our churches.
Prayer is the only solution.
If every single Christian prayed at least daily for the focuses of prayer I have mentioned, our world would experience a Spiritual Awakening and revival larger, more powerful, more God-centered than the world has ever seen. Every one of us would be forever changed and transformed.
Now, imagined what would happen if every single Christian made it their goal to pray 247365 and without stopping.
If the world frustrates you, concerns you, breaks your heart, causes you to question, etc., try this. Pray without ceasing for everyone in the world. And, then pray for a Spiritual Awakening and Revival.

We live in a world that tends to like the easy, the fair, the fast, the pretty, the kind. However, the Bible and Christianity require he opposite. If your Church, Bible study group, Bible studies, or Christian Living books are any of the previous (the easy, etc.), run! They are not based on Truth. The prayers I will share will not be easy, etc. They will be based on Truth. If a prayer does not make you feel stirred up and convicted, I question if you are praying what you could or should. Our prayers must cause a stir today in our silent, world-centered, busy, chaotic, loud, sin drenched world. If our prayers do not stir, then we are going for the easy. Our way is anything but.
Shall we get started? Let's pray.

This prayer and passage is a rather weighty one. It's also quite long. However, once you read it, I think you will understand why I am sharing it now and first thing. Our world needs to hear this. Our nations, states, cities, neighborhoods, families, homes, and individuals all need to hear this message. After all, words from thousands of years ago reflect today. Read it and see what I mean.
Pray the parts of this passage at least for each of the following focuses: yourself, for those in your home, your direct neighbors (in front, back, and to both sides), your direct family, your distant family, your friends, your block, your neighborhood, your schools, your town or city, your church, your denomination, your state, your country, the persecuted, the Church as a whole, other specific countries, the lost, and the world as a whole.
It is a chapter about wandering from God and the Bible and is also about idolatry. It's about loving other things and other individuals before and instead of God. Then, it talks about God's love and forgiveness when we repent and turn to Him first and foremost once again.
Pray and prayer journal about this today and this evening.

Ezekiel 16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
16 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations 3 and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem, “Your origin and your birth are from the land of the Canaanite, your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite. 4 As for your birth, on the day you were born your navel cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water for cleansing; you were not rubbed with salt or even wrapped in cloths. 5 No eye looked with pity on you to do any of these things for you, to have compassion on you. Rather you were thrown out into the open field, for you were abhorred on the day you were born.
6 “When I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!’ Yes, I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!’ 7 I made you numerous like plants of the field. Then you grew up, became tall and reached the age for fine ornaments; your breasts were formed and your hair had grown. Yet you were naked and bare.
8 “Then I passed by you and saw you, and behold, you were at the time for love; so I spread My skirt over you and covered your nakedness. I also swore to you and entered into a covenant with you so that you became Mine,” declares the Lord God. 9 “Then I bathed you with water, washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil. 10 I also clothed you with embroidered cloth and put sandals of porpoise skin on your feet; and I wrapped you with fine linen and covered you with silk. 11 I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck. 12 I also put a ring in your nostril, earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. 13 Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your dress was of fine linen, silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey and oil; so you were exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. 14 Then your fame went forth among the nations on account of your beauty, for it was perfect because of My splendor which I bestowed on you,” declares the Lord God.
15 “But you trusted in your beauty and played the harlot because of your fame, and you poured out your harlotries on every passer-by who might be willing. 16 You took some of your clothes, made for yourself high places of various colors and played the harlot on them, which should never come about nor happen. 17 You also took your beautiful jewels made of My gold and of My silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself male images that you might play the harlot with them. 18 Then you took your embroidered cloth and covered them, and offered My oil and My incense before them. 19 Also My bread which I gave you, fine flour, oil and honey with which I fed you, you would offer before them for a soothing aroma; so it happened,” declares the Lord God. 20 “Moreover, you took your sons and daughters whom you had borne to Me and sacrificed them to idols to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter? 21 You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire. 22 Besides all your abominations and harlotries you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare and squirming in your blood.
23 “Then it came about after all your wickedness (‘Woe, woe to you!’ declares the Lord God), 24 that you built yourself a shrine and made yourself a high place in every square. 25 You built yourself a high place at the top of every street and made your beauty abominable, and you spread your legs to every passer-by to multiply your harlotry. 26 You also played the harlot with the Egyptians, your lustful neighbors, and multiplied your harlotry to make Me angry. 27 Behold now, I have stretched out My hand against you and diminished your rations. And I delivered you up to the desire of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of your lewd conduct. 28 Moreover, you played the harlot with the Assyrians because you were not satisfied; you played the harlot with them and still were not satisfied. 29 You also multiplied your harlotry with the land of merchants, Chaldea, yet even with this you were not satisfied.”’”
30 “How languishing is your heart,” declares the Lord God, “while you do all these things, the actions of a bold-faced harlot. 31 When you built your shrine at the beginning of every street and made your high place in every square, in disdaining money, you were not like a harlot. 32 You adulteress wife, who takes strangers instead of her husband! 33 Men give gifts to all harlots, but you give your gifts to all your lovers to bribe them to come to you from every direction for your harlotries. 34 Thus you are different from those women in your harlotries, in that no one plays the harlot as you do, because you give money and no money is given you; thus you are different.”
35 Therefore, O harlot, hear the word of the Lord. 36 Thus says the Lord God, “Because your lewdness was poured out and your nakedness uncovered through your harlotries with your lovers and with all your detestable idols, and because of the blood of your sons which you gave to idols, 37 therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers with whom you took pleasure, even all those whom you loved and all those whom you hated. So I will gather them against you from every direction and expose your nakedness to them that they may see all your nakedness. 38 Thus I will judge you like women who commit adultery or shed blood are judged; and I will bring on you the blood of wrath and jealousy. 39 I will also give you into the hands of your lovers, and they will tear down your shrines, demolish your high places, strip you of your clothing, take away your jewels, and will leave you naked and bare. 40 They will incite a crowd against you and they will stone you and cut you to pieces with their swords. 41 They will burn your houses with fire and execute judgments on you in the sight of many women. Then I will stop you from playing the harlot, and you will also no longer pay your lovers. 42 So I will calm My fury against you and My jealousy will depart from you, and I will be pacified and angry no more. 43 Because you have not remembered the days of your youth but have enraged Me by all these things, behold, I in turn will bring your conduct down on your own head,” declares the Lord God, “so that you will not commit this lewdness on top of all your other abominations.
44 “Behold, everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb concerning you, saying, ‘Like mother, like daughter.’ 45 You are the daughter of your mother, who loathed her husband and children. You are also the sister of your sisters, who loathed their husbands and children. Your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite. 46 Now your older sister is Samaria, who lives north of you with her daughters; and your younger sister, who lives south of you, is Sodom with her daughters. 47 Yet you have not merely walked in their ways or done according to their abominations; but, as if that were too little, you acted more corruptly in all your conduct than they. 48 As I live,” declares the Lord God, “Sodom, your sister and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done. 49 Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. 50 Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it. 51 Furthermore, Samaria did not commit half of your sins, for you have multiplied your abominations more than they. Thus you have made your sisters appear righteous by all your abominations which you have committed. 52 Also bear your disgrace in that you have made judgment favorable for your sisters. Because of your sins in which you acted more abominably than they, they are more in the right than you. Yes, be also ashamed and bear your disgrace, in that you made your sisters appear righteous.
53 “Nevertheless, I will restore their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, and along with them your own captivity, 54 in order that you may bear your humiliation and feel ashamed for all that you have done when you become a consolation to them. 55 Your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to their former state, and you with your daughters will also return to your former state. 56 As the name of your sister Sodom was not heard from your lips in your day of pride, 57 before your wickedness was uncovered, so now you have become the reproach of the daughters of Edom and of all who are around her, of the daughters of the Philistines—those surrounding you who despise you. 58 You have borne the penalty of your lewdness and abominations,” the Lord declares. 59 For thus says the Lord God, “I will also do with you as you have done, you who have despised the oath by breaking the covenant.
60 “Nevertheless, I will remember My covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you. 61 Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you receive your sisters, both your older and your younger; and I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of your covenant. 62 Thus I will establish My covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the Lord, 63 so that you may remember and be ashamed and never open your mouth anymore because of your humiliation, when I have forgiven you for all that you have done,” the Lord God declares.
-- New American Standard Bible (NASB). Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day #2 of 10 Daily Prayers

Good day. Welcome to Day 2 of 10 Daily Prayers. I pray you got a great deal out of Day 1 and that you will get even more out of this day.
I wanted to share some hints with you before we begin, with the hopes it will help you to get a great deal out of 10 Daily Prayers. The first hint I want to share is if you read the prayers I have written out, please read them all the way through. I guarantee something will speak to you in the prayer. Then, turn it into a through, slow cooker prayer that applies to your life or someone else's. Or, maybe you know someone else the prayer I wrote is for someone else in your life. Pray that prayer on their behalf.
Another hint, if there was prayer from yesterday you want to pray again or continue, do so now or in the section of the 10 Daily Prayers in which each belongs. Also, no one ever said you have to move to the next day of prayer now. If you feel compelled to pray again from the previous day in its entirety, do so.
I will share more hints as we continue. I hope it helps you to get even more out of 10 Daily Prayers and Your own personal prayer life and prayer journaling.

10 Daily Prayers :
1 Self
Good morning, Lord. You are my One and Only. You are my Comforter and Strength. You are my Refuge and are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Thank You for yesterday and for this new day.
Lord, I must confess that I didn't pray yesterday as I could or should. Sigh. Pause. Please forgive me and help me to make today a better day. Teach me, Abba, how to pray and how to do so without ceasing.
Almighty God, I realize how much I need prayer (to be prayed for and to pray) and I realize the same can be said about everyone else. Help me to pray for everyone I can. Help me to pray faithfully and thoroughly the 10 Daily Prayers. This is the best way for me to pray. It gets me to pray for everyone I can, even if it is at least a quick popcorn pray, where I pray it really quick, and move on. Popcorn prayers are far better than none. But, help me to do more thorough, slow cooker prayer than popcorn prayer. Help not neglect anyone or anything in my prayers. To You be the glory.
Lord, I woke up fast and didn't slow myself long enough to pray to You first or read Your Word today. Forgive me. Now, please, help me to stop and turn all of myself to You now. Help me to let go of all thoughts, feelings, distractions,my to do list, the disturbing news and current events I read this morning when i should have turned to You first, etc. Help this be all about You, none about me. So, I will pray this verse and then the 9 Prayer Points over my life so I can let go and turn to praying about others.
Lord, You gave me this verse this morning to pray and it really moved me when I first read it and prayed it:
2 Peter 3:9 Living Bible (TLB)
9 He isn’t really being slow about his promised return, even though it sometimes seems that way. But he is waiting, for the good reason that he is not willing that any should perish, and he is giving more time for sinners to repent.
Living Bible (TLB). The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Lord, I understand why You haven't returned yet. This sure helps.
And, I so understand what this means for me. I believe wholeheartedly, without hesitation or reservation in my Lord Jesus Christ. I have no idea how on earth I would be able to get through one day without Him. Life can be challenging at times. Knowing Jesus makes those challenges a great deal more bearable.
I understand and hear You, Lord. You want me to pray for the lost... Those unsaved and those who are not walking as closely to You and are not in Your Word or praying as they could or should (that could be said about all of us, me included this day, but  know who I mean). The lost who never found you nor have lost their way and doubt You and or Your ways. The lost are those I should pray for most. They do know fully know You.
Lord, help me, and all of us, to know You more with each passing moment and day.
Lord, I pray this for my life, for the saved, and for the lost:
Philippians 1:9-11 New Living Translation (NLT)
9 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. 11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.
New Living Translation (NLT). Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Now, I will pray the 9 Prayer Points over my personal life.
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

2 House and Home
Lord, my home is a refuge. It is meant to be a House of Prayer above all else. I realize the Church is supposed to be a House of Prayer. However, in today's world, we have forgotten this. And, in the world today, there will be less and less churches if we keep failing to pray. Terrorism, a modern holocaust, greed, selfishness, and sin is making it where there are less going to a formal type of church. Therefore, each of our homes must at least live that command by Jesus that His house is a House of Prayer. He referred to the synagogue, which is the equivalent of the Church today, but our homes are miniature representations of that. If our homes are not first a House of Prayer, then we miss the mark. God has given us our homes for this reason. They are His and are to be used as His, not as ours.
Lord, help me to make my home a House of Prayer first and foremost. I will not nag my husband and make sure he does the same. (I know he does!) I also will not be hard on myself when I fail. But, I will make each day count in my home and pray 247365. I will make each moment count and make my first and foremost priority and concentration to prayer.
I will read Matthew 21:1-13 now.
I will then focus on this verse:
Matthew 21:13Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
13 And He said to them, “It is written, My house will be called a house of prayer. But you are making it a den of thieves!”
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville Tennessee. All rights reserved.
My home is not mine at all. You, Lord, allows me to live in it so I can then make the choice to live it in prayer or in other ways. Lord, how am I stealing from You in my home? What am I stealing from You? And, how is my home not a house of prayer?
I will now pray the 9 Prayer Points over my home as a whole, then everyone in it as a whole, then everyone individually, then everything as a whole, then for the plumbing, electricity, roof, foundation, and exterior then interior walls.
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

As you look for a new home, pray to find the House of Prayer, the House of God, not for you. Ask for His guidance.
Then, pray for Him to bless it and protect it every step along the way as you try to find it and rent it or purchase it.
Then, before you even move one item into your home... Before you cross the threshold, stop. Put your hands on the door and on the house and pray.
Lord, bless this home and everything and everyone in it. Help this house to be a House and Home of Prayer first and foremost in all we do. This home is Yours, Lord, not ours. We pray this in Jesus's name.
Then, have someone else walk in before you and pray over every room before you even step in your home.
Bring nothing into the home as you now go in with them and pray with them. (Ladies, don't even bring in your purse or bag.)
Dedicate your home first, without exception, to Him and prayer. Then, move in.
Make it the Lord's home first and make it always a House of Prayer in every moment.

3 Family and Friends
Lord, I pray this verse now over my family and friends, then I will pray it for the Daily Prayers 4-10. Now, for my family's friends collectively, myself included, I pray:
1 John 3:18 Living Bible (TLB)
18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.
Living Bible (TLB). The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Saying I love someone is not enough. It is a start, sure. But, it is just that. If my actions do not show my love, then do I really really love them? Do my actions show I love them? Lord, teach me to show my family and friends love... collectively and individually.
God, I pray for my family and friends to live this verse. I pray that their love grows for those in their lives. I pray Your love grows in them and through them as well. Lord, help them to show Your love to those in their lives more and more. I pray this for my family and friends as a whole. I pray all of this for my family as a whole. I pray this for all of my friends. I pray this for the following individuals as well...
Now, I pray those 9 Prayer Points for them as a whole and then individually:
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

4 Block and Neighborhood 
Lord, I realize every prayer I pray for someone else, I need to pray first in my own life. I do not want to judge them in any way and not look in the mirror first. Also, my prayers will be far more effective if I analyze and pray over my life first. I pray for self first so that my prayers will be more powerful and effective for them. They deserve nothing less from me.
I pray this over my life:
John 15:9-13 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
9 “I have loved you the same way the Father has loved me. So live in my love. 10 If you obey my commandments, you will live in my love. I have obeyed my Father’s commandments, and in that way I live in his love. 11 I have told you this so that you will be as joyful as I am, and your joy will be complete. 12 Love each other as I have loved you. This is what I’m commanding you to do. 13 The greatest love you can show is to give your life for your friends.
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW). Copyright © 1995 by God's Word to the Nations. Used by permission of Baker Publishing Group.
Verse 12 is the key verse and is my focus verse:
John 15:12 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
12 Love each other as I have loved you. This is what I’m commanding you to do.
Father... Gulp! This is a large expectation. I do not know how to love someone fully with my own love, let alone Yours. This seems intimidating to love another as You have loved me, for I cannot even begin to comprehend or grasp Your love for me. You have an unconditional love that is full and forgiving and it keeps no record of wrong. Your love doesn't have unreasonable expectations. You love fully, thoroughly, completely, knowing my warts and all, my weaknesses, my errors, my misunderstandings, the things I accidentally overlook, etc. You love me anyway. You love me because you enjoy me and like to commune and hang out with me. You love to talk with me. You hold me up when I am weak. You are not argumentative with me. You do not gossip about me or complain about me.
Oh, what we could learn from you. And, I can only imagine how our personal lives, homes, blocks, neighborhoods, churches, towns, cities, states, denominations, nations, the Church as a whole, and world as a whole would be different.
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

5 City or Town
Pray John 15:9-13 over your city or town. 
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks
6 Your Church and Denomination
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

7 State
I pray this for my state:
Psalm 138:8 Living Bible (TLB)
8 The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your loving-kindness, Lord, continues forever. Don’t abandon me—for you made me.
Living Bible (TLB)
The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

8 Nation
Psalm 2 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
2 Why are the nations in an uproar
And the peoples devising a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us tear their fetters apart
And cast away their cords from us!”
4 He who sits in the heavens laughs,
The Lord scoffs at them.
5 Then He will speak to them in His anger
And terrify them in His fury, saying,
6 “But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
7 “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord:
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
8 ‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.
9 ‘You shall break them with a rod of iron,
You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”
10 Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
Take warning, O judges of the earth.
11 Worship the Lord with reverence
And rejoice with trembling.
12 Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way,
For His wrath may soon be kindled.
How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
New American Standard Bible (NASB). Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

9 The Church as a Whole and All Believers
This is my prayer for the a church as well...
Psalm 2 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
1 Why do the nations rebel
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand,
and the rulers conspire together
against the Lord and His Anointed One:
3 “Let us tear off their chains
and free ourselves from their restraints.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord ridicules them.
5 Then He speaks to them in His anger
and terrifies them in His wrath:
6 “I have consecrated My King
on Zion, My holy mountain.”
7 I will declare the Lord’s decree:
He said to Me, “You are My Son;
today I have become Your Father.
8 Ask of Me,
and I will make the nations Your inheritance
and the ends of the earth Your possession.
9 You will break them with a rod of iron;
You will shatter them like pottery.”
10 So now, kings, be wise;
receive instruction, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with reverential awe
and rejoice with trembling.
12 Pay homage to the Son or He will be angry
and you will perish in your rebellion,
for His anger may ignite at any moment.
All those who take refuge in Him are happy.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville Tennessee. All rights reserved.
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks

10 The World
Psalm 2 Expanded Bible (EXB)
2 Why ·are the nations so angry [do the nations rage/or conspire]?
    Why ·are the people making useless plans [do the people plot in vain]?
2 The kings of the earth ·prepare to fight [L take their stand],
    and their leaders ·make plans [plot] together
against the Lord
    and his ·appointed one [anointed; Messiah; C the king, ultimately Jesus; Acts 4:25–28].
3 They say, “Let’s break ·the chains that hold us back [L their chains/bonds]
    and throw off ·the ropes that tie us down [L their ropes/cords from us].”
4 But the one who sits in heaven [C God] laughs;
    the Lord ·makes fun of [ridicules; derides] them.
5 Then the Lord ·warns them [L speaks to them in anger]
    and frightens them with his ·anger [fury].
6 He says, “I have ·appointed [installed; set] my own king
    over my holy mountain, Zion [C the location of the Temple in Jerusalem; 9:11; 48:2, 11; 50:2; 1 Kin. 8:1].”
7 Now I will ·tell [recount to] you what the Lord has ·declared [decreed]:
He said to me, “You are my son.
    Today I have become your father [2 Sam. 7:14; Matt. 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22; Acts 13:32–33; Heb. 1:5].
8 ·If you ask me [L Ask of me], I will give you the nations as your inheritance;
    all the ·people on [L ends of the] earth will be ·yours [L your possession].
9 You will rule over them with an iron ·rod [scepter; C a symbol of royal authority; Rev. 12:5; 19:15].
    You will ·break [dash] them into pieces like pottery.”
10 ·So [Now], kings, be wise;
    ·rulers [L rulers/judges of the earth], ·learn this lesson [be warned].
11 ·Obey [Serve] the Lord with great fear.
    ·Be happy [Rejoice], ·but tremble [L with trembling].
12 ·Show that you are loyal to his [L Kiss the] son,
    or ·you will be destroyed by his anger [L he will be angry and you will perish on the way],
because he can quickly become angry.
    But ·happy [blessed] are those who ·trust him for protection [find refuge in him].
Expanded Bible (EXB). The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.
9 Prayer Points for Each of the 10 Daily Prayers:
A Worship
B Thanks
C His Will
D Ask: Needs and Wants
E News
F Confession
G Lead and Guide
H Deliver from Evil
I Thanks