Friday, September 14, 2012

News, Research, and Head Shakers

First of all, Happy Friday to all.
I wanted to check in and tell you how my research, planning, and outlining of the next book in the Family Treez of the USA Series is going. My last blog post, I shared how I found a relative who, with his 11 sons, served in the American Revolutionary War. It is rather remarkable the possibilities this brings. I have not been able to find absolute specific information about any of them, but have found a few nuggets or two. The rest will have to be me filling in the gaps and storyline through asking "What-if" questions, and make sure the stories measures up to the times.
However, what I have found have been massive surprises and change my outlook of the Family Treez of the USA Series. Here's some of what I have found:
~ I have at least two ancestors that trace back to the Mayflower. WHO KNEW?
~ There is a city nearby to where I live, Tabb. And there is a street I pass from time to time: Bland. Both are relatives. Again, WHO KNEW?
~ I found my Yorktown connection.
~ I also found several family members who were in the War of 1812.
~ This family line actually traces to other family lines I already knew about and also traces back to those from Jamestown. (So, sometime, I will write enough of the Jamestown Series to catch up from then to the American Revolutionary War times.)
~ Etc. Etc. Etc. (I have to keep some secrets, you know. Lol.)
There was a time I wanted to write a series that covered EVERY battle of the American Revolutionary War. Through this family line, I can. Every battle. After all, if there are gaps in my family history, where I cannot find records... I can take the liberty and put my family members, or someone close to them, there at every battle.
Now, I cannot help but wonder if I need to write a Mayflower and War of 1812 Series as well. Huh. Now that I am thinking aloud, and onto the page, I think those are more important than the Tower Series I have planned.
Huh. Something else just hit me. I have several other family members who were in Plymouth just shortly after the Mayflower. But, until yesterday, I found none from the Mayflower. So, I can actually call it the Plymouth series rather than the Mayflower series. Hmm... (This is how I write. I do stream of consciousness (SOC) writing and start asking questions and thinking of possibilities--and viola! I get ideas and a storyline. But, I digress. I really should get back to working on the American Revolutionary Book. I am still in the researching process. Then, I will plan and outline.
Wait a minute. Here is the order of the series I am going to write for the Family Treez of the USA:
* Jamestown: Books 1, 7, 13, 19...
* American Revolutionary War: Books 2, 8, 14, 20...
* Civil War: Books 3, 9, 15, 21...
* Plymouth: Books 4, 10, 16, 22...
* War of 1812: Books 5, 11, 17, 23...
* The Tower (The Plantagenets and Tudors): Books 6, 12, 18, 24...

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Book 2 Research and Discovery

You would not believe what I just discovered.
I have a relative who served in the American Revolutionary War--along with his 11 sons!!! (In Virginia!)
It seems like Book 2 will be about them.
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA


I am starting to do research for Book 2 of the Family Treez of the USA Series and am in the process of researching more about the American Revolutionary War.
Book 3 will be about the Civil War.
Book 4 will be about the time of the Plantagenets and Tudors in what I will call the Towers Series (or something like that).
Then, in Book 5, I will return to where we left off in Book 1.
Book 6 will be the 2nd part of Book 6.
Let me explain:
Jamestown Era Books: 1, 5, 9
American Revolutionary War Books: 2, 6, 10
Civil War Books: 3, 7, 11
The Tower Series about the Plantagenets and Tudors: 4, 8, 12, etc.
Why am I doing it in this manner? They will each be a stand alone novel. However, if you read all of them, you will get that much more depth of the overall Family tree (which lead to me today), along with all the smaller treez of each last name. Also, if you do not like a certain period of time as a reader, you can either skip those, or know that you will not have a period of a year or two where you cannot read this series.
This is the plan.
I am working on planning, researching, and outlining Book 2 so as I finish writing Book 1, I can allow Book 2 to simmer for a while and joy down notes and fill in holes in the plot or characters.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Remembering 9/11

Hello Patriots,

On this the 11th anniversary of 9/11, there are many things which came to mind.  Over the years there are many of us who have heard the horror stories of what happened that terrible day.  Some of us look back with anger, sadness, maybe we feel numb at times.  There are those who think back on that day and think "what if…?"  (You fill in the blank; "what if we would have been better prepared?" or "what if we were a nation that was kinder to other nations?" might be what you ask.  Or maybe you simply ask "why us?")

Well, let's talk about that.  Why us?  Simple.  We are America; land of the free because of the brave.  We have not had a history of apologizing to other nations for who or what we are as Americans, at least not until recent history anyway.  We are a proud people, some are native to these lands and others from other shores, but all who found their way here legally have a place and purpose: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

What if we were better prepared?  Again, simple.  Who in their right mind would even entertain the thought of hijacking a plane and using it as a weapon against other people?  Who would be so savage as to attack people who were doing nothing more than trying to make it through another Tuesday?  Who would do that?  Again, simple.  It would be a psychopathic group of soulless animals who had declared themselves to be sworn enemies of America.   They have no concept of thinking as we do.  They have ZERO appreciation or respect for ANYBODY with views different from their own.  Their "holy" book calls for the death of anyone not of a like faith.

They have no desire to dialogue or reason.  They seek the utter and absolute destruction of all with which they disagree.  Reasoning with them is of no use at all.  Anyone who claims to have the ability to reason with them can be successful only because he or she thinks as they do.  And if a person thinks as they do, the only way they can do that is if they are OF them.  Be wary of anyone who claims to "know how to talk with" this particular enemy, or "reason" with them, or says "I know these people."  That person is truly a wolf in sheep's clothing, seeking whom he can deceive or devour.  The only means of dialogue with this particular enemy is to root them out from wherever they can be found and defeat them with fatal finality.  Nobody cannot shake hands with the devil and not get burned.  I do not say that from experience; it's just common sense.  Think about it.  Before 9/11 this was only thought of by war-planners, then it was shelved as something so extreme that it would likely never be faced by our nation.  (But now we know we face an enemy who will stop at NOTHING)

The defense of America is absolutely paramount.  We can argue, disagree, vote people in, vote them out, even choose to sit silently…it's our right.  But realize this, there are MANY people, factions, groups who live, breathe, and have their being for a single purpose: the destruction of our beloved America.  9/11 should remind us of that.  President Bush said, "we will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail."  If we do any one or more of those three though, WE WILL FALL.

We can agree, disagree, agree to disagree…but where the defense of America is concerned, we cannot let up for even a moment.  Our enemies are constantly on alert, looking for some weakness to exploit.  They will take whatever we give them.

America's defense is the business of great people who do what they do, in relative obscurity, so everyone else can go about their own purpose and vision of life, liberty, and their own pursuit of happiness.  Their numbers are being reduced, their funds are slashed, and their support is evaporating…by the way, all of this is playing us as a nation into the hands of a very patient enemy who will find a way to again bring us harm, but only if we let it happen. 

Our preparation as a nation must NEVER be allowed to slip.  But you might ask "didn't we deserve what we got?  Those people over there got tired of being bullied by us…they fought back against imperialism, blah, blah, blah…"  This kind of rhetoric is not only baseless, it is also senseless and quite dangerous.  How can I make those assertions?  Again, simple.  We are a nation who acts in our national interest and that of other nations who ally with us.  The attacks of September the eleventh were not sponsored nor conducted by another sovereign nation.  Rather, they were carried out by groups of thugs seeking nothing more than the downfall of America.  No nation sponsored them…in most cases nations can dialogue.  With this group there can be no dialogue…their way of thinking is such a radical departure from that of our own, communication is next to impossible.  Many Americans think if we are only kinder to them they will, in time, respond in kind.  Of course you think that way…you're an American!  We want to see the best in EVERYONE.  But do not let your desire to see good blind you to the reality that these people have been fatally poisoned with thoughts and feelings which fly in the face of anything any American would hold dear.

America was a victim of a sucker-punch on that day.  And like the unfortunate victim of rape, it WAS NOT OUR FAULT.  We did nothing to invite or deserve what happened that dark day.  And like the perpetrator of rape, these animals need to be decisively dealt with as the make themselves known. 

If it is true that the victim of rape is NEVER at fault, then the same can be said of America.  We did not get what we deserved.  What we deserved was to simply make it through another Tuesday and get home…all of us, to our families, our friends, and our lives.  What we got was a wake-up call and our lives changed, never to be the same again.

Did we learn anything at all from that day?  I think we did, but are we willing to act on it?  We cannot allow the War on Terror to return to our shores.  I would gladly serve in a faraway place to keep my America from harm.  I am NOT alone in that statement.  The true "1 percenters" keep America safe every day. 

We are at war not with simply different people, but against an ideology…a way of thinking which has its roots in a time centuries old.  It has been handed down for centuries and will not be "talked away" in a few mere months or years.  It is in their past, present, and in their desired future.  They do not want or even imagine anything remotely close to anything an American would hold dear.

But again, you're an American…you truly want to see the best, the kindest, the most loving and appreciative side of your fellow person…congratulations…you are just the target our enemy seeks to destroy.  For no other reason than you are an American, you would be eliminated from this life…rubbed off the face of the earth, because you have a value system which is vastly different from that of our enemy.  It is nothing personal…it's just how it would be if they had their way. 

Oh yes, they did have their way.  Remember September the eleventh?  Have you forgotten it already?  Have we as a nation forgotten?  Has our president even gotten the memo about it? 

Learn from history or we will likely suffer it again. 

All of those things I mentioned in the beginning of this writing, anger, sadness, etc., are stages of grief.  Grief happens as a result of loss.  But let us not forget what the very first stage of grief is: DENIAL. 

If you were not angered, saddened, or otherwise felt like you were kicked in the gut, maybe you have never really dealt with what happened to our entire nation that day…and you should take time to grieve in a healthy way.  But if you've moved past denial, sadness, anger, bargaining, numbness, etc., maybe you are at the point of accepting what has happened and are ready to help others lay aside petty differences and take up the cause for which America was founded: Freedom. 

Thomas Jefferson so rightly said that now and then the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots.  Where freedom lives, so do threats to freedom.  We cannot be in denial about that, for that would be grievous.  As much as we all want to see the best in others, it's sad, but simply not the way it is.  Deal with that however you must, then be about the business of keeping our nation strong, so you can be about the business of seeking the best of America.

We need everyone doing what they do to make America work…but, in the most basic sense, if America is crippled or falls, does anything else matter?  Do you really think the new power holder will allow you to enjoy the basic freedoms many of us so flippantly take for granted?  Really, do you?

No, we cannot tire, we cannot falter, and we dare not fail.  Ever.  We must stand united, not divided.  We cannot afford to be silent this election day and allow our military to be cut, lest we suffer the same fate we have previously; maybe worse.  This was our generation's Pearl Harbor.  Let us not allow our heirs to fall victim to one of their own. 
God Bless America...Let Freedom Ring!  VOTE!
~ Stacy's Husband


9/11 brings a passion in my life. It reminds me what happened that day. It reminds me how we cannot ever live the same and the sickness of the people who did what they did.
I am going to put one more blog post up here after this one. It is what my husband wrote regarding 9/11.
Then, after that, I will return to my other passions--Bible study, prayer, writing historical fiction, and digital scrapbook journaling.
My husband and I want to make sure we remember...     

Stacy Duplease

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How are you different?

I do not know about you, but 9/11 changed me. It altered my life. My course was changed.


I am different.

The way I live and see life was and has transformed.

I have not been able to be the same again. I will not be. How can I be? THOUSANDS of Americans died on 9/11. Thousands. 

If my life was the same, they died in vain.

If my life has not been one of absolute faith and appreciation... what would it take? Millions to die?

We learned that day the cost of not living an intentional and alert life. We did nothing to deserve it. We were living quiet lives. But, some men decided we had to die anyway because they choose us to disagree with. Since we do not follow their extreme religious beliefs, we became their target.

We learned how sick and extreme thinking men could have. They believed then and still do that ALL must die who do not profess their faith. The one they worship will not return until all who do not follow are dead. 

This is their belief.

Do you profess? Remember if you do not, they want you DEAD. There is no middle ground in their belief. You either believe like them--or you do not.

Are you going to live freely--and not bow to any beliefs you do not believe in?

Are you going to live differently? Are you going to live a life of greater faith and appreciation?

Have you?  

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.

9/11 Fog

It amazes me how on 9/11, even 11 years later, I still walk around in a fog this day.
The tragedy is constantly on my mind.
My stomach isn't quite right. I get weepy easily. I try to continue with life as normal. But, it is anything but today.
I am reflective.
I want to do nothing more than pray, do bible study, and journal.
How does September 11th impact you?

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease

News and Planning of Books 1-2.

Book 1 Outline
I have been in the process of working on the outline for Book 1, FAITH AND JAMESTOWN the last three days. I wanted to make sure it was solid.
Planning for Book 2
I will work on planning for Book 2, the start of the story of the American Revolutionary War and my family from 12 September - 02 October 2012.
I will write Book 1 again from 03 October to 09 November.
I will be on vacation from 12-23 October.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Why the Amazon Kindle Fire HD LTE 4G?

The Amazon Kindle Fire 2011 version is a WiFi only device. That brings limitations. For instance: I MUST have a Wi-Fi hotspot or I cannot use anything that connects to the Internet. As a writer who depends on being able to do research at will, it is an issue. Also, the screen size can be limiting.
The Amazon Kindle Fire HD means I can write, and research, ANYWHERE at any time--provided the battery is charged--or I have a charger with me. (It uses the same as my cell phone, so this is quite handy. I have wall and car chargers all over the place, needless to say.)
Also, I can read a book anywhere. This is huge for me. I am always writing or reading, after all.
I will be counting down the days!
And! I am getting a PERSIMMON cover for it, too. (Orange, for the more simple, like me.) It will be pretty!
I will let you know what I think of it.

(Photo Credit: Stacy Duplease. Pic of my writing space and how I write. This is my desk.)

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA
Family Treez Blog and Website:

Amazon Fire HD

It was Christmas 2008 when my life changed.
That was when I got my first Amazon Kindle. It was the Kindle 2. My husband spoiled me and bought it for me.
The question at that point was: Could I make the change from paper books to digital books.
I collect books. If you were to come to my house, you would see 10 bookshelves JAMMED pack with books. I am talking multiple layers. (And, this is after 6 rounds of a ?Highlander full of books going to Goodwill and other used stores.
Why get rid of books? I have made the change. I am ALL in with digital books, apart from my 1st edition hardbound Harry Potter books from America and my hardbound English version as well (bought in England).
I am addicted to digital books.
If I find a free book I might read one day, I buy it. With digital, you do not have to worry about shelf space at home (need I mention moving them?!? My back aches just thinking about that.).
Then, last year for Thanksgiving, my husband bought me the Amazon Kindle Fire. (Can you see where this blog is going?) I have LOVED it. Loved it. LOVED IT! Although, there is  one major problem about the Amazon e-readers, opposed to paper books. However, the Fire has more of a problem than the Kindle 2. The problem: When reading in bed, if you fall asleep, and the device falls and hits your forehead, IT HURTS. The fire weighs more than the Kindle 2. But a book hitting your forehead is not as bad as either one of them. (Please tell me I am not the only one who has this problem!)
I digress.
So, of course, my husband is getting me another new Thanksgiving present... The Amazon Kindle Fire 8.9" 4G LTE Wireless device!!!
Sigh. (You know... The sigh of a groupie of a rockstar or famous author. That sigh.)
Do I need to mention how much I love my husband? Would you believe this is a man who does not even ask: "Why will this be better than the Fire I got you a year ago?"? No. He does not. He gets it for me anyway. Bless him.
I cannot wait to get it!

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA
Family Treez Blog and Website:

Sadness fills my heart

I must admit... It rather breaks my heart how so few American bloggers are mentioning 9/11. (And daily devotionals.)

Stacy Duplease

My story from 9/11


On 9/10/2001, I watched as a beloved Broncos player, Ed MacCaffrey was hurt. He was given a life-changing break to his leg. It was horrible. It was an injury you had the feeling ended his career. I tossed and turned that night.

When I drove to work that morning, across town, I could not help but think of him. The radio talked about it as well.

Then... Everything was put into proper perspective.

846 a.m. Eastern Time (It was 646 in Denver, where I am from and will return one day.)

I heard the radio announce: "An airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City."

I remember saying out loud, "WHAT?" That sure caught my attention.

Was it a Cessna or a commercial jetliner? Was it a terrorist or an accident? I could not help but wonder. Then, the guy on the radio speculated the same questions over the radio.

A couple of minutes later, he announced again, "A second airplane has struck the World Trade Center." There was a pause. "It is now safe to say that this was a deliberate act of terrorism."

"War has been declared on the United States of America," I said to myself. Hearing those words, and speaking them, were rather mind-boggling and stunning. Never mind what just happened in NYC.

We were at war.

How many people just died or were hurt? How many fathers, mothers, children, friends were not going home that night? I thought as my heart went to my throat. How many people were in the towers? How many people worked in the towers?

They radio program, a music station which played the 80's to today music, had a guest who said over 50,000 people worked in the World Trade Center's two towers.

I knew someone who would most likely be going to war. (My future husband.) The thought hit me pretty hard.

I thought about the two most important dates in U.S. history, according to my father: 04 July 1776 and 07 December 1941. Both days were marked by the shedding of American blood for freedom. 12/7 was a day of infamy.

My dad made sure I knew all about the events on 12/7, those that led up to it, and the aftermath. I knew the costs of that day.

My dad was too young to know 12/7 personally, but I could tell it impacted him and his life. (It still does today.)

Any day when THOUSANDS of Americans die is a terrible day. (Never mind any other nationality across the world.)

I knew September Eleventh was most likely going to be worse than Pearl Harbor. The numbers, and airplanes, only cemented this reality.

"It has been confirmed that it was two commercial jetliners, folks." The guy over the radio shared with us.

I had just pulled into the parking lot at work. I turned off my truck and said a prayer before I headed into work.

The radio was not on. It was always on. But, it was not on yet. This struck me.

"Turn on the radio," I hollered across the print shop to the gal closest to the radio.

"Two commercial planes have hit the World Trade Center in New York City. That's why." I shared the simple truth with them. I heard my voice quiver a little as I spoke.

The guy and gal looked at one another and then LAUGHED at me in disbelief.

I remember feeling furious, but I bit my tongue. This was not something you joked about or made up. Ever. "I am serious. Please turn on the radio." I requested and headed to the back to punch the clock.

When I got back up front, they stood there, mouths hanging open.

I immediately called our supervisor and he brought in a t.v. He was getting ready to leave his house.

937 a.m.

I then called my dad, and woke him up, since he worked nights. This was something you wake people up for. We just heard how the Pentagon was hit. (That was yet another declaration of war. How many more would we get today?)

Then, I called my mom.

959 a.m.

The moment our supervisor got to work, and plugged in the t.v., the first tower fell.

I will never forget a group of us standing around watching this. Two were former military. They said it would be a matter of days before we responded. I agreed. How could we not? They both said they would want to re-enlist that second if they could, but they could not. One had physical problems. One had too many obligations at home. He was also a single father and the mother was out of the equation.

1006 United 93, southwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

1028 The second tower fell.

I will never forget how we could tell when customers walked into the print shop--whether they knew or not about what happened this day. Those who heard, said something, and were somber. Those who had not heard were loud, happy, continued on with life as normal.

Since I was the one who ran the counter, along with A/R, I was the one who told them.

"I take it you haven't heard." I knew not to ask if they had or not. It was obvious.

"Hear what?" All of them asked.

"About how two planes have crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City."



The moment I got in my truck to drive home, I listened to the radio. The moment I got home, I turned on the t.v. I saw all of the images again... Heard stories...

Just as I did a couple of days ago.

My husband and I drove home from a Presidential rally when he turned on the radio. They were replaying the sounds of that day.

For 45 minutes, my husband and I drove in silence.

Today, I have been peeled to the t.v. again... as I am every year.

One day, we will have a child. They will know about the three dates in U.S. history to never forget. 04 July 1776. 07 December 1941. 11 September 2001.

Our future child will know how many military men and women we have personally known who have fought and fallen since.

Freedom costs. It is not free.

We will never forget.

We will not falter.

The land of the free, the home of the brace.

God bless the USA.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction

Prayers for the families and friends of the victims of 9/11

My prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims of 9/11.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

Stacy Duplease

Maybe because it's Tuesday

The pain from 9/11 is quite raw to me today.
I am weepy. It started last night.
Is it because it's another beautiful blue sky Tuesday?
I realize, if I am honest with myself, I do not intentionally think of 9/11 as much as I should. This reality hurts.
My life, however, cannot help but reflect it every day. I support the U.S. military every day. They are still fighting for our freedom today. Even when the wars are ended, they still fight every day as they pay attention to current events all across the globe.
The military is my absolute passion. They fight for me, and my freedom, so I do not have to. This is never taken lightly by me.
But, the feelings from 9/11 are still with me.
9/11 was a day that changed everything for the United States of America--and for the world. But, it also changed for me. And for all of us individually.
9/11 was another day of infamy.
9/11 was when terrorist struck CIVILIANS at home. At HOME.
No. May we never forget. May it always be raw with us. May we ensure no one then or since has died, been injured, or fought be in vain.
I press the keys on my keyboard a little harder, and with more passion, now.
Today is another beautiful blue sky Tuesday. And, it still hurts.
You are remembered.
God bless America!
(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction

Where were you?

Where were you when you first heard about 9/11?

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.

Living history

We are living history today.

And not just because it is 9/11.

Every day, we are living history. After all, when tomorrow comes, today is history.

Are you living with this knowledge every day?

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.

How quickly life changes

On 9/11/2001, we learned how quickly life can change. 

Let us make sure every day to live as though it was our last and make it count.

This is our tribute to the vicims of 9/11.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.


THOUGHT: History must be remembered... Or it will be doomed to repeat itself.

I was raised that if I must never forget two particular dates in American history: 04 July 1776 and 07 December 1941. A new date was added 11 years ago... 11 September 2001.

Those three dates prove freedom is not free. Freedom costs. The payment, unfortunately, is blood. Freedom is not free. 

In order for everyone to fully live free, the blood of Jesus had to be shed.

In order for American to be free, blood has to be shed at times. The price is higher than high.

Have we forgotten 9/11?


How united are we?

Do we understand that our very national defense is rapidly being not just cut, but gutted... each day by our politicians? What about Iran and China? We are less safe today than on 9/11. 

May we remember. And not forget. 

Do you know what the country learned on 07 December 1941 at Pearl Harbor? The USA learned how the very military who protects us could not react immediately. We did not have the ships, planes, or men to protect us.

Today, we have less ships, planes, and men and women in the military.

Have we learned? Have we remembered? Have we forgotten?

Have we learned from history?

Today... Let us rededicate ourselves to being united and not divided. To standing strong as a nation. To prayer. To remembering. 

To action and not inaction. To prayer. To voting carefully to ensure those who defend us can and not be held back and gutted by government.

To making sure not one from 9/11 died in vain.

To making sure the first responders who have cancer from being hurt in their lungs now have not been in vain. 

To making sure the military men and women who have died, been injured, and/or fought have not been in vain.

May we remember and be united. Always. Every day. And not forget.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)


THOUGHT: History must be remembered... Or it will be doomed to repeat itself.

I was raised that if I must never forget two particular dates in American history: 04 July 1776 and 07 December 1941. A new date was added 11 years ago... 11 September 2001.

Those three dates prove freedom is not free. Freedom costs. The payment, unfortunately, is blood. Freedom is not free. 

In order for everyone to fully live free, the blood of Jesus had to be shed.

In order for American to be free, blood has to be shed at times. The price is higher than high.

Have we forgotten 9/11?


How united are we?

Do we understand that our very national defense is rapidly being not just cut, but gutted... each day by our politicians? What about Iran and China? We are less safe today than on 9/11. 

May we remember. And not forget. 

Do you know what the country learned on 07 December 1941 at Pearl Harbor? The USA learned how the very military who protects us could not react immediately. We did not have the ships, planes, or men to protect us.

Today, we have less ships, planes, and men and women in the military.

Have we learned? Have we remembered? Have we forgotten?

Have we learned from history?

Today... Let us rededicate ourselves to being united and not divided. To standing strong as a nation. To prayer. To remembering. 

To action and not inaction. To prayer. To voting carefully to ensure those who defend us can and not be held back and gutted by government.

To making sure not one from 9/11 died in vain.

To making sure the first responders who have cancer from being hurt in their lungs now have not been in vain. 

To making sure the military men and women who have died, been injured, and/or fought have not been in vain.

May we remember and be united. Always. Every day. And not forget.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.

Are we united?

Are we united or are we divided?

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.


We will never forget.

It happened on another beautiful blue sky Tuesday morning.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.