Sunday, September 7, 2014

What God Has Done and Revealed

What God Has Done and Revealed
Personal Journaling September 06, 2014, 1158 a.m.
2014-09-06 11:58:50, Saturday

April 2014 brought a huge shock to my husband, whom I call "B," and I when we found out some news about our future we did not expect. It has made us rethink things we never expected to think through and has made us make different plans regarding our future. 

I realize I am vague and you can fill in some of the dots. But, there are some things I just don't want to reveal at this time and maybe ever. We shall see.

Know this, though. The next forty plus years depend on the decisions we make today. Literally. I cannot overstate that enough. Everything lies on our planning. Everything is at stake. Everything. (No stress.)

The truth of the matter is our plans have to be God's plans. Nothing we sinful, finite humans do or decide matters. It's all about Him. We know He has perfect plans and perfect timing. We just need to trust God, wait, listen, and do what He says and when. We know He has far bigger plans than we could ever imagine, dream, or envision. He's so got this.

But, we don't want to miss anything or error along this journey. We want to remain obedient to Him and stay in His will. Hence, our prayer is for God to bless or block all we do. His will be done. Always.

Yesterday morning, it looked like a path we thought God was leading us, had closed. That was our first impression. It felt like a kick to the gut. How can it be any better than what we foresaw? Wait. Oh, yeah. He is God--and He's--well-- BIG. He has bigger plans than we ever could. When we looked at things in that way, we felt peace. We also had the sense that we do not need to worry. It wasn't what we thought at first blush. We just needed to wait for Him to be God and do what He does. 

Then, I had an AHA moment with God yesterday morning and afternoon. (Note to reader: Check out that blog post if you ahven't read it already. It's a good one.) 

God revealed to me about how He has given me the Gift of the Spirit of Faith. It's believing Hebrews 11:1 with my entire being and not hesitating. It's the faith that moves mountains. It's the faith of a mustard seed. It's the faith that walks on choppy water during a storm. 

Then, last night, when B got home, we were able to talk. Really talk. We confessed several things to each other. We talked and talked. For hours. We talked about our plans and what God wanted--and how we know He will lead us to A and B. We just have no idea the steps He will take us to get there. We were finally open to whatever steps he used and whatever A and B were. We wouldn't try to tell Him how we would prefer this and that. We want what He wants. For His plans and vision are big, perfect, and infinite; whereas, ours are small, sinful, and finite. 

I then shared with B about my AHA moment with God. 

During the time I shared the AHA moment about my faith with my best friend, lover, and hubby, he received information on his phone, and we didn't know it, that the door we thought had closed--might be ajar and it might be about to be pushed open with such dramatic force that it comes off its hinges! But, we will not know more until Monday. We have to wait.

Yep. More waiting room opportunities. B's and my lives individually and collectively have a great deal of these times. The waiting room is often the time more happens than any other time, for God is preparing us for the next step. We just need to remain open to Him, listen, trust, and obey. Then, at the perfect time, which according to our human perspective is often at the very last moment, things come together. Just in time. Just before the alarm bells goes off. In His perfect time, in His perfect way.

And, do you know what? It's always for the best. He has never failed us yet. Never. And, we know He's not about to start. 

I can't wait to see what God does!

Until then, we wait. And, I cling to God and His Word. 

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