Saturday, January 21, 2012

365-Day Journal Your Story Project: Day 2: Paper or Digital (Part 1)

The most important decision you can make regarding journaling is what type of journal you want to keep. There are two main categories: Paper or Digital.

I recommend picking one as soon as possible and experiment with it. See if it works for you. If it does not, try the other. You could even try each and see what you like the most. The beauty about journaling is: THERE ARE NO RULES. So, you can change and adjust your journal, and how you journal, as you go. 

Experiment. See what works for you and what does not work. Make note of it in your journal. Then, make adjustments as often as necessary. 

I debate if I should say this now or later. I decided to say this now so you can start thinking in these terms. I want to persuade you in any way I can to make your journal permanent and not give yourself the opportunity to have your journals lost because of some freak accident. (I have. That is why I say this.) It can cause you great pain that could have the potential to stay with you for the rest of your life. Literally. I am not making a bigger deal out of this than what is necessary. This is firsthand knowledge. 

I recommend in the end to have it digitally. I will spend the next several days talking about this and why. But, digital is permanent. You cannot lose them. They cannot be stolen. 

That being said, you might want to start with a paper journal and then type it up as you go. If you feel stifled by doing a digital journal, then by all means do the paper version. But, whatever you do, get it saved digitally. I will tell you why in the days to come. I do some of this. 

Writing it on paper, with my own hand, can have more meaning to me. It gets me to look at things differently with pen in hand. I find it a far more sacred act to write my journals by hand. I am not sure why, but I do. However, I make sure to type them up in my computer (not a typewriter) every day or at least every week if I do journaling by hand. (Why every day or week? That way I do not procrastinate and say I will get to it later. I have learned that this mentality can cause you not to type them up and you can lose your journals through a freak accident, act of nature, or them being lost or stolen.) 

If you are an artist and want to draw or paint or scrapbook for your journal, paper is essential. However, make sure to scan them and get them saved digitally as soon as possible. Again... It is permanent that way. 

If you have never journaled before, I recommend doing it digitally from the very beginning. Do not make the paper kind a habit. It is far too risky not to do so.

Paper journals are what you think. It is paper and pen. It could also be paintbrush, photos, and pen. It can also be a form of scrapbook. It can be typed with a typewriter (which is not permanent either).

Paper journals can be the fancy blank books you see at the bookstore (and other places).

Other possibilities are:
~ Legal pads
~ Steno Pads
~ Spiral Notebooks
~ Loose-leaf paper
~ Scrapbooks
~ Photo Albums

Remember with most of these, ink fades. Water, animals, and people can damage, steal, or destroy. Weather can destroy them as well. 

A digital journal is something you keep with a computer, cell phone, and/or other internet connected device. 

It is a permanent way to journal. Your computer, cell phone, tablet, and any other device can be destroyed and this journal will last. This is a forever journal. It cannot be lost or damaged.

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026: http://usagc2026.blogspot.comBlog for Lethana:
Blog for Journaling:
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: 

Journaling Resource List

Every now and then, I will put a list here of other journal resources you might want to check out.

I will add to this list as I go. Please note that if you are a journal keeper, or write about journaling, and want to be added to this list, add a comment at the end of any blog post or email me. I would be honored to add you to this list. 

A Journaling Resource List:

Create Write Now (aka Journal Writing Therapy)

Journal for You:

Writing Through Life:

*** Also, if you are listed here and have any corrections, let me know! ***

Photos Copyright

All photographs in this blog, unless otherwise specified, are by Stacy Duplease and are copyrighted. 

Thank you. 

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC

365-Day Journal Your Story Project: Day 1--An Introduction

Welcome to the 365-Day Journal Your Story Project. This will be a journey of self-discovery and of remembrance combined into one. But most importantly, this is an introduction to journaling. 

Let me give you synonyms and then give you a few different definitions. The other names for journaling might help you to start to form your own definition. There are all sorts of names that are synonyms for journaling. For instance:

Journal Keeping
Reflective Writing
Writing for the Soul
Writing for Your Life
Writing Your Life

But, what is the most simplest definition of journaling? It is:
Journaling is putting your life on the page.

Definition #2:
Journaling is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future.

This is where things get fun. There are thousands of different definitions we can give of journaling. Literally. However, the definitions I will include today are what I find the most important. 

Definition #3:
Journaling is putting your life on the page. It is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future. It is the process of self-discovery, memory keeping, planning, learning, and diving deeper so that you live a life of intentionality and purpose. In other words, journaling is living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. 

Do you see? We are getting diving deeper as we go with these definitions. None is more true than the others. They just dive deeper to the heart of the matter.

Definition #4:
Journaling is putting your life on the page. It is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future. It is the process of self-discovery, memory keeping, planning, learning, and diving deeper so that you live a life of intentionality and purpose. In other words, journaling is living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. Journaling forces us to be aware of each moment we are alive. It makes us pay attention to all of the details and forces is to analyze where we are, how we got there, where we are headed, and why.

Definition #5:
Journaling is putting your life on the page. It is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future. It is the process of self-discovery, memory keeping, planning, learning, and diving deeper so that you live a life of intentionality and purpose. In other words, journaling is living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. Journaling forces us to be aware of each moment we are alive. It makes us pay attention to all of the details and forces is to analyze where we are, how we got there, where we are headed, and why. Journaling transforms us to be better people and to live better, healthier, more purposeful lives. 

Take some time to ponder these definitions and see what you think.

I welcome comments and questions. Feel free to email me at the addresses below or at or you can add a comment at the end of any blog post. If you want me to share your comment or keep it private, let me know. 

Do you want to try this thing called journaling? Or, do you want to try it again? Or, do you want to try to journal from a new and different angle? Just give it a try. 

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or

365-Day Journal Your Story Project: Day 1--An Introduction

Welcome to the 365-Day Journal Your Story Project. This will be a journey of self-discovery and of remembrance combined into one. But most importantly, this is an introduction to journaling. 

Let me give you synonyms and then give you a few different definitions. The other names for journaling might help you to start to form your own definition. There are all sorts of names that are synonyms for journaling. For instance:

Journal Keeping
Reflective Writing
Writing for the Soul
Writing for Your Life
Writing Your Life

But, what is the most simplest definition of journaling? It is:
Journaling is putting your life on the page.

Definition #2:
Journaling is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future.

This is where things get fun. There are thousands of different definitions we can give of journaling. Literally. However, the definitions I will include today are what I find the most important. 

Definition #3:
Journaling is putting your life on the page. It is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future. It is the process of self-discovery, memory keeping, planning, learning, and diving deeper so that you live a life of intentionality and purpose. In other words, journaling is living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. 

Do you see? We are getting diving deeper as we go with these definitions. None is more true than the others. They just dive deeper to the heart of the matter.

Definition #4:
Journaling is putting your life on the page. It is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future. It is the process of self-discovery, memory keeping, planning, learning, and diving deeper so that you live a life of intentionality and purpose. In other words, journaling is living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. Journaling forces us to be aware of each moment we are alive. It makes us pay attention to all of the details and forces is to analyze where we are, how we got there, where we are headed, and why.

Definition #5:
Journaling is putting your life on the page. It is the process of remembering your life up to this point, living fully in the present, and planning for the future. It is the process of self-discovery, memory keeping, planning, learning, and diving deeper so that you live a life of intentionality and purpose. In other words, journaling is living life to its fullest and not taking it for granted. Journaling forces us to be aware of each moment we are alive. It makes us pay attention to all of the details and forces is to analyze where we are, how we got there, where we are headed, and why. Journaling transforms us to be better people and to live better, healthier, more purposeful lives. 

Take some time to ponder these definitions and see what you think.

I welcome comments and questions. Feel free to email me at the addresses below or at or you can add a comment at the end of any blog post. If you want me to share your comment or keep it private, let me know. 

Do you want to try this thing called journaling? Or, do you want to try it again? Or, do you want to try to journal from a new and different angle? Just give it a try. 

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or

Book Covers

My Story

I have kept a journal now for well over 27 years. I have kept a journal during that time, and written in it, at least once a month. More often than not, once a week. However, the past 10 years or so, it's been at least 5 days a week. Therefore, you might say I am experienced regarding journaling.

Journaling is more than something to do in my life. It is more than a habit. It is a way of life. 

I am not saying any of this to brag. Goodness, no. I am not that type. Rather, I am saying that I know what it means to sustain journalkeeping over the long-haul. If it is anything related to journaling, I most likely have tried it. I have made my fair share of mistakes regarding journaling and I have had many successes. (Over 27 years, what else could be said? Lol.) 

I know the benefits of journaling.

I know the frustrations and pitfalls.

I know how hard it can be.

I also know how rewarding and life-changing journaling can be.

I look forward to traveling and sharing the journal journey with you.

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or

A list of all of my projects and blogs

I just wanted to give you a list of all of my blogs. They are listed below.

Stay tuned next week. You will see something new at all of them at that time.

Have a great weekend!

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026:
Blog for Lethana: 
Blog for Journaling:
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: 

A list of all of my projects and blogs

I just wanted to give you a list of all of my blogs. They are listed below.

Stay tuned next week. You will see something new at all of them at that time.

Have a great weekend!

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026: http://usagc2026.blogspot.comBlog for Lethana:
Blog for Journaling:
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: 

The Writer's Notebook or Journal: The 365-Day Writing Your Story Journal Project

At my writing blog listed below, I am going to start on another journaling project.

Do you write? How about fiction in particular? It is critical that you keep a Writer's Notebook as you go. I will start a new blog series at the writing blog for that. It is called, The 365-Day Writing Your Story Journal Project. See you there. 

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026:
Blog for Lethana: 
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: 

The Writer's Notebook or Journal: The 365-Day Writing Your Story Journal Project

At my writing blog listed below, I am going to start on another journaling project.

Do you write? How about fiction in particular? It is critical that you keep a Writer's Notebook as you go. I will start a new blog series at the writing blog for that. It is called, The 365-Day Writing Your Story Journal Project. See you there.

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026: http://usagc2026.blogspot.comBlog for Lethana:
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: 

365-Day Journal Your Story Project

I am going to start a couple different ongoing and recurring blog post projects. The first one is a personal and professional one for me that I figured I would share with you. You might be interested and might want to do it as well. If nothing else, it will work good as journal prompts for you.

The 365-Day Journal Your Story Project is an introduction to journaling of sorts. It is to help figure out what it means to journal and what your niche is as far as journaling. After all, there are several different types of journals that you can keep. 

Stay tuned and have a great weekend!

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or

365-Day Remembering Journal Project

I am going to start a couple different ongoing and recurring blog post projects. The first one is a personal one for me that I figured I would share with you. You might be interested and might want to do it as well. If nothing else, it will work good as journal prompts for you.

The 365-Day Remembering Journal Project can be called different names. I will call it by this name. Nevertheless, it is about remembering your past, present, and future. It is about living intentionally, with awareness, and paying attention. It is about recording memories and living extraordinarily. 

Living extraordinarily? Most of us are settling for good enough, mediocre at best lives. We are so busy that we settle. Well, that will stop over the next 365 days for me and I hope you join me!

Does this sound interesting to you? 

If you want to join me, would you please do me a favor? Would you either send me an email to the email addresses below or add a comment at the end of any blog post? I would love to know if anyone else is reading this and is doing this 365-Day Remembering Journal Project. 

Take care!

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Fantasy Author, and Journalkeeper
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026: http://usagc2026.blogspot.comBlog for Lethana:
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: 

A New Beginning

Greetings. Welcome to a blog about journaling. It is about Journaling Your Story. It is about Remembering Your Present. 

There are all sorts of names that are synonyms for journaling:
Journal Keeping
Reflective Writing
Writing for the Soul
Writing for Your Life
Writing Your Life

Do you want to learn about this thing called journaling? Stay tuned! 

I am going to start to put some more time into this blog and will even start to make this blog a book that you can refer to as we go.

Have a blessed day.

Stacy Duplease
Prayer Warrior, Journalkeeper, and Fantasy Author
of Remembering Your Present, LLC
dba USAGC 2026 * Kingdom of Lethana

Email: or
Blog for USAGC 2026: http://usagc2026.blogspot.comBlog for Lethana:
Blog for Writing:
Find my books at/store: