Saturday, October 4, 2014

Every Moment is Sacred (Blessings Counted Journaling)

Every Moment is Sacred (Blessings Counted Journaling)
2014-10-02 13:43:23, Thursday

Do you think every moment is sacred? 
Prayer Journal: Why or why not? Explain your answer.
If you do not believe every moment is sacred, prove it. Prove how every moment is not sacred. 
If you think that a storm in life, a tough time, a nasty time isn't sacred, I say the same: Prove it. 
If the tough stuff in life isn't sacred, then you're saying: Pregnancy is not sacred. Birth is not. Raising a child is not. Learning is not. Eating is not. Having a home is not.
The lack of an easy way does not make something less sacred or not sacred at all. 
The easy path is not the sacred path. 
Nothing in this life is easy. Most of life has its good, ugly, and indifferent. Rarely is one moment in time completely good, completely ugly, or completely indifferent. Every moment usually has shades of each. 
However, here is the key. It's how to we choose to view and live in the moment that counts. 
Are you going to actively, intentionally, purposefully choose that each moment is terrible and tough? Or, are you going to find a blessing (or several) in each moment?
Oh, how easy it is to focus on the stuff that isn't right in a moment. But, why do we choose to focus on that? Why do not we change it and try to search for the blessing in the moment, even during the really challenging moments? 
Why do we choose to focus on the negative and not on the blessing? 
Also, if God is working in every moment, and is in every moment, isn't it sacred, whether we choose to acknowledge it as such? 
So, I ask again... Is every moment sacred? 
The answer is this: YES!
The question, again, is what we're going to focus on: the yuck or the blessing. 
Please, do not get me wrong. When you find out you or a loved one has cancer, you or your spouse are infertile, another war has broken out, or another act of terrorism (like a beheading) has occurred, it's rather difficult to find the blessing then and there. We need to work through the emotion and get to the thinking logically part. However, as we feel emotional, we can tell ourselves there is a blessing to be found here somewhere and we search for it, even through the anger, tears, and confusion. It may take a day, two, weeks, or months, but we will actively search for the blessing in even that moment. In fact, we will search for three or more blessings from that one yuck moment. We will take that yuck and find the blessing. 
Every moment is sacred, for every moment holds multiple blessings, for God is there and is at work, regardless of what we see, think, or experience. He always is. Without fail. 
Search for at least three blessings in every moment throughout your day. Try to get them listed and prayer journaled, so on those really tough days, you can look back at your list and count your blessings when you cannot think of one. 
Every moment is sacred. 
Every moment holds several blessings. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

What is a Blessing and Why Count Your Blessings?

What is a Blessing and Why Count Your Blessings?
Blessings Counted Journaling
Written October 02, 2014, Thursday, 101 p.m.

What is a blessing?:
A blessing is a special favor given by God we don't deserve or expect. A blessing is how God shows Himself and His glory to us. It's also a gift given to us by God. A blessing is how we see God and what He is doing. It's seeing His handiwork in creation. It's an answer to prayer. It's recognizing the eternal.

What is counting our blessings?:
It's stopping what we are doing, searching, and trying to find God's glory, His work, His favor each and every moment.
God is infinite. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present. He is beyond time, for He created time. Therefore, taking all of this into consideration, He blesses us all time time, and with many blessings every single moment of our lives, every day. He is always here, around, and within (the within part is provided we believe in His Son). Therefore, His glory can always be seen. The question is if we have stopped to notice and acknowledge this.

Why count your blessings?:
We want to see God and join Him in His work. We want to acknowledge Him and praise Him. We want to give Him thanks for everything I just mentioned.
Most importantly, though, is we are commanded to do so in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Philippians 4:6, along with several other verses in the Bible.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Introduction to Blessings Counted Journaling

Introduction to Blessings Counted Journaling

Working Title:
Blessings Counted Journaling
Devotional Bible Study with Journaling and Spiritual Memoir Series

Welcome to a new blog post series. This will be about Blessings Counted Journaling, but will also be a devotional Bible study with journaling and a spiritual memoir, as I'm sure you guessed from the working title. 
Let me simplify things. What does this blog post series consist of?:
1 How to count your blessings
2 Blessings Counted Journaling
3 A devotional
4 A Bible study
5 Journaling and contemplation prompts and exercises
6 My personal Blessings Counted Journaling and prayer journaling
7 My spiritual memoir
8 Your Blessings Counted Journaling
9 Preparation for writing your spiritual memoir, even if it's just for you and is your journal alone

Every moment of every day is full of blessings, if only we would stop and notice.

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2013-2014.)

Journaling: The Last Quarter of the Year (A Journaling How-To) (Blessings Counted Journaling)

Journaling: The Last Quarter of the Year (A Journaling How-To) (Blessings Counted Journaling)
AKA End of Year Journaling
Written: 2014-10-02 09:52:01, Thursday

Here it is October 02, 2014 already. 
Where has the year gone?
Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. (Gulp... Pause... Allowing that to sink in for a moment... Can you believe it? Another gulp.)
This is the time I look back and ask myself if I've accomplished this year what I wanted to accomplish.
Have I lived my word for the entire year? Mine was "Gratitude," or "Blessings," by the way.
And, another question comes to mind: What can I do to savage the year in the last three months? How can I make it count the most. You know--really make it count? 
What have I accomplished?
What haven't I that I wanted to do this year?
How has my faith been this year?
How has my journaling been this year?
Have I lived a year of blessing and gratitude? 
What blessings have I experienced and seen this year? This, in truth, is probably the most important question of them all. 
Now, that I've figured it out, that last paragraph... The one before this one... This is what I want to do regarding the last nine months and the next three months. I want to count my blessings. I want to thank God for everything He has done in my life, in the lives around me, through my life, and in this world. 
Is thanksgiving and blessings counting the secret to realize His grace is enough in my life (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 EXB)? 
Stay tuned.
So, for you... What blessings have you had in your life this year? What blessings will you see in each moment for the rest of the year? Make sure to count all of your blessings--even the smallest and tiniest. 
Why focus on the yuck of the year--unless you can turn it all into a blessing to be counted? And, that might be an exercise to do for the rest of the year. Take every yuck, ouch, hurt, etc. and figure out how to count it as a blessing. 
Count all of your blessings, the good, the ugly, and the indifferent. Make sure to keep a list of all of your blessings from 2014. 

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Prayer and Bible Journaling

Prayer and Bible Journaling
2014-10-02 08:02:59, Thursday

If you are reading this blog post as a daily devotional Bible study for prayer journaling, then please prayer journal after you read each verse and answer all of the questions. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Expanded Bible (EXB)

But he said to me, “My grace is ·enough for you [sufficient for you; all you need]. ·When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you [L For (my) power is perfected in weakness].” So I am very happy to ·brag [boast] about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can ·live [reside; or rest] in me. 10 For this reason I am ·happy [pleased; content] when I have weaknesses, insults, ·hard times [times of need], ·sufferings[persecutions], and ·all kinds of troubles [distress] ·for [for the sake of] Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

Is this true for me? Is His grace enough for me?
If His grace is enough, why is it? Is this true at all times? 
If His grace is not enough, why not and how can I change my thinking so it is? 
Read Psalm 10 and 11.
Reading Ephesians 4 and 5.

Passage I want to meditate on, contemplate, and prayer journal at least three times today:

Ephesians 4:17-27 New Living Translation (NLT)

17 With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused. 18 Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him.19 They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity.
20 But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. 21 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
25 So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body. 26 And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 for anger gives a foothold to the devil.
New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Lord, help me to know what to do and what not to do, according to the Ephesians 4 verses. Help me know what to apply to my life and how. Guide me and teach me, God. I want to live for You alone and want to bring You glory. And, I thank you in advance for showing me Your Way through these verses. 

Ephesians 4:17 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

17 Therefore, I say this and testify in the Lord: You should no longer walk as the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their thoughts.
What thoughts do I have, Lord, that are not of You? 
Lord, I know the answer to that one. Most of my thoughts are futile. Help me to live Philippians 4:8; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 10:5-7. I want to focus on your and Your Word alone. I want to live Your Way. I want to live according to Your purpose, not mine, for my life. I want to live a life that's intentionally focused on You and Your Word alone. Thank You for giving me the want, Lord. I also realize it is what I need. Thank You for helping me to see this as well. And, thank You, in advance, for showing me how to live like this. 
How can I focus my thoughts on You alone? 
What beliefs do I have that are futile? 
I want to believe, and have opinions, based off of You and your Word, not off of man. I am thinking of my Christianity, politics, current events, war, terrorism, all of it. I want to take a stand on what You want me to, not on what I think I should, what others say I should, or anything based off of what others say. I want to stand on you and the foundation of Your Word alone. I don't want any of my thoughts or beliefs to be futile, but to be eternally based. 
Abba, show me how. 
Show me how to make Your grace enough for me, today, every moment, for the rest of my life.  
To You, alone, be the glory!

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014.) 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prayer Challenge

BEFORE AMEN by Max Lucado

I'm starting this prayer challenge tonight.

Anyone care to join me?

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014.)

Is Grace All I Need?: Faith Learned From a Feral Kitten

Is Grace All I Need?: Faith Learned From a Feral Kitten 
2014-10-01 11:38:37, Wednesday

I've been in this tent of my human earthly body for over four decades, as of a couple of weeks ago. I realize my flesh and bones are temporary. God could call me home any day. Hence, I do what I can to live every day as though it were my last. Some days, I am more successful than others, granted. 
These forty years have taught me how God never works according to my timetable. I cannot think of one time He's answered my prayer or done what I wanted, when I wanted. For, He is God--and I most certainly am not. However, looking back, I can say every prayer He didn't answer how I wanted, and every prayer He didn't answer when I wanted, has worked out far better than if it would have been in the manner I preferred. 
Need I mention how many times God has blessed me when I didn't expect it and certainly when I didn't deserve it? God blesses me in immeasurable and innumerable ways each and every day, if only I would stop and pay attention and acknowledge them. 
God has perfect timing. After all, He is perfect, infinite, all-powerful, ever-present, all-knowing. He seems with limitless, perfect vision, while I see with sinful, limited vision. Thank God He is the One in control. He is beyond time, for He created time. This only adds to His perfect vision and timing. 
I've lived four decades and can say without hesitation how God has perfect timing, a perfect plan, and perfect vision. 
Over the last week and four days, God has put two things in my path, at just the right time, in just the right way, and both have been undeniably Him. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

The first thing God has allowed in my life is a feral kitten who has adopted us. She is malnourished, deaf, and declawed. She adopted us, and we adopted her, for about eleven days now. She's been in our garage, though, for six days so far.
The other thing God has put in my life, at the perfect time, was a blog post by Max Lucado. You can find it here:

Max Lucado: Content

What Max Lucado talks about is this: IS GOD'S GRACE SUFFICIENT? IS IT ENOUGH?
Is His grace enough?
Is His grace enough?
Is His grace all I need?
Is His grace all I want? 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Expanded Bible (EXB)
But he said to me, “My grace is ·enough for you [sufficient for you; all you need]. ·When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you [L For (my) power is perfected in weakness].” So I am very happy to ·brag [boast] about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can ·live [reside; or rest] in me. 10 For this reason I am ·happy [pleased; content] when I have weaknesses, insults, ·hard times [times of need], ·sufferings[persecutions], and ·all kinds of troubles [distress] ·for [for the sake of] Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

Prayer journal your response to each of those questions. Write your thoughts now--and keep coming back to these questions consistently over the next twenty-four hours. Keep expanding upon your answers. Then, do the same every couple of days, then ever week, for the next year--and see how you and your life are changed because of the question: Is grace enough for me and my life? Imagine how much your answer will change throughout today, this week, this month, this quarter, this year, this decade, and over the rest of your life.

Kara, my feral kitten (four to five months from what my husband, B, and I can tell) has taught me a great deal about faith. Then, add the Max Lucado email and the question of: Is grace enough for me and my life, and I am forced to stop and analyze things. Never mind how it is the last quarter of the year. Three months are left this year. (As I write this, it's October 01, 2014.)

Hence, I'm going to start writing a new blog post series, which I think I will write during NaNoWriMo (National Novel writing Month, but it will be a non-fiction, Christian living, Bible study, devotional, spiritual memoir type). It's called:

Is Grace All I Need?: Faith Learned From a Feral Kitten 

(Image Credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering your Present, LLC 2014. Kara. Feral Kitten 4-5 months old. Taken Sept. 30, 2014.)

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 EXB: A Memory Passage

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 EXB: A Memory Passage
2014-10-01 07:04:53, Wednesday

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Expanded Bible (EXB)
But he said to me, “My grace is ·enough for you [sufficient for you; all you need]. ·When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you [L For (my) power is perfected in weakness].” So I am very happy to ·brag [boast] about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can ·live [reside; or rest] in me. 10 For this reason I am ·happy [pleased; content] when I have weaknesses, insults, ·hard times [times of need], ·sufferings[persecutions], and ·all kinds of troubles [distress] ·for [for the sake of] Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

Prayer journal your thoughts, what God says to you, what you say to God, etc.

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014.)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Latte Homestyle Recipe (Creamy Dreamy Pumpkin Spice Latte)

Pumpkin Spice Latte Homestyle Recipe (Creamy Dreamy Pumpkin Spice Latte)

It's that time of year again. Fall. Harvest. And that means one thing: Time-for-pumpkins!

I do love a Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Talk about YUM on so many levels. 

However, I love to have more than one a week (because of price). In fact, I enjoy having it even more in the comfort of my own home. It saves time, money, gas, and wear and tear on vehicle. Plus, there's nothing like having a pumpkin spiced latte in your favorite spot, curled up with your journal, book, and/or Bible. 

The secret to the the homestyle pumpkin spiced latte is coffee syrup and canned pumpkin. 

I get the coffee syrup from World Market. They have a sugar free pumpkin spice coffee syrup, which is superb. However, you can use any syrup you'd prefer and don't even need the syrup if you don't want. Also, you can get the syrup at any place that sells food. Look on the coffee aisle. I've used vanilla, hazlenut, and caramel, and have mixed them as well. Each is wonderful.

I'm the only one in my house who drinks this stuff, so this is what I do with the canned pumpkin: I take a small can of pumpkin and divide it into two baggies. One baggy goes in the fridge and one goes in the freezer. When I am down to two rounds of pumpkin left, I move the freezer bag to the fridge. 

1 STRONG cup of coffee (I use a podmaker and usually do 10 oz. of water for a regular cup of coffee. I do 6 or 8 oz. for this concoction.)
1 Tbs canned pumpkin
2 Tbs coffee syrup
1 shake of powdered cinnamon
1 shake of ginger
1 shake of allspice
1 Tbs half-in-half

With all of it, do it to taste.

If you wanted, you could make up several cups, pour into a saucepan and cook on low for a couple of hours, or in your slowcooker. But, I'm too impatient.

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2009-2014.) 

Monday, September 29, 2014


2014-09-28 16:06:28, Sunday

My husband, B, nor I realized it at the time, but we were adopted one week ago today. A feral kitten appeared in our just opened garage and won B's heart when he found it. Then, he introduced the kitten and me. It was the most adorable and loving little one.

Monday through Wednesday, the kitten made repeat visits (probably because of the food and water we set out Sunday afternoon for the malnourished little one). Over that time, I figured out it was a girl, she was deaf, and was clawless on her front paws. Never mind how she was malnourished. There was no way she would survive on her own. She couldn't defend herself and how would she catch food? Never mind how winter is approaching.

Therefore, as of her Thursday appearance, she has found a permanent home with us, but is in a temporary home in our garage as we socialize her so we can take her to the vet for a check-up and shots.

Her name is Kara (Kare-uh). It means "friend" in Turkish.

She no longer has to sleep with her head up in the air, alert for danger. As of this afternoon, she no longer pigs out immediately on the wet food we set down for her. She does not know hunger any more. Her little tummy is plump, but her sides are still hollow. They are slightly filling out, but it is slow in coming. She is safe and protected and she knows it. Her life has drastically changed.

Every time B and I see her, she is more social and experiments with us to see what she can do to us and with us. She tries different ways to show affection. The kitten has several favorite sleeping places in our garage: dog/cat bed, on top of a paper bag, on the steps, and on a comfy patio chair with thick cushion.

It's truly amazing.

Kara is wild. Feral. A little beast.

Who is also the biggest lover.

By the way, it's quite interesting trying to figure out how to interact with and socialize with a deaf cat who sleeps a lot. How do you approach her? I've learned to pet her and make sure to leave my hand right there for her to smell. The second she knows it me, or B, she perks up, meows, and gets to her feet/paws. Or, is she wakes before we get to her, or if she is already awake, she meows and rushes over to us.

She has learned a whole new life in the last four days.

Kara has gone from feral and homeless to lover and home. Hungry to full. Wild to gentle. Alone to having a family (B, beagle, cat, and two turtles).

The building of a relationship between between B, Kara, and I has been a special and sacred one.

Written: 2014-09-29 12:38:49, Monday

B and I keep doing everything we can do to tell her, through our actions, how we are trustworthy, faithful, and loving. She's responded to every gesture we've made, except for one. She does not like to be picked up. She hisses most of the time when we do.

Consequently, we wonder if she might be bruised on the inside (from either hurting herself or something/someone hurting her) or if Kara had something dramatic happen to her when she was carried. Therefore, we're slowly trying to recondition her. I started off picking her up off of the ground about half an inch and for just a couple of seconds. Now, I can hold her to about three inches off the ground and for about ten seconds. I make sure to pet her and love on her after she allows me to do so--and she gets all excited to receive my affection. Hence, it's a win-win. I just wish she could hear me as I tell her, "Good girl." But, I'm sure she senses it.

I wish she could tell me her story. She does in her own Kara, sweet thing, and girlie way. But, I wish she could speak to me and tell me all about it. Like, who dumped her? When? Who had her declawed? (I personally think this is inhumane. It impacts their every movement the rest of their lives. They are defenseless and cannot walk, jump, climb, like they could. It takes all of three minutes to trim their claws and is quite easy actually.)

Other questions I want to ask her: How old is she? What type of cat is she? Why doesn't she like being carried? What does she want from me/us?

I also wish I could tell her how she was loved and never had to worry about anything again. she'll always have shelter, food, water, and love. I wish I could tell her how sorry I am for whatever she experienced in her past.

Kara talks to us every single time we walk into her haven, the garage. She has the sweetest wildish meow and she tells us how excited she is to have company. She trots over to us and immediately starts to purr. Who knew that someone so small could make so much noise? What an absolute delight!

We can make fast movements and she doesn't flinch. She trust us.

I think she has a very laidback, happy-go-lucky, charming, sweet, gentle, loving, easygoing personality. She's as cool as a cucumber. It's wonderful for us--and for her. But, it makes me even more glad she adopted us because this tenderness wouldn't bode well for her in the wild. Thank God she found us--and we found her.

I cannot help but wonder the story of whoever dumped her. They clearly wanted to love her (she's fixed and declawed). Did they move? Did they figure out she was deaf and didn't know how to handle her?

How could they put her in the wild--so defenseless?

She didn't get out. If that was it, I learned last week how many times she returns, if it's a good home. Also, with how malnourished she is/was, she wasn't fed or taken care of by anyone.

I count our blessings she is so loving and has been from the second B met her. Feral cats and kittens usually aren't that way.

It also amazes me how she doesn't door dart or want to leave the garage. Nor does she try to walk away from us when we visit her in the garage. She knows she has it good where she is and likes us. (Praise God.)

B and I did not want another cat right now. (Let me stress that. We did NOT want another cat right now.) It's too soon. Five animals? That's just plain nuts. We are not a zoo or an animal sanctuary.

Yet, Kara adopted us. She is wild. Feral. But, she loves us and trust us. She had no reason to trust us or love us from the onset, but she did. And, she is a thief--of hearts. She has stolen ours thoroughly, that is for sure.

Kara is a reminder to me of my faith and how I am with God.

{Note: It's 214 p.m. as I sit in the garage on our patio chair and Kara is curled up in a tiny ball, on her paper bag, with her head down, whiskers back, sleeping. She has her guard completely down as we hang.}

The feral cat reminds me how I am wild, too. I am a sinner. I run around and try to do things on my own. I act independent.

{Kara just got up and ran to me for affection. Purred. Then, went back to sit on her bag.}

I act wild and have several deficiencies which could kill me (spiritually). The reality of my situation is I am totally dependent on God. I need Him in order to survive. I need to keep my eyes forever on Him because I cannot always hear Him.

Yes. I have a lot to learn from Kara about faith.

So, who adopted whom?

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014.)

--Stacy Duplease
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire HDX Tablet

When Stuff Goes Wrong

When Stuff Goes Wrong

First, my computer started acting up and having problems with memory.

Then, the modem of my internet decided to die.

Then, my cat got sick and my elderly beagle couldn't hold his liquids inside any longer (even though he had recently been outside and he has a 12 hour bladder usually. We don't push it that long, but know it's what he can do)--both in the space of ten minutes.

Then, my computer died entirely.

Then, beagle had 'the issue' again three days later. Now, I think it's behavioral oriented and will watch him like a hawk and break him of the new disgusting habit. He's never done that before. (Ugh!) Spray bottle will be always in hand. 

Wait. He has dementia. Is he forgetting to go outside? Is it cognitive? (Hmm.) 

Isn't this the way things go? Never mind how several prayer requests I've had, the answer is: "Wait." Never mind how I'm still trying to figure out what I want to write when I grow up, so to speak. So, what now? What do you do when stuff seems to go haywire--and wrong? 

Prayer and getting into the Word of God (the Holy Bible) are my answers and it makes all of the difference. This is where I find His peace and joy. This is where I find true contentment.

I also count my blessings. This is the biggest help. (Phil. 4:6, but also Phil. 4:4-8.)

Philippians 4:4-8 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.

There are times I wonder if God will show me a little grace and throw me a little bone.

Then, I look around and see the wonder of His creation. Then, I read something really profound and inspirational in His Word. Then, I realize all of the things going well, in spite of the few things that aren't. Prayer (journaling), reading the Bible, and counting my blessings are a sure way to help me have a new perspective on things.

Shouldn't I be more surprised when I am able to overlook the things of this world and see God and His work and glory?  Shouldn't that be what I focus on--not on the stuff going wrong? 

Now, I will hush and get some real writing done. It will be the first in a week, so to speak. 

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014.)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What to Write?

What to Write?
2014-09-28 15:40:43, Sunday

Over the last couple of weeks, I've tried to write several different projects, but nothing has stuck again. (Sigh.) I still wonder what I want to write when I "grow-up." 

I want to write fiction. However, every time I try, I realize it just isn't working. I've done this with contemporary fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, and science-fiction. None of this has stuck.

I want to write non-fiction. I've tried to write how-to journal books, about thanksgiving or blessings, how-to write, Bible study devotionals, etc., but none of that was stuck or worked. 

Another sigh. 

So, what do I want to write? 

I've decided a blog post at a time and see if any themes arise. If this happens, and for an extended period of time and multiple blog posts, then I will think I have a winner.

Although, I really want to come up with something to write for NaNoWriMo, even if it's non-fiction. 

I will write a blog post at a time for now and see what develops from there.

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC. Berkeley Plantation August 2014.)

All of my blog posts to date at AHTTF Blog

--TXT Export

2014-09-24 7:42pm UTC
American History Told Through Fiction

American History Told Through Fiction

2014-09-24 8:04pm UTC

Welcome to a new blog.
This blog is about using historical fiction, based off of fact, to help teach and learn about American history. It's using life story to help bring history to life--where we can imagine history and understand it more fully.
(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2008-2014.)

2014-09-24 10:44pm UTC
History Told in the Form of Story

History Told in the Form of StoryAHTTF: A Serial(American History Told Through Fiction: A Serial)
When I grew up, history was my worst subject. I hated it. (I usually don't like to sue the word hate, but it applies here.) After all, every year, for twelve years, we studied the explorers. We only got to the early 1900s a couple of times. I never learned about anything after the 1929 until my last semester of my senior year.
Then, to find out, a great deal of what I learned was wrong. (Sigh.)
For instance, the first permanent English settlement was not Plymouth, it was Jamestown, Virginia. 1607.
Also, the first Thanksgiving was at Berkeley Plantation in Virginia, not at Plymouth.
Another case and point, Pocahontas married John Rolfe, not John Smith.
So, why would I ever consider writing historical fiction?
I learn best through story. Tell me a story, I'll remember it for the rest of my life. Give me a book of facts to read and I'll only remember it temporarily. Facts can be cold and sterile. Tell me a life story and you've got my attention for hours, if not days, weeks, or months.
Historical fiction, based on a true story, helps me to see history in action, so I understand history all the more. It helps me to be able to use my five senses with the historical moment and life story. If I can put myself there, I grasp it far more than I do if you just present me with facts. I'm the hands-on type of gal.
History told through a story is the best way for me to learn.
I've tried to write several historical fiction books and series. In fact, recently I tried to do so. But, I get bored with all the extra fluff that needs to be added to it in order to make a novel.
So, the question came to me, what if some stories are meant to be a paragraph, a page, a short story, a novel, or a series in length? In other words, what if a story should be told, but only in a paragraph? But, what if another story should be told in several novels? Is either story greater because of the length? And, wouldn't it stand to reason a story is greatest told in the length in which it's supposed to be told?
Therefore, what about telling American history in story form, whether it's a paragraph or longer?
Here's another question: Is anyone's story greater than another? Or, is one story greater than another? Are any of them more memorable and/or more special?
I would argue that every story is important to be told in order to fully understand history. We should not ever pick or choose what stories to tell. The stories in history books, or told on the news, may provide a framework, but all of the stories that are part of it are just as important. the stories intertwined with it matter. The lives shaped by the historical moment matter. So, all of the stories should be told--without exception. In fact, I would argue that maybe the little known stories have had more of an impact on history than we know.
I think every story is important and necessary, because all of the stories combined provide the true story of history. If one piece isn't told, we have a skewed vision and perspective of history.
And, here's another question that came to my mind: What about telling the stories of history in the form of a serial? What about telling all of the stories of the United States of America--no matter whether it's a paragraph or a novel in size? Each story should be told. All of them should.
Why else should every story be told? It's because every story is sacred. Why is every story sacred? Every story points to the divine, to the hand of God, to the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.
Every story is important.
Every story should be told.
I will share the stories of the history of the United Sates of America. I will jump all over the place as I tell them. I will not tell them in order. I also will focus on a theme with each story: Date, person, place, or event.
I will take the facts as we know them and will present them in a story form. Based on fact, with a little speculation of what could have happened in each historical scene and life. It's to help remember the facts that a little liberty will be taken where a story will be presented from the facts.
Stay tuned.

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014. Norfolk Botanical Gardens)

2014-09-25 12:22pm UTC
Imagine a New and Innovative Way of Learning American History

Imagine a New and Innovative Way of Learning American History2014-09-25 07:49:22, Thursday
This is my goal with this new way of writing and AMERICAN HISTORY TOLD THROUGH FICTION: A SERIAL.
Through this writing, I hope to create an unusual collection for American History of stories based on fact, but told through the medium of fiction so they can be remembered and experienced with the five senses (but in the mind, of course). If each sense is engaged, the story becomes more alive and it's more likely to be remembered.
I don't just want to capture the big, bold stories we know from the history books, but I also want to tell the less familiar, everyday stories of people alive during a particular time in history. Capturing both the familiar and the unfamiliar stories in history provide a broader, fuller, more accurate vision and knowledge of what really happened then and how lives were transformed because of an event, by a person, or by a time period in history.
This is my purpose of this blog and serial series of stories of history.
Anotherreason why I will tell these stories through the mode of fiction is because we just don't know the full detail of what happened. We know the facts. That's it. And, we only know some of the facts because not every story was captured in the history books.
The more we know of history, the significant and what was perceived as insignificant, the more we can understand history. The more we understand and know history, the more we understand the ramifications and the fullness of current events.
History, even when learned through fiction, can powerfully shape and transform our lives today.
Through the fiction,w e will learn the facts. We will understand in this blog that the fiction is just a means to help us learn and remember the facts (like a mnemonic device).
I am excited to learn history in a new way and help to intertwine it with my life today. I also am excited to help share this with you.
Every story matters--even the perceived insignificant. Not one story is insignificant, let me add. However, through looking at history books, you can tell only certain facts were presented, not all of them. History books tell the stories of the victors.
{Note: This isn't all history books, but a lot of them. After all, if history books were to tell every story, imagine how many volumes it could take to talk about one hour of an event in history. So, I understand that. But, this is my attempt to do precisely that and to tell the full story of everyone and everything involved, like a police investigator does with a case. I want to make an encyclopedia of stories, so to speak, of every major event, and the non-major events, in U.S. history. I also want to tell the stories of the people involved and who lived it. For, every story has made the United States of American what she is today. Every single one of them without exception.}
I think if this was how history was taught in school when I was growing up, I would have learned a great deal more than what I have. This is my attempt to do this and increase my knowledge and understanding of American history today.
This has the potential of being a lifelong project. I look forward to it.
I see some stories being short, some medium in length, and some longer.This will also be refreshing and innovative.
In time, I will combine these stories into books so the stories of U.S. history can be read in order and and even told at the dinner table. I will make sure to make the facts obvious, but assume the story of the facts, unless otherwise stated, will be a work of fiction. I want to look at each event, person, time period through an individual's eyes as if they were living in that moment. I want to make it come alive through them.
Every story matters. They are the USA.

2014-09-25 3:25pm UTC
May 25, 1584 (Fact)

May 25, 1584 (Fact)
FACT: On May 25, 1584, Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to Sir Walter Raleigh to establish an English colony in North America. Failure to do so would result in the revoking of the charter.
FACT: This led to the voyages to what we call today the Lost Colony of Roanoke, modern-day Roanoke Island, North Carolina (not to be confused with Roanoke, Virginia).
#Roanoke #NorthCarolina #RoanokeIsland #SirWalterRaleigh #QueenElizabethI #Colonization #1584 #1500s #16thCentury
*** Updated last on Sept. 25, 2014 1123 a.m. ***

2014-09-26 1:07pm UTC
Family Tree Stories

Family Tree Stories2014-09-25 08:52:03, Thurs.
Part of the stories I include in this history will be stories I include from my family tree. After all, my family was involved with the lost colony of Roanoke (modern-day Roanoke Island, North Carolina) and at Jamestown (modern-day Virginia at HistoricJamestowne). I have direct ancestors from Jamestown--1607 and on, along with those through Plymouth. But,mostof my family comes from Jamestown.
Jamestown is about 36 miles from where I live today. When my husband and Imovedhere, we had no idea about my family tree.
I have several family members who served in the American Revolutionary War (aka War of Independence), including one father and his twelve sons. And, I've hadfamilyserve in every single war the USA has seen. Therefore, we seem to have always been a Christian and patrioticfamily, who were someofthe forefathers of this nation.
Additionally, I have five indirect lines to U.S. presidents and to several signers of the Declaration ofIndependence. In fact, some served on the first governing body of this country, the House of Burgess.
I will tell the what might have happened stories about them, based off of the facts I know about them and about the time. I will also explore the lives of others at the time.
Therefore, some of these stories will hold a personal element, which will make them more interesting. I will include other stories of the time as well so as to provide a more fully rounded perspective of the time.
(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014. Berkeley Plantation, Charles City, Virginia.)

2014-09-26 2:38pm UTC
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)2014-09-26 10:17:12, Friday
November of every year is:NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). What it means is writing 50,000 words of a writing project during the month of November, which averages 1,667 words of writing per day for thirty days. I've tried to participate every year since 2009. I actually won (meaning wrote 50,000 words start to finish) in 2009 and 2010, but haven't since. (Ugh.) I've sure tried, though.
This year, it's my goal to actually accomplish this feat again. Since I've decided to start AMERICAN HISTORY TOLD THROUGH FICTION: A SERIAL project, I realize it's okay for me to jump from story to story, as long as it fits within the theme of American History. Therefore, I am a great deal more confident about participating in, and finishing, NaNo (NaNoWriMo) this year.
Of course, I'm going to see how much writing I can accomplish with the AHTTF project between now and November 01, but my goal between November 01 and 30 is to do a minimum of 50,000 words, preferably a lot more if I can.
The truth of the matter is, I can write 2,000 words per day easily. I can also write 5,000 words if I get enthralled in the story. I can even do a 10,000 word day, but those are few and far between. With giving myself permission to write a paragraph of a story (American Historical Fiction), a page, a short-story, or a novel, it frees me up to see what the story requires, versus putting parameters on the story. This allows the story that wants to be told, to be told, and I won't have to force it or restrict it in any way.
Hence, yep! I am quite excited for NaNoWriMo this year--and for the preparation between now and then. How much will I get done between now and then? Time will tell.
Here is where you can find my NaNoWriMo page and information, by the way:
#NaNoWriMo #NaNo #AmericanHistoryToldThroughFiction #AHTTF #AmericanHistoricalFiction #AmericanHistory #U.S.History #U.S.HistoricalFiction
NOTE: I apologize the picture is for Camp NaNoWriMo, which is in April and July of every year, but NaNoWriMo hasn't downloaded their 2014 images to the site yet. (Drat.) Hopefully soon, though.

2014-09-27 4:00am UTC
Stay Tuned for Sir Walter Raleigh, May 25, 1584. (Story)

Stay Tuned forSir Walter Raleigh, May 25, 1584. (Story)
This is the first story I'm writing.
(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2010-2014. Virginia Beach.)

2014-09-28 12:48am UTC
Writing Plan for Friday, September 26, 2014

Writing Plan for Friday, September 26, 2014
I originally wanted to start with the story of Sir Walter Raleigh receiving the patent to establish the first permanent English settlement or colony in the New World (North America). However, I've done more research and have determined that there is actually another story that I should start with first.
So, here is my writing plan:
1 Sir Humphrey Gilbert2 Sir Walter Raleigh. May 25, 1584.
It is interesting to note how both men are from England and neither actually stepped foot in what we would now call the United States of America. However, it is through their vision the USA was established centuries later.
Hence, in this AMERICAN HISTORY TOLD THROUGH FICTION (AHTTF) blog, we will learn about world history as well. Anything that happened in which has ties to the United States is part of American History.

2014-09-28 12:48am UTC

Plans2014-09-27 16:46:48, Saturday
Plan #1: FACTS AND STORY (FICTION)With each fictional story, I will make sure to write the facts of the story first. Then, I will write the story.
Plan #2: NEWS AND CURRENT EVENTS: I will try each week to add current events to this blog. After all, in a couple of months, it's history. I will even include links to the stories and articles.
Plan #3: I want to write as much as possible and see if I can get an extensive collection of facts and American History Told Through Story.

--Stacy Duplease and
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire HDX Tablet

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2008-2014.)