How do you write? Do you write by longhand or on the computer?
If you write with longhand, you might want to finish reading this, because I do as well, but this post is not as much for you. This might give you soemthing to think about, though.
For everyone who uses the computer to write, how do you do it? Do you use a document? A writing program? A blog? Twitter?
I do some longhand, but most of it is on/in a document.
There's a problem with writing on a computer: storage space. And, with that problem comes how do you store it for 20-30 years from now?
My old system consisted of me saving a new copy of the document every day, three times a day, so I can have proof for copyright if ever needed. Then, at the end of the day, I email two to four of my email accounts (old accounts to keep them current and my latest account). Also, I have an external hard-drive and it's saved to it every night. Additionally, I print out a copy as I go--page by page--so if the computer and internet blow up, I have a working copy. I've done this for 10 years now--and that's only after I lost a couple of projects completely. So, I am a nut and am paranoid about saving my material--for a life record (a chronicle) and for copyright proof. Never mind how many of these books I've gone back to before and included parts of them in a new book.
It is necessary to have copyright proof that your ideas are original. That way, if anyone steals your work, you can take them to court.
It is also necessary to save your work for your own process of growth and so you can re-read them in the future.
However, as I said, it takes resources to do so. It requires room on your hard drive, external hard-drive, etc.
Recently, I got my first Android phone. I use it to do some of my writing on the fly when I am out and about. It saves time from having to type it after writing it by hand in a journal. It works.
However, most recently, my husband (who is the best husband--ever!!!) bought me an Amazon Kindle Fire... their new tablet. So, no keyboard with keys to peck. So, no word processing program to use either when I do write. This new blessing created quite the dilemma in my life, truth be told. HOW WILL I WRITE WITH THE THING?
Consequently, over the weekend, I started thinking and experimenting. I had a pow-wow about the security of the internet and the idea I came up with--with my spouse. (he's my go-to about protecting myself and security.) He assured me, it's all good--as long as I continue to remember to save to the side periodically because of copyright. So, here's what I came up with... My new writing program/style. I'm sharing it with you so you can think of what you want to do to ensure you save your work forever and so you save proofs of your writing for copyright.
I have a Gmail account, as you know.
With Gmail comes Google Docs.
I've used Google Docs in the past. I HATED it. Despised it. It was terrible. Well, it's been well over a year since I tried it last. I discovered something interesting: It works.
Here are the Benefits of Google Docs:
~ Unlimited storage--on their server and not on my computer. So, it saves storage space on my computer.
~ It has most of what I need for my word processing needs.
~ It will save my writing forever.
~ I will never have to go through a frantic search of trying to find something because it has a search feature built-in to the program.
~ I will have proof for copyright, if ever needed, and for eternity.
~ It's easy to organize the folders and files.
~ It's FREE and doesn't cost me a dime.
~ I can use it on my cell phone with the Google Docs app.
~ I can use it on the Amazon Kindle Fire with the Google Docs app.
~ I can easily email it to all of my accounts in case Google ever goes bye-bye.
~ It becomes my permanent writer's notebook.
Problem with Google Docs:
~ When I go to send to the publisher, I will need a real word processing program to finalize the copy to their standards.
I will never save to my desktop again because of Google Docs.
Check it out. It works!
I've been using it for a couple of days now and love it!
Stacy Duplease
Author of Historical Fiction, Blogger, & Journalkeeper