THE VAGUE PARTLast week, I had 'an experience'. I am not sure what to call it, frankly. Maybe it was a moment of enlightenment. But, the one thing I know for sure is I received the Lord's guidance and things became clearer to me than they have ever been.
I have known for well over 12 years that my dream was to be a writer. That has never been in doubt. Writing is something that is very important in my life and makes me who I am. When I do not write, I feel like half my heart is missing. I am not the same person and it shows. However, I thought my dream was to write fiction.
While I now know that was not the case, I also realize I had to live what I thought was my dream (my perceived dream), my life's purpose, before I could accept my real dream. I was not ready for this dream that I have today.
Now that I am journaling about it, and sharing it with you, I think it's not several different dreams here I am talking about. Rather it's a dream that's been morphed and transformed into something bigger and better than I could have ever, and will ever, imagine. It's the realization of stages of a dream.
As it is, I have set several goals to help me to reach my dream of becoming a fiction writer. I have accomplished every one of them. It's taken me years, but I have. It's also taken a great deal more work and effort than I realized. It has not been easy. It's been quite difficult and has taken everything I have.
While all of this might sound dramatic, it is not. What I am sharing with you is the reality of the situation.
I have been, and am, quite proud of what I've accomplished I did not think I would be able to do what I have done. Yet, I somehow did it. I was pushed harder than ever and did things I never thought I could do.
It's taken a great deal of strength I never knew I had. It seems that with every dream, several obstacles find their way to you. They try to thwart not just one or two things you do, but everything you do. They try to sidetrack you, discourage you, and get you to stop your pursuit of your dream. My dream has been no different. I've been at my wits end some days, as a matter of fact.
I've also done my fair share of spinning my wheels--getting nowhere fast.
I've been distracted.
I've even traveled the wrong path at times.
However, I've persevered.
I've made sure to evaluate my dream, and goals to reach the dream, periodically. This is the key. This is the heart of the matter. I have checked periodically to see if I am on-track and what I should do differently. This is what I did last week, needless to say, and it has changed everything for me.
My dream has transformed into something I never would have thought of on my own. It is far bigger than me, my capabilities, and my imagination. In order for this dream to come true, I will need God to work through me. I cannot do it on my won. I need divine assistance. That's how big my dream is now.
It's rather funny. As I look back now, I realize I would have said the same 12 years ago when I realized my dream was to writ fiction. However, deep down inside, I knew I could do it. This time, I have no such inclination. I expect to fall flat on my face several times as I live out this dream and as I bring it to become reality and fulfilled, through the Lord's help and guidance. But, I am prepared to get up, dust myself off--and persevere. I know it will be worthwhile.
I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing--if I am totally truthful.
Never mind how I am TERRIFIED. Yes. Scared. Shaking in my boots. Chewing my fingernails. Bouncing my leg. Shaking my head. Hair standing on end. Doing everything I can not to freeze, fight, or flight. Rather, I will stand and do whatever it takes. But, it does not change the fat that I am petrified.
I don't have the stuff to bring this dream to pass.
I have no idea what I am doing or how to get there.
I am clueless.
I have pledged to dedicate at least the entire year of 2013 of giving everything I have and am to this dream fulfillment. I have already figured out the great sacrifices I will need to make in order to bring it to attainment.
This blog will share my journey of my dream with you.
My specific writing dream is:
A combination of journaling my life story, writing my memoir, and embarking on a year-long project, as I teach you to journal and bring you journaling tips.
Let me give you the title of the blog series I am going to do for 2013 and see if you can figure out my specific dream:
"My Year with the Founding of the United States of America"
It sounds pretty heavy, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is.
The bottom-line is this:
I want to trace the origins of the United States of America, and my family, and see how each point I learn has shaped my life and who I am today.
I want to become a subject-matter expert in the founding of the USA and what it means for my life today.
I will share more with you in a future blog post.
~ Stacy Duplease