I come to you with a contrite heart and an apology--along with a confession (as I pray I do not drive you too crazy).
I hate to be so wishy-washy. However, I need to tell you a story.
Last night, I got a Christian Writers Guide in the mail and I started to look at the publishing requirements of Christian/inspired historical fiction publishers. I am going to a writers conference in February and want to see how many books I can write and edit to perfection between now and then.
Well... This only told me how I need to change my word count yet again. I need to decrease the size of book by 40,000 words more--from 90,000 to 50,000. Also, I got more of a vision of what to expect for the FAMILY TREEZ OF THE USA SERIES.
So, you know what that means. I am starting a new book for Camp NaNoWriMo.
Now, I have to commit if I want to have several books ready for meeting with publishers at the writers conference... I cannot change my mind ever again. If I do, it will throw my schedule out of whack and I will not bring my best to the conference. That is simple inexcusable and is not permitted in my book. I hold myself to a higher standard than that.
Never mind how I do not want to drive you crazy, turn you off, frustrate/annoy you, and so one. Your readership means far too much for me to be so wishy-washy.
I pledge to you... I never make a promise I cannot keep. The next book I write--starting today--will be the one I write and finish for CampNaNoWriMo. That means I have 11 days to write 50,000 words. (No pressure. That's 4546 words per day. But, I can do it. I will do it.
So, will you, please, forgive me, and join me for the ride over the next 11 days?
I will spare you downloading it on my store at Smashwords until it is finished, but will send blog posts to tell you about it between now and August 31st.
Book: MARY DICKMAN, here I come!
Stacy Duplease
Geneaologist and Historical Fiction Writer
Geneaologist and Historical Fiction Writer
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez Etc
Family Treez Blog and Website: http://familytreezetc.blogspot.com