Since I wrote the last blog post, I have scrapped the former start I had of writing Book 1 of the Cirtolia Series and have been planning, outlining, and writing. I hope by the end of this week, or the beginning of next week, I will have a title and will be able to tell you what it is about, other than a fantasy series based off of my family tree.
I have about 9,500 words written so far and have 25% of book 1 planned. By the end of the day today, I hope to have more written and planned.
Also, I have decided to take place in Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).
Camp NaNoWriMo starts on July 01 and lasts through the month. My goal is to write 31,000 words at least during that time.
My normal writing goall is the least 7,000 words per week, but preferably 10,000 words. When I complete the gol, then I work on more planning and outlining of this novel, as well as future novels.