Friday, September 7, 2012

Download Latest Version of Book 1

I have a new version of Book 1, FAITH AND JAMESTOWN, ready for you to download for FREE at my Smashwords store.
See the link below in order to do so.
Enjoy! (And remember--it's rough.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Priorities as a Writer

As a writer of Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction, I cannot help but realize how critical it is to take care of my body (the temple of God) so that I am able to write. The healthier I am in body, mind, heart, and spirit, the better writing I have the potential to do. However, it is absolutely essential for me to constantly polish my craft as well.
So, how do I do it all? Is it even possible?
The most important thing I can do is establish my priorities (in priority order).
My priorities are:
~ God, prayer, and Bible study
~ Eating Healthy (I am in the process of losing weight and eating healthy since I am hypoglycemic--which means low carb, high fiber and protein).
~ Exercise. I am a runner. In March 2012, I was not one. I never ran before in my life (unless it was raining and I did not want to get wet--or if chased.)
~ My husband
~ Writing my fiction books
~ Writing my blog posts
~ Writing my writing devotional
~ Learning and honing my craft.
My priorities have not been in the proper order lately. I have decided today, it changes. Also, I am going to make sure to study my craft through reading books and applying on a more intentional level. I want to devote at least ten hours per week to learning.
I also have decided to write at a pace of 2,000 words a day so I can get more of all of the above done--and not feel guilty for doing so.
Now, it is time for the healthy eating thing while I go cook dinner. Then, I will study some more and get a little more writing done on book 1: FAITH AND JAMESTOWN before I turn in for the evening. (Hmm. That sounds to me like coffee is necessary as well.)

(Photo Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Learning from History

Evaluated experience is the best teacher. And so is learning from history.
History is another great teacher. If we do not learn it, we are doomed to repeat the errors made in history.
Why do I love historical fiction? Some of these errors can be made and learned from again today. That's why. If we do not know our history, we live a very dangerous life. After all, we do not know the lessons others had to learn the hard way.
So, study up on history. It will help you live a better today. I write historical fiction to make this learning easier and more imaginative than reading a textbook.

(Clipart Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


In the Garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve ate the fruit and after God confronted them, Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the sneaky snake. They did not accept responsibility.

If they had, God would have forgiven them.

The most important thing to remember is that blaming anyone and everyone else for our own personal wrongdoing is sin. It is wrong.

Accept responsibility.

Remember he is a God of grace.
(Photo Credit: Microsoft Imagines Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.

Book 1: Faith and Jamestown: New Book Cover

This is my new book cover for:
Faith and Jamestown

(Cover Image Credit: By Stacy Duplease. 04 September 2012.)

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Book 1, FAITH AND JAMESTOWN, is Available to Download

Faith and Jamestown
Book 1 of the Family Treez of the USA Series
I have made the ROUGH DRAFT of Book 1 available at my Smashwords Store. See the link below... Or, use this link:
Yes. It is available at NO cost. It's free.
But, it will probably cost you to read--if errors drive you crazy. This is a FIRST DRAFT version of Book 1. However, if you can read it for content, and to familiarize yourself with the story, feel free to do so.
Once a week or so, I will download the latest version and will let you know when you can get the latest copy of this book.

(Cover Design Credit: Stacy Duplease. August 2012.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Plan for the Family Treez of the USA Series

I have been working on planning for more of the books in this series.
I have a great deal family here in America since 1585. Future stories will talk about this. However, I realize that I have had several members in the American Revolutionary War and in the Civil War. Never mind all of the other wars. I also can trace my family line back to the Plantagenet and Tudor bloodlines in England and France. I come from a line of several famous and infamous Kings and Queens. But, it is the fact that I have had over 23 members of my family beheaded or executed in England that I find most interesting. (How is that for a claim?!?)  
Each of these periods of time begs the questions: Why America? Why now? What was life like? How did their faith shape them as people and as Americans? (Or, add England for the other family members.)
Therefore, here is my plan for the enxt couple of years. I will write a book from each of these times frames in the following order:
~ Jamestown
~ American Revolutionary War
~ Civil War
~ England (Tower Series)
Hopefully, I will write 2 books from each segment each year. This is my goal. (We shall see.)
In other words, if you do not prefer the period of time a book is set in, wait for the enxt, and it will change. But, read all of them, and get a glimpse of an American family with English roots.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

The Latest of Faith and Jamestown

Book 1 of the Family Treez of the USA Series is moving right along. I am at 25,465 words and hope to be at 37,500 between now and Friday.
Book 1 is called, "FAITH AND JAMESTOWN," by the way.
So far, I am rather enjoying it and am glad to bring the story of Francis, Mary, and Ann Mason as they made the decision to go to Jamestown and about their travels to Jamestown. I am in the point of the book where they are on the boat for the first night at sea.
Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

The Right Place at the Right Time

I still cannot help but count my blessings for being at the right place at the right time. That's true personally and professionally.
I know I have shared this with you before, but I want to bring context to this blog post. Please bear with me.
Virginia is not a place I would have ever said, "I want to live there." But, God had other plans. Through my husband's job, we moved to July in 2011. We fell in love with the history in the area well before I ever learned about my family treez here in Virginia and my genealogy. Hence, when I found out about my family history, it only added to the passion I feel for the history in this area. That is why I am writing the Family Treez of the USA Series.
Yesterday, I could not help but think again how I am at the right place at the right time. I needed research about sailing and boats for the book I am writing now and for the one I will write next. This book is set in 1613 and the next book is set in December 1773. Therefore, I needed a wealth of knowledge. That meant thinking about where, besides the Internet, I could gain such knowledge. Then, I remembered. There's the Waterman's Museum in Yorktown and the Mariner's Museum in New Port News. My husband and I Had not been to either, so we made a day of it yesterday.
What a blessing to live in the right place at the right time so I can gather research material with my own eyes--and not just over the Internet.
Oh! The perfect kicker to our day yesterday. We walked outside to view the outdoor exhibits of the Waterman's Museum in Yorktown--right of the York River and near where the original pier was in 1691 for Yorktown. We saw a couple of people taking pictures near the river and decided to see why. They asked us if we had any idea what they were seeing. My husband and I looked where they pointed and saw immediately. "Dolphins!" We both exclaimed and explained at the same time. God showed us his glory and blessed us in a whole different way.

(Image Credit: Microsoft Images Online.)

Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer of:
Inspirational American Historical Ancestry Romance Fiction
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Old ideas

Does the Bible hold old ideas? Are there centuries old ideas?

The Bible is indeed thousands of years old. This is a fact.

But, are the truths and way of life mentioned in the Bible old? 

If we follow the truths of the Bible, are we following old truth and principles?

I am referring to 'old' in the negative sense. 

Is the Bible old and stale? Or... Does the Bible hold timeless truths and principles? I refer to timeless as in truths and principles just as true in 500 BC as in 2012 AD. This is fact.

If you are Christian, you do not follow old-fashioned ideas. You follow timeless principles just as true today as it was centuries ago. The truth is truth. It is always true and never changes.

Truth is never old. It is timeless and always true.

The Bible, its truth and principles, do not change.

(Image Credit: See/From Microsoft Images Online.)

-- Stacy Duplease
Historical Fiction Writer
Sent from my cell.