{Note: No. I am not admonishing you, by the way. This is a reminder to myself.}
Bible Verse to Prayer Journal and Ponder
Prayer Journal June 20,2014, Friday
Proverbs 12:23 / Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
23 A shrewd person conceals knowledge,
but a foolish heart publicizes stupidity.
-- Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
Prayer journal your thoughts.
What a powerful verse.
I cannot help but think how often I've fallen for this trap--and how I've been in the presence of those who have.
Often times, we are prideful and think we know something, so we boast. We pat ourselves on the back and seek to win man's approval. What we don't realize is we spoke like a fool and didn't really know much at all. And, it's because we are full of pride and want to seek approval. What we forget is the only thing... the only one we should boast in is God and His Word. We tend to overlook how the only approval we should ever seek is God's.
I've spoken out of turn. Too many times. It's done out of a lack of discipline--and a lack of dealing with my stuff. Usually, it's when I haven't been in the Word, prayer journaling, and pondering His Word all day and night. It's when I'm being ugly that this happens.
Then I say something mean (sometimes without intending) or heated, or something that doesn't make sense, and I look even more like a fool.
Pride always comes before a fall. Always.
Isn't it better to keep our opinions to ourselves, unless we are in a place of discipline and closeness with God where He can speak through us, rather than us forcing an issue because we think we know, but really don't?
And, what do we do when we are in the presence of someone who lives this verse? First, we cut them grace. But, we might want to gently point out the truth in love. Do not let them continue in error. Let them know the foolishness of what was said, through pointing out truth to them in a quiet and non-confrontational way. And, then drop it. Never raise the issue with them again. It's done. Give them grace as you would so have liked others to offer you when you've been in their place. And, say a prayer for yourself that you not stumble again through opening your mouth when you shouldn't.
Prayer journal your thoughts.
Proverbs 12:23 / Expanded Bible (EXB)
23 ·Wise [Prudent] people ·keep what they know to themselves [L conceal/hide their knowledge],
but ·fools can’t keep from showing how foolish they are [L the heart of fools proclaim their stupidity].
-- -- EXB: Scripture taken from The Expanded Bible. Copyright © 2011 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Prayer journal your thoughts.