Saturday, October 4, 2014

Every Moment is Sacred (Blessings Counted Journaling)

Every Moment is Sacred (Blessings Counted Journaling)
2014-10-02 13:43:23, Thursday

Do you think every moment is sacred? 
Prayer Journal: Why or why not? Explain your answer.
If you do not believe every moment is sacred, prove it. Prove how every moment is not sacred. 
If you think that a storm in life, a tough time, a nasty time isn't sacred, I say the same: Prove it. 
If the tough stuff in life isn't sacred, then you're saying: Pregnancy is not sacred. Birth is not. Raising a child is not. Learning is not. Eating is not. Having a home is not.
The lack of an easy way does not make something less sacred or not sacred at all. 
The easy path is not the sacred path. 
Nothing in this life is easy. Most of life has its good, ugly, and indifferent. Rarely is one moment in time completely good, completely ugly, or completely indifferent. Every moment usually has shades of each. 
However, here is the key. It's how to we choose to view and live in the moment that counts. 
Are you going to actively, intentionally, purposefully choose that each moment is terrible and tough? Or, are you going to find a blessing (or several) in each moment?
Oh, how easy it is to focus on the stuff that isn't right in a moment. But, why do we choose to focus on that? Why do not we change it and try to search for the blessing in the moment, even during the really challenging moments? 
Why do we choose to focus on the negative and not on the blessing? 
Also, if God is working in every moment, and is in every moment, isn't it sacred, whether we choose to acknowledge it as such? 
So, I ask again... Is every moment sacred? 
The answer is this: YES!
The question, again, is what we're going to focus on: the yuck or the blessing. 
Please, do not get me wrong. When you find out you or a loved one has cancer, you or your spouse are infertile, another war has broken out, or another act of terrorism (like a beheading) has occurred, it's rather difficult to find the blessing then and there. We need to work through the emotion and get to the thinking logically part. However, as we feel emotional, we can tell ourselves there is a blessing to be found here somewhere and we search for it, even through the anger, tears, and confusion. It may take a day, two, weeks, or months, but we will actively search for the blessing in even that moment. In fact, we will search for three or more blessings from that one yuck moment. We will take that yuck and find the blessing. 
Every moment is sacred, for every moment holds multiple blessings, for God is there and is at work, regardless of what we see, think, or experience. He always is. Without fail. 
Search for at least three blessings in every moment throughout your day. Try to get them listed and prayer journaled, so on those really tough days, you can look back at your list and count your blessings when you cannot think of one. 
Every moment is sacred. 
Every moment holds several blessings. 

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