Thursday, October 2, 2014

Journaling: The Last Quarter of the Year (A Journaling How-To) (Blessings Counted Journaling)

Journaling: The Last Quarter of the Year (A Journaling How-To) (Blessings Counted Journaling)
AKA End of Year Journaling
Written: 2014-10-02 09:52:01, Thursday

Here it is October 02, 2014 already. 
Where has the year gone?
Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. (Gulp... Pause... Allowing that to sink in for a moment... Can you believe it? Another gulp.)
This is the time I look back and ask myself if I've accomplished this year what I wanted to accomplish.
Have I lived my word for the entire year? Mine was "Gratitude," or "Blessings," by the way.
And, another question comes to mind: What can I do to savage the year in the last three months? How can I make it count the most. You know--really make it count? 
What have I accomplished?
What haven't I that I wanted to do this year?
How has my faith been this year?
How has my journaling been this year?
Have I lived a year of blessing and gratitude? 
What blessings have I experienced and seen this year? This, in truth, is probably the most important question of them all. 
Now, that I've figured it out, that last paragraph... The one before this one... This is what I want to do regarding the last nine months and the next three months. I want to count my blessings. I want to thank God for everything He has done in my life, in the lives around me, through my life, and in this world. 
Is thanksgiving and blessings counting the secret to realize His grace is enough in my life (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 EXB)? 
Stay tuned.
So, for you... What blessings have you had in your life this year? What blessings will you see in each moment for the rest of the year? Make sure to count all of your blessings--even the smallest and tiniest. 
Why focus on the yuck of the year--unless you can turn it all into a blessing to be counted? And, that might be an exercise to do for the rest of the year. Take every yuck, ouch, hurt, etc. and figure out how to count it as a blessing. 
Count all of your blessings, the good, the ugly, and the indifferent. Make sure to keep a list of all of your blessings from 2014. 

#Journaling #JournalingHow-To #PrayerJournaling #BibleJournaling #ChristianJournaling #HowToJournal #Journal #Diary #EndOfYearJournaling #BlessingJournaling #Blessings #Blessing #Gratitude #GratitudeJournaling #BlessingsCountedJournaling

1 comment:

  1. I need to count my blessings every day. Actually, every minute that you're breathing is a blessing.

