Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Personal journaling and getting informed about the history and current events of terrorism (November 16-17, 2015)

Prayer and Terror: Personal journaling and getting informed about the history and current events of terrorism (November 16-17, 2015)
The purpose of my personal journaling is to get informed about the history and current events of terrorism, so I can pray effectively. That's it in a nutshell.
I am sharing this with you via blog form so that you can learn from the research that I do. I will give you the original sources so you can research it further and fact check what I say. I will share my opinions and what I think based off of what I learn. It is my goal to do the research so you don't have to, if you don't want to or have the time to do so for yourself.
The truth is I am biased. I am starting with the opinion that terrorism is wrong and that over one thousand four hundred years of ideology cannot be changed overnight. However, I want to know what they believe and why and the facts of the history and current events regarding terrorism.
I am a journal keeper of 33+ years and I journal all day and night long. Therefore, I journal multiple times each day. Rather than put each journal entry as a separate blog post, I will include all of them in a daily blog post.
Current events articles for November 17, 2015
I'm going to include current event articles each day to help us stay informed. I will put them in the order in which I receive them.
Article 1)
Title: "Obama: The Current [Failing] Strategy We're Putting Forward Against ISIS Is Ultimately The One That Will Work"
Katie Pavlich | Nov 16, 2015
Link: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2015/11/16/obama-the-current-strategy-were-putting-forward-against-isis-is-ultimately-the-one-that-will-work-n2081404
My thoughts: If what we were already doing was working, why did a Russian jetliner get taken down by ISIS? And, why did the Paris Terror Attacks happen? If we were effective in our strategy, these things would have been known about in advance and stopped.
Article 2)
Title: " Obama: Paris terror rampage a 'setback'"
Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/11/16/obama-facing-criticism-for-push-to-contain-isis/?intcmp=hpbt1
My thoughts: Saying that a terror attack is a setback is heinous. It minimizes the deaths and those wounded. It allows the people who died to die in vain. It is absolutely sickening that the President of the United States would use such a phrase. He is supposed to be a leader. I am, frankly, shocked at how callous he is in using this phrase. If he sees this as a mere 'setback,' how can he effectively fight terrorism?
In order to understand terrorism, it's important to learn about the history of Islam and the Koran (Quran). In order to learn the most I can about Islam, the Koran, and terrorism, it's important for me to learn about the founder, Muhammad.
570 Muhammad was born.
610 Muhammad's revelation of the Koran began in 610 in a cave near Mecca. The cave was called the Cave of Hira.
610 Then, the same year, at the age of 40, Muhammad's prophethood began when the Angel Jebreel (Gabriel) appeared to him and called him the Prophet of Allah.
632 Muhammad died.
From these facts, we can do some math. 2015 - 610 = 1,405.
Islam began 1,405 years ago or thereabouts.
418 p.m.
Article 3)
Title: " Sadly, Glenn's prediction about Paris comes true"
Link: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/11/15/sadly-glenns-prediction-about-paris-comes-true/
Article 4)
Title: "The Strategy Continues As Is: Breaking Down Obama's 'Striking' Remarks on Paris Terror"
Link: http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/11/16/obama-refers-paris-terror-setback-hemmer-baier-break-down-striking-remarks
Article 5)
Title: "How One Unlikely Man Stopped the Stealing of Thanksgiving" by Ann Voskamp
Link: http://www.incourage.me/2015/11/a-story-how-one-unlikely-man-stopped-the-stealing-of-thanksgiving.html
Article 6)
Title: "Russia joins France striking ISIS stronghold in Syria"
Link: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/17/france-carries-out-fresh-isis-airstrikes-as-report-claims-allies-targeted-paris/
Article 7)
Title: "#F**kParis' — 'Black Lives' Show True Colors On Twitter"
Link: Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/16/fkparis-black-lives-show-true-colors-on-twitter/#ixzz3rlDcRgMw
Prayers and Blessings,
Stacy Duplease
RYP Stories http://rypstories.blogspot.com/
Prayer and Terror http://prayerandterror.blogspot.com/
A Journaling Odyssey http://ajournalingodyssey.blogspot.com/


  1. First I want to thank you for what you're doing. Throughout the day I will be reading all the links. Becoming informed which I need to do.

  2. Thank you so much for reading this blog. I hope you find it informative. It's my goal to present the facts as I think through the ramifications of the facts.
    If we know the history of these beliefs, along with the actual beliefs themselves, then we will see current events in a whole new light--and this will help us pray effectively about terrorism.
    We need to learn the truth and facts for ourselves, and not trust what others say. This is true with the Bible or with the Koran. The same goes for the beliefs of Christianity and Islam. Facts don't lie. Facts don't stretch the truth. Also, facts and truth stand on their own and do not need anyone to defend them.
    It's my goal to help us find the facts of history, current events, and the beliefs of Islam and terrorism. That way, we can look at current events through the lens of history and belief--and form our own personal stances on the matter. Then, we can pray the most effectively against terrorism.
