Friday, August 8, 2014

40 Personal Journal (2014-08-05 10:01:17. Aug 05, Tues.)

40 Personal Journal (2014-08-05 10:01:17. Aug 05, Tues.)

Just a reminder, I'm calling this project 40 for short:

As I do my own personal journaling over the next thirteen months for my 40 journaling entries and blog posts, I'm also going to include journaling prompts, hints, explanations, and teachings as well to help you get the most out of journaling you can. 

I love sitting down to a blank page. In fact, I love it so much that I tend to start a new page throughout the day. Yesterday, I had 11 entries in my journal. Today, I've had 3 so far, including this one. 

Why do I love the blank page so much? It is a physical representation of how I can wipe things clean and try again. I tend to not get things always right, so a enw beginning is always appreciated. Moreover, I tend to try to lvie by the seeing to make my every tomorrow bigger than my every yesterday. Well, the same applies with each journal entry. I want to move deeper and try to capture as much on the page as possible. When I fail to do so, I turn the page and start again. I make a new journal entry. 

Another reason why I love the blank page, and the idea of a blank page, is because there is so little I can control in this life. In fact, the only things I can control are my behavior, thoughts, and emotions/reactions to people, things, and experiences. That being said, I can also control the turning pf the page in my journal and starting again. This is a wonderful realization and it frees me to journal more and go deeper. 

And, there is another reason why I like the blank page--and am truly, deeply grateful for a blank page. Life is full of--stuff: stressors, yuck, bad experiences, poor choices, tough times, challenges, storms, or whatever else you want to call it. To make it simple, I call it either the tough stuff of life or the storms of life. I've seen my fair share. Hence, a blank page signifies a brand new day and a new beginning, in which it is an opportunity to start again and find blessings through all the tough stuff and in spite of the storms. 

Tip: Never be intimidated with a blank page. It's a new beginning. Give it your best shot. If it doesn't work, turn the page and try again. That's what I love about journaling. It's forgiving and gets rid of any and all pressure. All you ened to do is sit down and write. Capture your life on the page. It really is that simple. Catch a big part or a small one. Catch a moment or a decade. Catch a snapshot in your memory. Then, put it and capture it on the page. (Oh, how delightful it is to do so!) Your journal never judges you. It's just there to be with you and let you vent, play with art, enjoy life, and capture your life on the next blank page. 

I actually just printed out a calendar so I can count and see on paper how many days before I turn four big decades old. So... It looks like, counting today, I turn forty in forty days. There. Now I know. 

Make the time and do it.

Just sit down and write. That's the only hard and fast rule. It really is that simple. 

Huh. I seem to be all over the place today. As long as I am journaling, it's okay to be all over the place. Eventually, I will find my rhythm and find out what I really want and should be journaling about, if only I keep trying and experimenting to figure out what it is and getting rid of all the fluff it is not. I will keep writing and find the depth and perspective. It's just a matter of time.

Turning forty means I am that dreaded term of middle aged. Knowing that I just might have as much life behind me as I do in front of me doesn't intimidate me or upset me. It doesn't make me think of all the things I've missed. I am quite content with where I've been, where I am, and where I am headed. I have no regret. (Seriously.)

How can I have no regret? I've done the ebst that I can every single day. Sometimes, I've falled flat on my face and sometimes I've falled on my knees or on my rear. Soiemtimes, lfie has brought me to my knees. But, with every bit of it, I've asked these questions: What can I learn from this? And--How can I turn this into a blessing? So, you see, I can't have regret. I've turned some ugly stuff into beauty and blessing. How can I regret that? 

I may ahve a big mouth that gets me into trouble. I may be too emotional and opinionated at times. I might jump to conclusions. I am tempted. I sin. I am stubborn and tend not to reach all of my loved ones when I should,w ant, or need. Busyness can get me short-sighted. 

Title: "Man in Afghan army uniform opens fire at base in Afghanistan, killing at least 1 American soldier."

Prayer: Oh, Lord. I don't have the words right now. Sad. Senseless. 

1 killed, 15 wounded as of right now.  

Yep. Case and point. Life storms happen all the time. Just now. 

PHONE CALL (2014-08-05 11:12:28)
I just had a phone call. Now, I'm back to journal. 

This is one of those times I've lost my momentum journaling. The truth of the matter is there is other stuff going on in my life... Or more specifically in some family members' lives. Health problems. My hubby, B, has been at the hospital yesterday and today to help offer them support--as I am at home, doing my thing, doing journaling stuff, and praying. 

So, it's time for me to re-focus and... yeah. It's time. I'm going to start with a new and blank page. This will help me get my momentum back with my journaling. 

And... turning...

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