Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Short Stories of My Family Will Begin Tomorrow (and a Disclaimer)

I am pleased to announce the short stories of my family will begin tomorrow.

This good news is followed by a but, however.


Each blog post will not be perfect. In fact, they will be far from perfect. They will have some errors and will need some work. By the time they make it to this blog, I will be on the third or forth draft at least with each blog post, but they will still need a great deal of polishing.

I do not want to put the final drafts on this blog. Rather, it is meant to be a sampling to peak your curiosity to read the stories in their entirety, once I edit them and add more material to them and publish them in book format. Also, I will not include every story here on this blog, but many.


The purpose of this blog is to give a sampling of the stories of my family tree stories and to share a more comprehensive history of the United States of America and about the founding fathers and mothers, starting in 1584.

Additionally, I hope they will inspire you to find out about your own family stories and write about them as well.


I cannot believe how much time it takes to even attempt to thoroughly investigate each piece, each bit, of history. Never mind about my family. I'm talking about just a date or an event that happened in history. This is what is zapping up most of my time right now. That being said though, I cannot even begin to tell you how fascinating it is and how much I am enjoying the research. Now, I hope I can convey the important details in a fascinating way, but still keep things true to the time, people, places, and events.


So, stay tuned. Tomorrow will bring the first short story of the Family Trees of the USA and the Lost Colony of Roanoke.

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