Thursday, April 10, 2014

AYOAGT Day 3, Part 4

AYOAGT Day 3, Part 4
April 09, 2014, Wednesday, Later in the evening
At Virginia Airport. Picking up B and co-worker.
I am thankful for:
81 Their first flight today was quiet and safe.
82 A safe drive here.
83 Parking garage and airport feel pretty safe for it being later.
84 A moment to be still.
85 Zack really loved his new food. Really loved it. I wasn't watching him as he ate it and he scarfed it down so much he got sick on the floor. Nice, Zack. So, we had to go for round two. That being said, I can't wait to get home and listen to his belly and see if it's happier.
86 Gum. For fresh breath and decrease chance of cavities and tooth decay after meals and if it's burglar free and with Zylitol????
87 Yep. Very grateful for this: Getting excited to see my man. Would you believe after almost 13 years, I still get butterflies?
88 Glad because the guys didn't check a bag. But, waiting for them near baggage claim. Easier.
89 People watching.
90 The sound of children talking. What a joy.
91 Watching people reunite.
92 The sound of laughter among friends.
93 Receiving a text from hubby that he has landed. (Yay!)
94 The drive to co-worker's house so we can drop them off. They are excited to be home. Hubby and I have the excitement of wanting to be alone.
95 Driving home alone, together.
96 Talking in bed for a while, staying up much too late because we aren't tired because everything has been righted with world now that we are together. So, we talked and talked. About everything and nothing. Just enjoying one another again.
97 It's been almost thirteen years and we still are crazy about each other. It's the feeling of home. It's knowing we are better together than apart.
98 Watching dog and cat when dad gets home.
99 Watching B with dog and cat when he gets home.
100 It's always interesting to realize what I missed about B when we're apart. This time, it was his smile and silliness. I missed his sense of humor and good, usually laid-back nature.

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