Grab your Bible and journal please. Then, look up Galatians 5:16-25.
~*~ Write a summary of what you learn there.
~*~ What does God say to you about those verses?
~*~ What do you say to God about those verses?
~*~ How have you still been living in the flesh as you have done this Bible study?
~*~ How has Praying the Word helped you not to live in the flesh, but in the spirit?
~*~ How have you, and what have you, lived the verses of Galatians 5:19-21 the last 25 days? Go through each and every one of the qualities listed and answer that question.
~*~ How has Praying the Word helped not to live the things listed in Galatians 5:19-21? Go through each and every one of the qualities listed and answer that question.
~*~ How has praying the Word helped you to live the qualities of Galatians 5:22-23? Go through each and every one of the qualities listed and answer that question.
~*~ What has God said to you now about those verses?
~*~ What have you said to God now about those verses?
Pray Galatians 5:16-25 over the next 24 hours.
Stacy Duplease
Bible Study Writer, Journalkeeper, & Blogger: A Loyal Faith
Fantasy Author: The Kingdom of Lethana
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC
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