Friday, August 15, 2014

Journaling is Joyful and Brings Enjoyment

Journaling is Joyful and Brings Enjoyment

2014-08-14 12:26:47

An enjoyable life is what I seek.

Infused with joy, not happiness. 

Happiness is short-term and is fleeting. It changes with the wind. Happiness depends on people and circumstances. Happiness is shallow. You cannot always be happy. You can sure try, but it just isn't possible. 

Joy is long-term, God given, and isn't dependent on anyone or anything. Joy runs deeper and can be found anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. Joy is found only in God, His Word, and in His blessings. Joy can be found in any storm. Joy is independent of people and circumstances, but is dependent on the Lord and His blessings. Joy is always possible. And, joy lasts and is lasting. 

Whenever someone tells me they are happy or seek happiness, I cringe. They want a shallow, short-term, dependent emotion. I feel sad for them and wish they wanted and sought more. They seek the lesser, for happiness is so much lesser. 

Hence, I seek an enjoyable life. 

Let's face it. People and circumstances are part of this life. So, how can we see past them? How can we seek more than happiness? Is it possible and achievable?

The truth is unless you know God and believe in Him and follow the Bible, you will not know joy. Happiness is of the flesh. Joy is of the Spirit. Happiness is human. Joy is spiritual. 

If you know God, and are in His Word each day and pray to Him, you can then know joy.

I also believe joy and gratitude to hand-in-hand. You cannot know joy unless you count your blessings.

If you count your blessings, meaning you look for your blessings in each moment throughout your day, you can know joy. As a matter of fact, I do not think we can ever know the fullness of joy, and live an enjoyable life, unless you count the blessings of each moment.

How can you count the blessings of each moment? Particularly because we have to work, do household chores, run errands, and exercise, how can we find the time to count the blessings of each moment throughout the day? This can only be accomplished through journaling. 

Joy is found through knowing God. Knowing God allows us to see all of His blessings, if we stop and take note. We must do so of all the moments of each of our days.

Why should we journal? Journaling brings enjoyment. Moreover, joy comes through journaling. 

We stop and take note of at least the three most memorable parts of our day, each and every day. Moments that stood out, whether for the good or bad, are moments we should take note of and journal about so we can find the blessings of each moment. 

Joy is found through being open to be blessed and through looking for the blessings. We become cognizant of our blessings only when we search for and look for them in our lives and in each moment. Journaling helps us do this. 

Count your blessings each day in your journal.

#Journaling #Diary #Blessings #Gratitude #Thanksgiving #Journal #Journalkeeping #JournalingStuff #BlessingsOfTurningForty 

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC August 2014. Norfolk Botanical Garden.)

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