Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What is Journaling Exactly? How Would You Define it?

What is Journaling Exactly? How Would You Define it? 

(A Journal How-To: 2014-08-06 08:19:40)

I've said before how the simplest definition of journaling is this:

Capturing your life on the page.

Great. Sounds good. Right? Right. But, what does this really mean? What does journaling really mean and how do you put it into practice?

Overall, the definition of capturing your life on the page is the best definition for journaling. Iv'e seen several out there, but this is best. However, there are nuances and clarifies to help us understand what journaling really means. 

Let's be honest, though. Journaling will mean something different to everyone you ask. It also depends on when you ask them. If I were to write a definition for journaling every single day for the rest of my life, I think I would get a new definition every single day.

Why is this? Is it because journaling is complicated? Actually, the answer is journaling is the opposite of complicated. It's easy. Journaling is fluid. It's what you need it to be when you approach the page. But, as you approach the page of your journal, and write a journal entry, your whole goal is to capture your life on the page--whether it is a slice, a chunk, or a crumb. 

Today, journaling means to me: Capturing my life on the page. It always means this. But, there might be a little more to that definition at times more than others. Today is one of those days. Journaling to me today is venting. It's throwing up on the page. It's getting it out on the page and purging myself of yuckiness. It's taking it out on my journal so I don't have to take it out on someone ele. It's venting so I deal with what's bugging me, rather than allowing it to deal with me. Journaling to me right now is working through a problem so I can move on and forget about it. Hence, journaling is healing. It's helping me to find perspective. It's helping me let go and get re-focused. It's putting my heart out on paper and then finding the logic of the situation. It's biting and snapping at my journal so I don't do that with someone else. It's crying there so I don't have to cry out loud and in real life. It's helping me cope with a dog with dementia--who, by the way, as I'm tying this is dealing with another episode. (Poor guy.)

Sigh. My heart is breaking once again. This is what I opened my day with--journaling about Zack and his dementia. I feel so gosh darn helpless. I'm trying to sit at my PC to journal on Penzu and then turn this into a blog post. Will I have to move to the sofa so he can calm again? Or, will we be able to get him through it from here? 

Today, journaling also means this to me: Remembering. It's remembering my present, so I can live the most intentional and purposeful life today. It's remembering where I've come, so I can repeat the same stuff or learn from what I didn't do so well. Journaling is also remembering where I am headed, so I can get there well. 

Journaling to me today is also meeting with God.

Journaling is counting my blessings--in spite of the monster of dementia or the other storms which may blow in my life. 

Journaling is finding proper perspective. 

(Oh, thank God! Zack just calmed down. To You be the glory, Lord.)

Journaling is finding relief from the tough stuff of life.

Journaling is getting to know myself, and God, in a deeper and better way. It's also getting myself down on the page so I can turn to others. Journaling is also sharing joy on the page and is learning life's lessons on the page and applying them. Journaling is putting me thoughts, emotions, dreams/goals to the page. It's living my life of faith, preserving family memories, and is collecting a legacy to leave with others. In my journal, I am real and authentic. In journaling, I reflect and analyze my life--and my past journaling entries. 

Here's a definition of a journal from a dictionary: The truth of the matter is a journal, and journaling, is so much more than this definition. 

The truth is you need to find your own definition of journaling--today--knowing it can change throughout the day even today. The definition of journaling is whatever works at that moment for you to capture your life on the page and live a better, deeper, more joyful life. Again, the definition of journaling is fluid. Do what works for you at the time you journal. that's journaling. 

The beauty about journaling is there is no wrong way or wrong definition. It's what works at the time. And, that's that. 

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