Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Story of Blessings Counted Journaling

The Story of Blessings Counted Journaling
Written 2014-10-04 14:34:20, Saturday

So, what is the story of Blessings Counted Journaling? What brought it about?
I've seen and experienced a great deal in my forty years. I've learned even more, vicariously and personally, through most often the school of hard knocks. I've been blown here, there, and everywhere by the storms of life. I've had quite the journey up to this point, you might say. 
Through it all, I remember something my dad taught me long ago: Happiness is a state of being. It's a choice. It doesn't matter what happens, who I have in my life or don't have, I always have the choice as to how I am going to handle any given situation. Am I going to focus on the mess of life or its beauty?
My Granny is the one who taught me about faith in Jesus Christ, how to be a prayer warrior, and the importance of reading the Word of God each and every day and reading it cover to cover each and every year. 
Take what my dad taught me, and what Granny has taught me, and combine it. 
Never mind how one of Dad's and my favorite Christmas movies is "WHITE CHRISTMAS" with Bing Crosby and our favorite song is "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep." (See this link for the lyrics:
Hence, the story of Blessings Counted Journaling begins here:
Dad + Granny + Bing Crosby, White Christmas, Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep.  
This seems like a good way to live if you ask me. I want to count my blessings, and focus on them, not on the ugliness or storm. I want to learn from them and make them count. How do I make the times of ugliness, storm, beauty, good, indifferent, and all of them count? After all, every moment is one of numerous blessings. This is what I want to focus on and live. 
Blessings can be found anywhere, any time, with anyone. 
Then, take every blog post I've written until now, and add this one to it. This is why I do Blessings Counted Journaling. Another reason why I do it is because I'm also a journalkeeper--and have been for over three decades. 
The best way to live the fullest life, the deepest life, the most joyful life possible is through Blessings Counted Journaling.

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