Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blessings Counted Journaling and Job

Blessings Counted Journaling and Job
Written 2014-10-07 08:33:28, Tuesday

I am a day ahead with my reading the Bible in 90 days, round 1 of 5 in 15 months. 
I read the Book of Job in the middle of the night. I've read it several times in my life, let me add. When I finished it, I wondered, "What was the point?" Meaning, what is the takeaway or what am I to learn from this? 
How frustrating I couldn't figure it out--and I am quite familiar with the Book of Job. Ugh. 
Do you ever think this about a verse, chapter, or book of the Bible?
So, what now? How can I figure out the point and what it means for my life? I turn to commentaries then. 
Here's the link for Job:
I read the introduction to Job from THE LIFE APPLICATION STUDY BIBLE (HCSB).
This is the Bible:
And, after I read the "megathemes" section, I tapped my forehead and thought, Duh.
Job brought up the problem of suffering: How and why do bad things happen to good people? Along with, "Why God," and "Where are You," and "If You are an all-powerful and merciful God, why this?" 
God never promised us an easy life.
Nor did He ever promise us answers to all of our questions.
He just asks us to trust, obey, and believe.
He asks us in these times for us to turn to Him and look for Him.
He reminds us that in our lives, there will be several unknowns. 
And He asks us, "Am I really enough for you?"
Is His grace sufficient? 
I pause and take all of this in. I don't want to miss anything and don't want to glaze over something. Rather, I want to absorb all of this.

The truth is, I'm dealing with a great deal right now. Life is anything but fair or easy, but it has never been, so this doesn't drive me crazy or upset me. 
The unknowns are what tend to really bother me, as they are now. What about Zack? Is Kara okay or will we have to put her to sleep? If she is okay, how will she transition from the garage to my study? How will Kara, Zack, and Sinan get along in time? What should I write? What about B's and my future? When will three people close to me find jobs? What about the future for B and me? How long will it take me to grow out my hair? Will I read the Bible 5 times in 15 months? Etc.
Can I let go of all my questions, and suffering, and just enjoy God and trust He really has this? 
Can I let go and let God do what He does? 

This is where Blessings Counted Journaling comes into the picture. This is where always giving thanks should be my priority and focus. Counting my blessings is the answer. Always. Without exception. 

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014. Poquoson, Virginia Marina)

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