Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Personal journaling and getting informed about the history and current events of terrorism so I can pray effectively about terrorism

Personal journaling and getting informed about the history and current events of terrorism so I can pray effectively about terrorism
Personal journaling written on Tuesday, November 17, 2015
I would love to do a great deal more personal journaling and learning about Islam and its holy text. However, I am finding it difficult to considering all of the news stories that keep coming out today. It seems a full time job just keeping up with them.
Article/News/Current Events
Title: "Huckabee: Govt's #1 Goal Is Protecting Americans, Not the 'Image of Islam'"
Link: http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/11/17/huckabee-govts-1-goal-protecting-americans-not-image-islam
Article/News/Current Events
Title: "Bolton: U.S. Is 'Barely a Bystander' as Russia, France Strike Syria"
Link: http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/11/17/new-info-putin-orders-navy-work-france-against-isis
Article/News/Current Events
Title: "Under Attack: Israel Suffered 609 Attacks In October"
Link: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2015/11/17/under-attack-israel-suffered-609-attacks-in-october-n2081922?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=
Article/News/Current Events
Title: "'Speechless': John Kerry's statement on Charlie Hebdo attack is 'mindbendingly awful'"
Link: http://twitchy.com/2015/11/17/speechless-john-kerrys-statement-on-charlie-hebdo-attack-is-mindbendingly-awful/
Commentary: I cannot wait to hear the spin he and the administration put on this. Whenever someone in the Obama administration says something this extreme, they come out and try to explain it -- and usually the explanation makes things worse. I also cannot wait to hear what people say and the silence of people on this remark. How can a terror attack ever be legitimate? How can murder of one individual ever be legitimate? Let alone multiple people -- and because of a difference in belief? Kerry is acting as a representative of the American people and he says this. Another--pardon?
252 p.m. I am wound up now. Between Kerry and the president, and what they did today, I am fired up and furious. They represent the American people. Shouldn't that mean something to them? Shouldn't that mean something to us -- the American people? Shouldn't that say something to us?
I know I am supposed to try to look at things from an unbiased perspective. But, I am having a difficult time of it at the moment when the facts show me that the Obama administration is a disgrace to the offices they hold, to the country--past and present, and to the American people.
And it gets better. (Not.)
Article/News/Current Events:
Title: "A Man is so Disturbed by What TSA Lets Him Bring onto Plane…He Turns Himself In"
Link: http://www.ijreview.com/2015/11/473648-a-man-is-so-disturbed-by-what-tsa-lets-him-bring-onto-plane-he-turns-himself-in/?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=afternoon-newsletter&utm_medium=owned
Me: TSA is supposed to protect us. Right?
I am realizing that in the past, I've read an article and have shaken my head, and quickly moved on. Isn't this the problem with our world? We need to stop just shaking out heads and moving on. We need to take a stand. Speaking out about these things, voting, and sending letters to our representatives is important. However, far more importantly, shouldn't we commit things, events, and people to prayer? Fierce prayer? Instead of shaking our heads and doing nothing? SHouldn't we commit to praying about that which we shake our heads--without ceasing--and make sure to commit these matters up with the Lord?
Article/News/Current Events
Title: "CNN asks the questions we should all be asking about Islam"
Link and Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/11/17/cnn-asks-the-questions-we-should-all-be-asking-about-islam?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link
Me: These are questions to think on and research.
Prayer is the only answer given the mess of this world.
Prayer is the only thing that can truly change things.
Prayer is the only thing every single person can do to fight terror.
Therefore, the best prayers to pray are effective ones. Effective prayers are informed prayers that know the facts, the history, and how history shapes current events.
Email I just sent my mom:
So... The prayer thing...
My stomach is so upset. The news has me wound up and fired up. That's when God told me the importance of prayer--prayer like I have never done before. And, to keep praying--and when all else fails--pray some more. When I am doing something, anything, I need to pray. When I am busy, I need to pray. As I read things and learn things, I need to pray. Pray is the only hope we have in this mixed up, twisted up, prideful, busy, lack of God-fearing world.
What else can we do?
And, what is more important than prayer?
So, how do we pray about current events and terror anyway?
What does that even look like?
And, what does ceaseless prayer look like in this world?
And, what does effective prayer look like? How do you pray effectively about terror and current events?
All questions I want to ponder and answer in my personal journaling.

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