Wednesday, January 7, 2015



Written January 05, 2015, Monday, 509 p.m.
I read Genesis 12-15 and both Spurgeon devotionals (Blessings 1559-1560).
The weather is getting colder here. A cold snap is expected tonight through Thursday. It's 44 degrees right now--with humidity. Feels like 42 degrees. I love the cold! (1561)
Written January 06, 2015, Tuesday, 1047 a.m.
Don't you just love it when you and a friend or loved one think of each other at the same time and call, text, or email each other at the same time?
That just happened to me. Gotta love that! (1562) It's a sacred time and a sacred bond--and is usually a call to prayer for one another (1563). 
Journal about a time (or several times) when that has happened to you.
Have you ever noticed how rarely does timing work out the way you want? 
Have you noticed how it seems usually it takes a great deal longer than you would like or prefer?
Think of all of the times, and journal about them, when you wished things happened quicker, but since they didn't, they worked out for the best--but the delay made you doubt, wonder, worry, etc.? 

If you read the Timing Journaling Prompt, that's what I'm going through right now--regarding the whole moving thing. Things got more delayed yesterday. Sigh. (Biting my nails--figuratively.) However, I know that things will happen--just as they are meant to happen--just when they are meant to happen--and will be for the best. But, man, it can make my anxiety increase--until I get my head wrapped around it and journal through it (also pray through it). 
So, I count this as a blessing (1564). I have no doubt all sorts of things are being worked out, and people and events are being prepared for all of this to happen. While we may be ready, they might not be. We need to wait for the perfect timing (God's perfect timing and way) (1565).

Written January 06, 2015, Tuesday, 1110 a.m.

Reading: Genesis 16-18.
Genesis 16:1-6 is a passage that has a great deal to say--and a great deal that isn't said.
JOURNALING PROMPT: Journal your thoughts on the passage.
Notice how it doesn't say that Sarai or Abram prayed about this situation in particular. I know they prayed. But, what about this? Did God give His consent--or did they proceed ahead out of fear and anxiety? Did they run ahead of God?
JOURNALING PROMPT: What do you think?
Regardless, we know that God brings His plans to fruition. Always. His plans are always perfect--and so is the way and time He executes them. Always. Without fail. We can trust Him and should.
This passage comes close to home on so many levels for me. First of all, my husband and I cannot have children. That has brought some pain. A lot of it. But, God has turned it into blessing (1566)! And, oh, how numerous and sweet they have been (1567-1568)! What God has brought out of this storm, this pain, this sorrow, has been amazing--and worthwhile. All of it. (1569)
This passage also reminds me right now how critical it is for me to stay in the Word, pray, and stay focused on Him and His Word, and count my blessings (1570). After all, with the whole moving across the country thing, these things are all the more important for me right now.
JOURNALING PROMPT: Journal your thoughts.
I know I can get ahead of God. In fact, I think that's been my life's definition the last fourteen years, if I am fully honest with myself. That being said, God can take anything and turn it out for His good and purposes. Nothing surprises Him.
JOURNALING PROMPT: How about you? Do you make sure to pray something through--or do you run ahead the moment you think you have a word from God on the matter? Are you so passionate about wanting to do God's work and purpose in your life that you tend to move a little too fast? Or, are you the worrier and think things through so fully and completely that you miss when God wanted you to act originally? Or, do you simply procrastinate?
Genesis 17:1--I want to live this verse. How about you (a journaling prompt)?
I want to serve God faithfully--without getting sidetracked--and remaining focused. 
I also want to live a blameless life. 
JOURNALING PROMPT:Journal your thoughts about the previous two sentences or paragraphs. 
The rest of Genesis 17 reminds us that if we don't quite get things right, and get impatient with Him, He is working--and He will work things together for His good and purpose--even though it seems the opposite. We just need to remain faithful to Him, His Word, prayer, and counting our blessings--as we try not to mess up or make a mistake.
JOURNALING PROMPT: Journal your thoughts.
ANOTHER JOURNALING PROMPT: Genesis 18 is full of many lessons to learn. Go ahead and read it and journal what you learn and what you want to apply. 

Written January 06, 2015, Tuesday, 1200 p.m.
DESIRE #1; I hope this year to get the most out of the Bible than I ever have. That new Bible I will receive late tomorrow night, THE WOMEN'S SANCTUARY NLT BIBLE, I hope to mark it up, write in it, and use it so much I end up wearing it out and will need to put it on the shelf before I can't open it again out of worry it will disintegrate. 
DESIRE #2: I hope the same with my copy of MORNING AND EVENING, the devotional by Charles H. Spurgeon. 
DESIRE #3: I only want to read the Bible, Charles Spurgeon, and books and blogs on journaling this year. I want a reading cleanse and purging, in other words. I want to set my mind on those things. 
Even in the midst of all of the craziness over the next three and a half months or so, I want to still take the time to fulfill my other three desires. They are the priority. Nothing else. 
Written January 06, 2015, 202 p.m.
I'm getting excited. I cannot wait for the mail to get here and for me to get the Spurgeon devotional. I keep looking out my front door in case it's delivered without them ringing the doorbell. 
Have you ever noticed that the time you need things to run the smoothest, there are all sorts of speed bumps to slow you down or make you go around? 
That's what we seem to be going through.
The sailing is rarely smooth. If it is smooth, that's typically when things are actually really going wrong. If things get bumpy and rock the boat a little, it's usually a good sign that things will work out in the end. Or, at least this is the course of my life. My life has never been easy or fair. If it is ever easy,  know I am off track and am doing the wrong things. 
However, it can sure make me scratch my head at times. 
It can also get my blood pumping. 
Each obstacle gets my attention and gets me anxious for a minute or two as I try to remember who is in control. "God so has this. He is far more capable of handling this than I am." Thank God. 
This whole moving thing is not going smoothly at all. Thank God. It's not the easy road, so we know we're on track. To Him be the glory! 

JOURNALING PROMPT: Journal your thoughts. 

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