Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Writer's Notebook and Journaling

9/11 Writer's Notebook and Journaling 
2014-09-11 09:53:16

At four this morning, Zack Beagle had a round of dementia which led to B and I sleeping on the couch. Or, trying to at any rate. Poor Zack fought several battles of confusion and disorientation, each time, he came running later to my hand as it hung off the sofa, knowing he usually snuggles up to it, even though he might not have any idea who I am or who he is. 

About the time I finally got to sleep, at least for a couple of minutes, my eyes flew open and it wasn't because of Zack Beagle. Rather, it was because several writing ideas started to form in my mind. The more I relaxed and tried not to allow my heart to break too much for Zack, the more the ideas flew into my mind. 

I didn't write any of the ideas down because i didn't want to move around too much and disturb hubby or Beags. But, the longer I played statue, the more ideas came to me like flashes of lightning during a storm. They were just as powerful and just as striking. 

Then, I was finally able to get some shuteye and the alarm went off. Growl. Mumble. Groan. Sigh. Snooze button. 

Finally after several rounds of snooze, i got up to make hubby coffee, then me, then feed all four critters, and then I sat on sofa and Zack snuggled right up to me. I started to journal, watched most of the 9/11 memorial service on Fox News and journaled about that, but still didn't journal about my writing, but about 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012. 

Then, I actually got out of my pajamas, played under the water, grabbed another round of coffee, I did some journaling/blogging, and here I sit. I still haven't gotten any of the ideas down on the page, but I will. Excuse me. I'm going to go do that right now. 

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