Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Perversion of September Eleventh

This is a blog post that never in my dreams I would ever have imagined I would need to write. On a day where I cannot help but want to break down into sobs because of fifteen years ago. 

I cannot I am being forced to write this blog post because of the despicable individuals perverting this day.

Today is September Eleventh 2016. 

It is Sunday, the Lord's Day, fifteen years later.

It is a Tuesday morning I will never forget. 

My heart is heavy, burning, and wanting to explode from and in grief this morning. 

It is the most vivid day of my life. September Eleventh 2001. I remember it more than any other day. It was so horrifying and heartbreaking.

It was the day everything, and I mean everything, changed.

Then, to see where we have come as a nation. To think players in the NFL are protesting our flag... today of all days! 

I feel like Jeremiah, the weeping prophet.

September Eleventh 2001 should have brought us to unceasing  prayer permanently. 

Now, people are kneeling in protest on this day of all days! Turning September 11th into a day of protest. How dispicable. We deserve whatever judgment God wants to give us. We have fallen so far.

Today of all days, we should unify and stand strong as a nation. We should stand in one solid line, hand in hand, showing our unity. We should stand together and not allow anything or anyone to break our bond as a nation. And we should be begging for forgiveness as we confess the sins of our nation. 

Instead, we are protesting our nation on the day nearly 3,000 Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists. We are protesting the flag when all of the military personnel gave their hearts and lives to the war that followed in response to 9/11. 

We protest when our military still has nightmares from having to go to war to defend our nation. A war we had to fight because we could not ignore September Eleventh. 

I refuse to watch football today. I am a fan, let me add.

To watch football when our military shed blood and lost lives for September Eleventh would be truly deplorable. I will not support what they are protesting.

3,000 Americans lost their lives. Innocent Americans. People like you and me. 

They were innocent and our NFL wants to turn this into a racial divide?

What ever happened to us being ONE nation UNDER God?

One nation. United together.

Do you want to know my ethnicity? I am American! Not white. American! 

I stand for those lost on September 11th and for those who fought the war because of 9/11. 

I refuse to make September Eleventh about me or injustices. It is about them alone. 

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