Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Current events journaling or world crisis journaling: My current writing project

Current events journaling: My current writing project

I keep trying to write fiction--and I keep failing. It's a consistent trend in my life. It's constant as well.

I was excited to start a new writing project and used index cards to write a novel and I was well on my way. (Pause.) However, two topics have stopped me in my tracks:

1 Current events
2 Valentine's Day and my thoughts on marriage

The current events part is the absolute show stopper for me. It's stopped me in my tracks and has made me think.

First, there was Charlie. 

Then, there was the announcement of the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot.

Then, there was the death... murder of Kayla Mueller.

Then, there was the announcement of how 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt were beheaded.

Never mind how our President cannot call them Christians... And never mind how he cannot call the terrorists--terrorists.

Never mind how the administration said today how jobs will stop ISIS. 

How can I continue writing a novel? For me personally, it would be immoral and morally repugnant to do anything else. I've avoided it for far too long now. Enough is enough.

I tried to do a USA Journaling blog post series, but I ended up stopping my writing of that when I realized terrorism is by far more than an American issue. It is more than a Judaism or Christianity or Islam issue. It is a world issue. 

And, just breaking in the news: Over 45 Iraqis have been burned alive by Isis. (204 p.m.) 

How can I keep writing a novel? Suddenly that doesn't matter. I now have a laser pinpoint focus and perspective. 

What on earth should I call this current writing project? Words fail. Words do not convey what is happening and has happened. So, for now, I will call it: CURRENT EVENTS JOURNALING and/or WORLD CRISIS JOURNALING. 

This is a world crisis.

Silence is not an option.

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