Monday, November 10, 2014





Written 2014-11-07 15:16:53, Friday

I wonder...
I wonder what would happen if every time I had a concern pop into my mind, if I countered it with counting at least three blessings in its place. 
I wonder what would happen if every time I grew worried or anxious about Kara, if I counted at least three blessings.
I wonder if with every storm or challenge, what would happen if I counted three blessings. 
I wonder if with every frustration, what would happen if I counted three blessings. 
I wonder if every time I felt stressed, what would happen if I counted three blessings. 
I wonder what would happen if when my husband and I had a misunderstanding, and I stopped and counted three blessings, what would happen. 
I wonder what would happen if I counted three blessings with every joyful and happy moment.
I wonder what would happen if I counted three blessings because of no reason at all, other than to appreciate how fortunate and blessed I really am. 



Are you taking part in either one of these challenges--where we are essentially trying to count 20 to 25 blessings each day between now and Thanksgiving and 10 per day between now and the end of the year? 

If so, let me know. Attach a comment at the end of any blog post. Let's hold each other accountable to this and talk about it--and share our stories of blessing. 

Now, I want to do a writing prompt for these challenges today:

Count at least five additional blessings today.



Written 2014-11-07 13:25:09, Friday

This verse is the cornerstone of why I give thanks. 

Philippians 4:6 Expanded Bible (EXB)

Do not ·worry [be anxious] about anything, but pray and ·ask God for everything you need [or make your requests known to God], always giving thanks.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

ALWAYS give thanks. Period. End of story.
It's a command. 
I do not question it and am trying to live by it. I'm learning more how to each and every day. 



158 The Fall leaves are at their crescendo at the moment. Stunning.
159 Having a good workout with weights. With hubby (160). At the gym.
161 Felt really yucky this morning. I've been dealing with sinus stuff and felt much better after working out. Thank God. 
162 Kara hasn't had an upset stomach since Thursday. (Another Thank You, Lord! )
163 I love this time of year. Autumn. November. Weather and leaves (164). 
165 Kara has been eating well today.
166 Getting more of an image for what the future will look like or could possibly look like. 
167 I counted my blessings today in the middle of a trying time--and it worked. The moment I did, things seemed to have changed. 
168 Airing out the house again. Nice weather to support doing so (169). 
170 Sinan cat is enjoying sitting in open window. 
171 Zack is snuggling with B on the sofa while they do their guy thing.
172 Kara and Shelly are hanging out with me while we do our girl thing in the study. 
173 NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, which I am writing a nonfiction book instead, BLESSINGS COUNTED: A BOOK OF GRATITUDE AND THANKSGIVING) is going quite well.
{Side-Note: Today, 13,336 words minimum are due and I have 10,471 words written so far. So, I need to write 2,865 words.} 
174 Three years in a row, the most spectacular place for us to find Fall leaves and take pictures has been... WalMart parking lot. We went there today and I got some pretty pics. 
175 Sleeping cats
176 Lip balm
177 Lemonade
178 Soup on chilly days
179 Soup and sandwich
180 How Kara wanted hugs this morning when I woke her up.
181 How old vinyl tablecloths are wonderful to use as paint drop cloths.
182 Vinyl tablecloths--how cheery they are and bring color to a room. No, it's not for fancy dining, but for every day stuff, they are nice. Not an all-the-time thing, but off and on throughout the year.
183 It's getting closer to the time of year (because of weather/temp) to bring out the flannel sheets. LOVE them. 
184 How much Kara likes rotisserie chicken.
185 Sugar-free pumpkin spice lattes--homemade.
186 Pumpkin soup.
187 Pumpkin candles.
188 Owls. 
189 Possibilities.
190 The unknowns. 



Answer each question and answer with a different answer for each. Be specific and include details in each response and say why you count is as a blessing:

What are you the most thankful for this year?
The last six months?
The last three months? 
The last month?
The last week?



NOTE: This is in addition to the blessings you are counting already.

1. List 10 things you are grateful for in 2014. List whatever comes to mind, as it comes to mind, no matter how silly it may seem.

2. List 10 things you are grateful for in your life. List anything that comes to mind, when it comes to mind, no matter how silly or trivial it may seem. 

3. Wait 15 minutes or less, and repeat #1 then #2. It's okay if you repeat blessings in your blessings counted lists. Just make sure if it is a repeated blessing, to add one more to your total due and extend your list so you have at least ten new blessings listed. 

4. Do #3 as many times as you want between now and the end of the year. Preferably do this at least  couple times each day. 



408 Zack snuggling with me on sofa.
409 Zack trying to fit his bigger body into Kara's little cat bed.
410 Kara hasn't hissed or growled Zack in a few days.
411 Kara hasn't hissed or growled at Sinan in a few days. 
412 Broncos 20 vs. Raiders 10 end of first half. (After Broncos were behind. Raiders haven't won any games this season.) 
413 When Zack uses my foot as a pillow as we snuggle on the couch.
414 Fiber One cereal. Yum!
415 Touchdown, Broncos.
416 I pulled out our flannel sheets from the closet and we will wash them and get them on the bed tomorrow. 
417 A new book I'm reading: "My One Word: Change Your Life With Just One Word" by Mike Ashcraft, Rachel Olsen. It's about picking one word for your year that you want to use to focus on and allow it to change and motivate you. I would also say to pick one for your life. 
418 My one word for 2014 is/was since January 01, has been: BLESSINGS. 

419  Psalm 89:15 Expanded Bible (EXB)
15 ·Happy [Blessed] are the people who know how to ·praise [shout to] you.
    Lord, let them ·live [L walk] in the light of your ·presence [L face].
Expanded Bible (EXB)
The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

420 9th game of five touchdown passes = Manning's new record. 
421 41 Broncos vs. 10 Raiders



Written 2014-11-10 08:18:18, Monday

List a minimum of ten things/items you are thankful for in your life. Then, answer that again with this past year. 
List a minimum of ten places you are grateful for for in your life. Then, answer that again with this past year. 
List at least ten situations you are thankful for in your life. Then, answer that again with this past year. 



422 A new day
423 A new week
424 A blank slate
425 This new day and new week offer opportunity
426 This new to offer thanks 
427 B and I had a decent night of sleep last night.
428 Kara hasn't gotten sick. (A double praise.) 
429 Kara's little coo trill that makes her sound like a dove. It just touches me so whenever she makes the noise. Precious. 
430 The craft idea I've been given. I will write about it. (Writing Idea for later--see blessing #433). 
431 Fiber One Chocolate Cookie--awesome. Good snack. Good taste. Filling with coffee and water. 
432 Talking with hubby on phone. Always a bright spot. 

433 So, since I have no kiddos (other than the four-legged variety), I am behind in the times of kid stuff. Whenever I walk through the kiddo section in any store, I ooo and ahh and say, "Where was this when I was growing up?" Then, I debate on if I want to buy it and play with it now. Usually, I am able to resist. But, there are some things I just simply cannot ignore. The temptation is too great, along with the 'this-is-so-cool!' factor. So, I found one of those in looking on Pinterest last night. I went to my main page and just started to thumb through what others I followed were pinning and found clay tags! 
I put the exclamation point because immediately, I pictured "thanks," "blessings," "give thanks," "count your blessings," "thank you," "blessed," "thankful," etc. 
Imagine having these in different shapes, sizes, and colors that you can put everywhere in your house. You can even change them up with the seasons. 
Needless to say, I started to do research about how to make them. I tried salt dough before--and it simply didn't work for me. 
Then I saw something that said, "Air dry clay."
Me: "Huh! What's that?"
I did what I usually do when I want to buy something and did an search--and lo and behold, I found it! Look!:
Who knew?!? 
They have it in a 2.5 pound container and a five pounder. I wasn't sure which one to get. I decided for now less was more until I figure out if I am talented or smart enough to figure out how to use it and how much I would really need--through a little trial and error. 
I also discovered, they have a 2.5 pound in terra cotta color! I may have to get that as well. It, of course, is more expensive, but I love terra cotta. I can just picture those words, "thanks," "blessings," etc. stamped in the clay and then left to dry. 
I think I would make tags to have lying around, like painted rocks, and also make several ornaments, necklaces, bracelets, etc.--again, provided I can figure out how to use the stuff. 
What will this do for my blessings counting? I am sure having them around as a constant reminder will help me to count my blessings every time I see them. I am thrilled at the thought.
I ordered a set of wood stamps of the alphabet... Here is the link: 
I also found and bought another set of wood stamps that says, "Thankful" and has several pictures for harvest or Thanksgiving. A leaf, turkey, pilgrim, etc. Here's the link for it:
I got some black and white baker's twine in order to be able to hang them or use them as a necklace, bracelet, ornament, wall hanging, etc. 
I picture some clay tags with just the words and some with the words and a picture. 
Of course, I will take pictures. 
I also think I will send some to my Mom, Granny, and Aunt.
(Note to Mom, if you're reading this, pretend like you didn't see it. It's supposed to be a surprise.) 
I can even imagine sending it to the males in my family if I leave them plain. 
I want to share the counting of blessings with everyone, what can I say? I know what it's like to live days of counting my blessings and how much it's changed me and enriched my life and want to share it with others--and let them know they are one of the blessings I count each day. (Hopefully it would let them know I think of them.)

434 My favorite light turquoise coffee mug.
435 My Dickey's Barbecue Pit yellow plastic glass I like to use. It reminds me of my hubby, dad, and Colorado. It also forces me to drink more water. (Blessing 436.)
437 How expressive cats are with their tails. It's their tell-tail--telltale. It tells all. Happy. Content. Annoyed. Playful. Angry. Bored. Sleepy. Want attention. Etc. 
438 Cell phones. 
439 The sound of a purr of a cat.
440 Sunshine
441 Seeing the constellation of Orion at 2:00 this morning (when old man beagle needed to go). Orion has always been one of my favorites. 
442 Thinking of making clay tablets for Christmas stuff as well.
443 Thinking of making clay tags for Scripture as well.
444 Thinking of making clay tags for my one-word for 2014, 2015 (Blessing 445), and my life one-word (Blessing 446). 
447 When I feel cat eyes on me--and I look and see Kara looking at me with an "I adore you look." It reminds me of how I am supposed to look at the Blessings Giver (Blessing 448). 
449 For 448 blessings counted.
450 B (my husband) picked up more anti-dementia medicine for Zack, our beagle. 
451 The sound of a helicopter whenever beagle shakes his head.
452 The sound of mini-helicopters when the cats shake their heads.
453 Stew meat and low calorie homemade Alfredo sauce.
454 Oatmeal
455 Hot tea
456 I am already excited for the holidays this year. I've got more holiday spirit than I've had in a long time. And, it's still a little early. (Yay!)
457 Waking up last night and counting my blessings.
458 Listening to Kara purr as she tried to catnap.
459 I am very grateful for my printer--Kara's cat perch.
460 My husband being home today for the most part.
461 Tomorrow for Veteran's Day. For the Veteran's past and present. 
462 The sound of Shelly kicking rocks around in her tank for fun as she swims. 


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