Sunday, November 9, 2014





What is your biggest blessing today? Why?



Written 2014-11-09 12:17:26, Sunday

Every blessing is favor, and a gift, given to us by God, not because we deserve it, but because He is God and will receive glory. God shows Himself to us (everyone in the world, not just Christians) through our blessings. 
Therefore, our Blessings Counted List is all about searching for God and the blessings in our lives. It's where we search for Him and His work. Our Blessings counted List is where we give glory to God and see our lives through His eyes and vision, not our own. 
Every Bible verse you read is a blessing. So, make sure to count all of them. After all, the Bible is the Word of God. It's how He communicates with us and is the one guarantee we have in this life. God is faithful.
Every time we pray, it's a blessing. after all, we pray it with confidence, knowing God hears us and will beyond a doubt answer our prayers.
Every prayer answered is a blessing, needless to say. It doesn't matter if it's a yes, wait, or no, it's still a blessing.
Every time we praise God, it's thanking Him for who He is and is a blessing.
Count the blessings He's given you in your life. It's a command (See 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18; Phil. 4:6-7, etc.).  



Written 2014-11-09 12:14:23, Sunday

Giving thanks for our blessings is a command. It is not something optional in the life of a Christian.
Do you want to know how to live the best life possible as a Christian? Learn to be thankful. How do you learn this? It is through counting your blessings and keeping a Blessings Counted List.
What should you thank God for? Read these verses:

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Expanded Bible (EXB)

17 Pray ·continually [without ceasing]
18 and give thanks ·whatever happens [in all circumstances; in everything]. That is ·what God wants [God’s will] for you in Christ Jesus.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

Give thanks all the time, no matter what.
Any questions?
Let's get counting.
Count four blessings at least right now. Go! 



376 The unknowns about the future, while a little nerve wracking, are major blessings because they are full of possibility and opportunity. 
377 Planning for the future.
378 The Denver Broncos play the Oakland Raiders today! 
379 We're supposed to have a cold snap coming through here in a couple of days.
380 Looking at real estate online and dreaming of our one day retirement house to buy, decorate, fix-up, etc. 
381 Today is a run day. Our goal is a minimum of a 5k. 
382 I replaced a burned-out light bulb in my study. I can see! 
383 Zack seems to be having a good day with little to no dementia. 
383 The more I'm counting my blessings, and being intentional about it, the better I'm feeling. The truth is, my husband and I are dealing with a lot right now, including lots of uncertainty. It's stressful when I don't count my blessings. But, when I do, I again a fresh perspective, built with hope. I am better equipped to handle these storms because I'm counting my blessings.
384 I'm also seeing several additional uses for my Blessings Counted List. This makes me quite excited to see how many additional things I can do with it. For instance, the Blessings Counted List also serves as a journal. 
385 Hubby is going to grocery store. We need a couple of odds and ends. This is a blessing. 
386 We went to our favorite diner earlier and hung out there and talked and just hung out with one another. Blessed time. Quite special and meaningful. 
387 Today is the Lord's Day.
388 Every day is the Lord's day.
389 I cannot wait to see what the future brings.
390 Kara hasn't been getting sick, but hasn't been eating much this morning or last night. Sigh.
391 How B and I have exercise equipment at the house so we don't have to go to the gym for every workout. It's rather nice and convenient. 
392 B and I both got a good night's sleep last night.
393 Zack had a decent night's sleep as well. 
394 B and I have similar tastes (thinking of a house). This helps so much. Less arguing. More compromise. Works well. 
395 Watching a cat or dog sleep.
396 When Zack wags his tail in his sleep.
397 When Zack wags his tail at Kara, trying to make friends.
398 How Sinan loves to play.
399 How Sinan is a big, fluffy cat with a tiny little high-pitched voice.
400 Sinan's pretty tail.
401 Grocery stores
402 Groceries
403 Corelle dishes
404 Plastic glasses that remind me of Granny, Pa, and my childhood.
405 When Shelly starts swimming really fast when I make eye contact with her.
406 Pork chops and eggs for breakfast.
407 The realization how time is a resource.



Written 2014-11-09 12:38:41, Sunday


As far as NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month) and my blog post series, which I will turn into a book, and my writing progress...
Words due today: 15,003 minimum
Words done so far: 12,530
= 2,473 words to go
I should be able to catch up in no time. 
Why am I so behind? It is because I have been making sure to count as many blessings in my own life as possible. After all, I want to make sure I do it , because it is the right thing to do. But, it is also because I learn more about what to do, what not to do, and tips and hints I can offer you.
So far, I am thrilled with what I have written. I cannot wait to edit it and add more material to it later on so I can publish it in a book format. 



Written 2014-11-09 13:14:24, Sunday

I do not think I could ever count enough blessings. After all, is it ever possible to be too thankful? I do not think so. Needless to say, I love to see how many blessings I can count each day. 
I have also learned that the more blessings I count, the better I am to cope with life. If a challenge arises, I am far more able to handle it and it does not hit me so hard. Counting my blessings equips me to handle anything. And, in the moments of joy, if I have, and am, counting my blessings, it makes the joy I experience even deeper and long-lasting. 
So, yes. We can and should count as many blessings as possible and do so every day and all day long. Now, the question is how?
The secret I've learned is: Carry around something with you everywhere you go where you can record your blessings on the page. Ideas to carry with you:
1 A notebook/journal
2 Cell phone
3 Tablet
4 All of the above
My favorite way to count my blessings is with my tablet (Amazon Kindle Fire 8.9-inch HDX Tablet). But, sometimes, it's inconvenient. The one thing I carry with me everywhere, including in the restroom (I know--too much information, but you know what I mean) is my cell. So, I quickly make a list I email to myself if something comes to mind.
That's the key is availability. Whatever you carry with you, you have to have a way to record your Blessings counted List 24/7/365. In the middle of the night, I'm known to write some on my tablet if I can't sleep, if counting my blessings instead of sheep in my mind hasn't worked--thanks to the movie WHITE CHRISTMAS and Bing Crosby). 
I make sure to jot down blessings, even when busy, at least in the morning, at lunch, afternoon, and evening. It's a habit. 
I also count my blessings on my cell via audio recorder if I am driving somewhere. then, I transcribe them when I get home. I also do this if I am working out/running. 
I also try to use reminders to get me to count my blessings, if I don't get them down on the page. I count my blessings when I take a sip of fluid or a bite of food, when stopped at a red light, when waiting (on phone or in a line), etc. 
I also issue myself silly challenges, like: How many blessings can I come up with that red? Or, for the decade of when I was in my 20s. 
Find what works for you. Just make it convenient and constant. And, count as many blessings as possible, all day and night, all year long, without stopping, for and in all things. 


(Top image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2014.)

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