Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NaNoWriMo Preparation and Peptalk

NaNoWriMo Writers,

How is everyone's preparation going? Is this a first for you and something you've always wanted to do? Are you starting a new novel? Or are you adding word count to a novel you are already writing? 

I've participated in NaNoWriMo three years before now and look forward to this year. I'm writing in a new genre to me and am looking forward to see what adding 50,000 words to my current writing project will bring me this year. 

There is nothing like writing at mach-10, with my hair on fire, not carinnngggg (Oops. I mean--caring) about editing. It's magical. It's definitely an adventure. I think NaNoWriMo separates those serious about their writing and those who are too serious. If we cannot have fun writing, why write? If we are too busy trying to do everything perfect, it makes our writing a labor and not really worth doing. 

Here is a hint for any newbies in NaNoWriMo. I do not have much of a plan at all. I have a minor outline of half a page for my entire book, which will be 210,000 words when I am finished. So, I am a pantser, but know where I need to go. The rest is--allowing the muse (or God) to lead me wherever it takes me--as long as it fits in the outline. I don't have to come to NaNoWriMo with a plan--other than 1667 words per day for November 2012. I can allow my muse to make one for me. And, I refuse to stress. How does that help?

It's the editing that will make the novel great.

Stacy Duplease
Thriller Historical Fiction Writer
Roanoke 1584-1590: The Family Treez of the USA Series, Book 1
dba Remembering Your Present, LLC & Family Treez USA

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