Friday, October 23, 2015

Our Friday Recap for Our Journaling

First, let me apologize for violating a sacred rule of thumb I will do my best not to violate in the future and that is to not post more than one blog post per day. I did so earlier this week, yesterday, and now today. (Drat.) I will try not to do this one a weekly basis, let alone on a monthly basis. However, if I do, please know that it isn't on a whim. Nor is it without much thought. Rather, it is when I think something is important enough to mention.
Ugh, though. I do not like adding more to your email inbox than necessary. Thus, I am trying to figure out how to avoid this in the future. {Ahh. An idea just came to me. (Phew.)}
In order to help avoid me from posting more than one blog post per day, I will set up my blog posts to post (publish/go online) at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time Monday through Friday. After all, I get most of my journaling done by ten in the morning during the work week. That way, if I think of important information, it will most likely be during that time and I can add it to the pre-written blog post I already had scheduled. 
Thank you for your patience as I try to streamline and optimize everything regarding this blog. 

TGIF, everyone. I hope you have had a good week professionally, personally, spiritually, and with your journaling or memoir writing. 
Have you started to journal or are you continuing to journal? If your answer is yes to either part of that question, please continue reading. If you haven't started to journal yet, get busy and start. You have much to lose if you don't. 
If you have done any journaling this week, it is important to stop, recap, review, analyze, and plan. 
Stop and take some time today or this weekend to do what I said in the previous sentence and after this sentence as well. 

Please journal about each of the following:
Do a journal entry and recap what this blog said this week, along with what you learned this week from the blog.
Do a journal entry and recap what you journaled this week.
What did you learn?
What jumps out at you with your journaling this past week?
What was the most profound thing you journaled this week?
What helped you grow from your journaling this week?
What new perspective did you gain this week?
Find three things in your journal you want to expand and do so now. 
Highlight or star seven additional items you want to journal more about later. 
Underline the things you thought were most important in your journaling. Make sure to expand upon all of them now and/or later. 
Do the Daily Journaling Template for your week (the parts that apply to you and your week, that is). Read the explanation after this to help you to do so. Then, do this. Yes, by the way, you will repeat things you already journaled. That's the idea. But, the idea is to also expand upon what you journaled. 
Now, what do you hope to get out of your journaling over the next week? 
Journal anything else you want to in review of this last week. 

Yesterday I shared My Personal Daily Journaling Template and I shared how this is the most important journaling tool or prompt we could ever use. I stand by accident hat remark. If you use this template and do a minimum of three items from this list, you'll get a great deal out of it. However, the more you do, if he more you'll get out of it and it will bless your socks off in unbelievable ways. You will leave a legacy and will capture your life on the page in a way that will deeply and profoundly impact your life today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this quarter, this year, this decade, and for the rest of your life--and the lives of those who you share it with. 
Can you imagine if your parents did this and shared it with you? What about your grandparents? Great-Grandparents? Great-Great Grandparents? Your ancestors from the 1800s? 1700s?1600s? Or, what about your favorite people in history? Or, what about the people from that property in ruins on the outskirts of town? 
I am sure you get the idea. However, let me add this. Can you imagine sharing all of your daily template journaling with your grandchild? Or what about after your spouse dies? Or what about when you are old and just want to remember? Or what about if you just found out you have X amount of time to live? Or what about reading them at the end of the year next year? 
What a treasure your filled out, journaled through, daily templates--even three days per week--would be. 
Think about it. 
Seriously. Stop and think about this. Journal your thoughts and whatever comes to mind at this point.
Do you see how special these can be? 
I will admit that as you fill them out, you might find them boring, rote, or unimportant. However, as you read them again in a day or two, and you add and expand upon them, you will start to see the treasure. Then, when you read them again in a week, in a month, in a quarter, etc. you will see each time how what at first seemed a yawner (made-up word) is now a delight and is quieter interesting. (Trust me when I say this.)
Now, you can do these in any order you choose. You also don't have to do all of them. Nonetheless, let me stress, the more you do, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it--now and later both. 
Ideally, you will do this 365 days per year. But, unrealistically, I recommend at least three days per week, preferably more. I also recommend doing the numbered items listed of: 2, 3, and 6 at least. 
Personally, I try to do listed items: 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 10 at least. 
Now, let me give you the entirety of this list again and then I will explain things that might need further insight:

1 Daily Bible Reading
* 2 Past Memories, three at least
* 3 Blessings, three at least
4 An Extended Memory, at least one
5 My Memoir or an extended journaling entry of at least 1,000 words
* 6 Memories Made Today, three at least
7 News Journaling: at least three national and three world news articles and journaling about them
8 SOC: Stream of Consciousness Journaling, one at least
9 Journaling Exercise or Prompt, one at least
10 6-Word summary for today
11 12-Word summary for today
12 History Journaling
13 Etc. Etc. Etc. (Whatever else sounds good.) 

With each of the memories, give at least an one sentence summary of each memory and have it be a lengthy description so you will remember it in a year or in twenty. Then, later, as you feel inclined, expand it to one paragraph then to a page or more. 
With the extended memory, you are expanding the memories you have already journaled about, and ones that just come to mind. Expand it by at least one paragraph now and then periodically.
I.hope this helps.
CHALLENGE: Try doing this template at least three days per week for three months (twelve weeks) and keep reading them and expanding upon them as you go. Then, at the end of that time, look back at each of them and see what you think. Imagine how valuable they will be at the end of the year and at the end of the second, third, fifth, tenth, twentieth years. I guarantee you will want to keep doing them. 
So, go ahead. Give the Daily Journaling Template a try today. 

Two days ago, I combined everything I have ever written about journaling into a document that was from the years 2012 to 2014, so I can publish it as a journaling resource and took, and it was 1,020 pages unformatted and unedited. Yesterday I got it down to 898 pages and hope to get more done today.

And, happy journaling!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I will start using your steps on journaling. I'm excited to get started.
