Friday, January 23, 2015



I am afraid I am stepping right into the flame with this journal blog. After all, the topics are fiery ones. But, fiery stuff should be addressed, not avoided. Since it is fiery, it's all the important for me to think through. 

That being said, it is a little scary to be so open and honest about these topics. It's my journaling thoughts. It's stuff I'm pondering and trying to delve into and make sure I know what I believe, why, and if it's something I should believe. 

What I say in this blog is my opinion. I will respect your opinion. Please respect mine, even if I am wrong. I am struggling through these issues and am trying to find my way. This blog is the story of my journey as I search my heart and address the topics that are fiery.

I hope we can look at these questions and topics with open minds and hearts.

I hope we can think every thought through thoroughly and completely--not just what feels comfortable, good, or what we want--and do so with logic, not emotion.

I hope we can form our own informed opinions based off of our own fact based research, and is not based off of the opinion of someone else.

I want to really think through these things and see if what I believe is true and if it is what I should believe at all. Should I believe what I do and why should I? Then, I will address: What should I do with my beliefs, if anything? Also, another thing I want to address is: How should I live as a Christian American today? 

Pardon me as I walk through the flame and address topics that are fiery. No one ever promised life would be easy, fair, or pretty. I will not lie. Writing this blog makes me feel uneasy. It's so fiery. But, enough is enough. These are topics we should all think through, no matter how uneasy and uncomfortable it might be. 

It would be easy for me not to pursue these journaling thoughts in a public format. However, I think these topics are issues we all should address if we are American, particularly if we are Christian Americans. I want to stop writing this blog now. It makes me uneasy to address these things. I don't have a degree in history, political science, or Constitutional law. I am not in the U.S. military. I am just an average everyday journal keeper and house manager (stay-at-home wife). So, who am I to address these things?

I am a concerned Christian American and taxpayer who wants to make sure I think things through and form correct, informed beliefs and take a real stand. This is my attempt to do all of that--no matter how fiery. (But, it sure makes me feel uneasy.) 

So, how about you? What do you believe and why regarding God and country?

I have questions and am searching for answers. 

What does it mean to be a Christian American today? This is the underlying question on my mind. 

I am biased with some of my beliefs. I acknowledge this and will not pretend otherwise or try to deny it or ignore it. Regarding some of my beliefs, I have always had them. Just because I have always had them, it does not mean I am right. Hence, I think it is important to address all of my beliefs periodically--about what I believe, why, if it is the correct belief to have, and how I should apply the belief to my life. This is my attempt to do so. 

Written January 22, 2015, Thursday, 945 a.m. 

I am struggling with what it means to be a Christian American in today's world. What does this even look like? 

Long pause. 

I do not even recognize the country anymore. Everything that made the United States so great seems to have been thrown out with the bathwater. What made this country so great, and a superpower, has been forgotten and is no longer an ideal. Never mind how we no longer seem to be a Christian nation. 

Why is capitalism no longer the ideal when it was precisely what made the USA so great? 

The fact the USA was a Christian nation was also what made her great. How could lies be spread about this and how can anyone not believe the USA was set-up as a Christian nation? How is no one believes truth?

How is it people are more apt to spat what Hollywood, a singer, an author, a blogger, a news team, or a study says than discover the facts and truth for themselves? 

How is it hard work isn't an ideal any longer?

Why do Americans think hand-outs, not hand-ups, are the only way and/or are the best way? 

When did all of this happen? Why? How?

What part have I played in the new shallowness and me-centered focus of this PC driven country?

Where is the church in this whole mess?

What about terrorism?

What about elections, politics, government, and current affairs?

Where should I stand? Where am I standing? 

Is there any hope for the USA? 

Can we change and made this a God fearing and worshipping nation once again?

What does it mean to be an American?

What does it mean to be a Christian American? In the past (in history) and today?

What is my role?

What do I think and believe and why?

I am struggling. I have more questions than answers. 

(Image credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering your Present, LLC 2015.) 


Written January 22, 2015, Thursday, 1011 a.m.

The USA is my passion. Everything about her. I was raised by patriots and have married a patriot. It's in my blood. After all, my family has been here since 1607. 

For years, I've known I need to write about the United States of America. I just haven't been sure how. I think this new blog is my attempt at accomplishing this pull, this drive, this endeavor (not sure what to call it). 

I was raised with reading, watching, learning, thinking about and through, and talking about current events every single day and I continue in that tradition. Current events matter. 

It is important to be informed and stay informed. Hence, watching and reading the news each day is crucial. I try to listen to both sides of the story and form my own opinions on the subject at hand. 

Not watching or reading the news is sacrilege from where I come from. Not being personally informed is inexcusable. It's my civic duty as an American. What do I have to offer my nation if I am not personally informed on both sides of the issue? What do I have to offer my nation if I do not think things through--and do so through the light of history, the historical documents and writings and speeches of the founding fathers and mothers, and the Bible? 

And, do Americans even have the concept of civic duty any longer? Does anyone know what it means? Do they live it? I ask those questions and turn the mirror to face me. Do I? 

I was taught how to form my own opinion. I was taught to look at every side and angle of every issue and figuring out what is fact. Then, it's my job to figure out what I believe on that subject, in other words, the stand I want to take on the subject. 

I was taught not to listen to anyone else. It's my civic responsibility to form my own informed opinions. I am not supposed to listen to teachers, politicians, the news, Hollywood, or anyone else, includes what studies, polls, or research say, in order to form my opinion. Yes. I need to know what everyone says, that is part of current events, as a matter of fact. But, I am to form my own opinion through thinking things through, through learning fact and not opinion, through logical thinking and not emotional thinking. I am to look at things through the lens of history (world and American) and through the historical documents and the Founding Fathers and Mothers of this nation, along with biblical eyes--not through only the lens of current events. 

History and historical documents shape current events.

Not knowing history and the historical documents, the context, means I form false opinions and take incorrect stances on an issue. 

Also, here is the most important part: When I form my stance on the issues of current events, through the learning of fact from history, I am to be prayerful (that's prayer-FULL). It's about looking at things through the lens of the Bible and making sure my stance lines up with the Lord and His will. So, as I educate myself on the current event topic, I am to pray and read the Bible and see what it says about current events, as I also look at the historical documents of the USA and what the Founding Fathers and Mothers said and wrote. 

This is what it truly means to be an American, perform my civic duty, and live as a productive member in society. It's being educated on the current events and history, knowing what God says about them, and making sure I take a stand. 

I am never to take someone else's opinion as my own. I am to form my own opinion--based off of fact, not emotions or wants. 

Written January 22, 2015, Thursday, 1101 a.m.

Last Friday night, I saw the movie,  "AMERICAN SNIPER" based off of the life and autobiography of Chris Kyle, the most successful sniper in U.S. military history. 

I rate it ten stars out of ten. 

The movie showed the life of Chris Kyle as a sniper, as a patriot, as a Christian, and as a family man. It was a portrayal of an American hero. 
I snicker when I call him a hero. I know he would deny that he was a hero and would almost be ashamed to be called one. He was humble. I know he would be uncomfortable if he read my words. He would say it was all about them (the guys in the fight), and for our nation (the USA), and was not about him. This is what makes him a hero. His selfless sacrifice doing the and seeing the most vile, incomprehensible, horrendous, nightmarish thing of fighting for this nation was what made him a hero. 

Not many could do what he did.

Not many wives could stand by and support their man doing what he did. 

Let me add how his wife, Taya, is the hero as well. Her husband could not have done what he did if not for her, her love, and support. 

What he did was--hell. It was the nightmare of nightmares. It was the unspeakable. 

But, he did it.

It had to be done. 

The cost of not doing it was what drove him. 

He did what others could not, would not do. 

I am sitting here in my nice and cushy house, happy as can be, living the Christian life in the USA, listening to my turtles swim, my beagle and cat snore, drinking coffee, writing my personal thoughts and opinions, praying for my country and the military, and am getting ready to go eat Italian sausage (pork) pretty soon--all because of him and all the other men and women veterans who did what they had to do for the war against terrorism. It's all because of what they did that I have the freedoms I have today. It's because they didn't back away from the fight and bury their heads in the sand and pretend it wasn't happening. It's because of them and all the other veterans who served with them and before them. I have the quality of life I have right now, in this moment, because of all of them--the silent, humble, inspirational, driven heroes. 

Thank you, U.S. Veterans--and Chris and Taya Kyle. 

Talk about humbling. I do not deserve their sacrifice or service. I am so unworthy. 

But, isn't that the point? The USA was founded with the belief that all men and women are created equal. Everyone, no matter how much we disagree with some, deserves freedom as the next guy or gal. Every one. Without exception. 

The only way that all men and women can be equal here in the USA is for us to fight for our freedoms, and not turn a blind eye when not every single individual gets the same amount of freedom. We are to take a stand and make sure that every person is free. 

ALL people are created equal. ALL without exception. 

Hence, if a group of people has vowed to kill off, murder, destroy, everyone who is not like them, then they are saying only they are the only people who matter and not everyone is created equal. People who want to murder others because of a differing belief, and who refuse to not allow everyone to be treated as though they are created evil, are the enemies of freedom. In this case, the USA has to take a stand for the people who do not get the equality under those murderers. The USA has to fight for the right of being equal. 

Freedom is not free. It costs. The cost, unfortunately, is blood for time to time. This is where the U.S. military comes to forefront. They fight so every man and woman can be equal, even where others do not want this, for everyone deserves equality. 

Now, the question is: Does America have true equality in the USA today? Does every American have equal rights? 

"AMERICAN SNIPER" was rich with these themes and questions (and more, of course). 

Current events are ripe with these themes and questions as well.

Written January 22, 2015, Thursday, 435 p.m.

I do not understand how anyone could ever come out and criticize or question snipers (or the U.S. military) and their place in the war against terrorism after September 11th, 2001 and after terrorists (or ISIL or Al Qaeda or any others) kidnapping, beheading, and/or torturing innocents--including children, women, and others who do not believe what they do. I do not care if the innocents are American, British, purple, or have eight arms. The color, shape, size, nationality, gender, age, beliefs, of the individuals who suffer under terrorism of any kind do not matter. Everyone deserves to be protected and deserves freedom and equality. Everyone without exception. Snipers and the U.S. military help these innocents. And, they have been criticized. Pardon?

That's precisely what happened this week. 

This disturbs me.

All week, I have gone around in a funk because of this. I do not get it.

What disturbs me even more is how little attention this has been given in the media. 

Have you been stopped in your tracks--and been shocked and appalled by this this week? 

I have not heard the Church address this either, which really disturbs me. 

I also have not read any Christian blogs discussing this. Which, of course disturbs me. 

I am disturbed. Greatly. 

Silence is not the answer. When was Jesus ever silent about a social issue? When did Jesus command us to be silent about a social issue? Silence is not the answer. Silence never solved anything. Rather, reasonable, logical, thought-full dialogue does. (The problem lies in if the other party does not think logically and refuses to try to listen to your side.) 

We are to speak the truth--with love. Not just speak the truth. The truth can hurt. That's why it's supposed to be spoken with love. It tries to minimize the hurt with love and tenderness. 

Christian Americans, are we asleep at the wheel? Or, are we just flat-dab out to lunch and have our heads buried in the sand, with our big behinds up in the air with a bull's eye painted on them as we try to live in denial?

Christian Americans, are we so scared to offend that we have totally ignored the teachings of Jesus Christ?

Speaking out against snipers or the U.S. military, who are defending innocents, is wrong as you can get. Now speaking out for them is also wrong. 

How have we gotten to this place? 

Why are we not more disturbed?

What can I do to make a difference? 

What can you do to make a difference?

It's time to think--really think--thoroughly think--and do some serious soul searching. Are we truly living our faith? If we were, wouldn't we be outraged about all of this? 

And, why on earth is the Patriots deflate-gate more news worthy than everything I just mentioned? And, do not get me started on the State of the Union Address, which I will address shortly. (I am a major football fan, let me add.)


How did we ever get here, America? What part have I played? What part have you?

Written January 22, 2015, Thursday

Please bear with me as I continue with my ramblings about "AMERICAN SNIPER" the movie and book, and the musing that arise from both. After all, it is because of the movie that I am realizing how desperately I need to get my struggles down on the page. For, I am struggling with what it means to be a Christian American today. I want to try to think things through, ask questions, find answers, and put things into practice.

"AMERICAN SNIPER" has made me ask myself a question: Would I be willing to do what Chris Kyle did? Which only brings up a follow-up question: Could I do it? My initial reaction is: no way. However, I believe wholeheartedly in what he did and why he did it. I do not question or doubt what he did. He did what he had to do for the USA. We were/are at war against terrorism. Period. End of story. No questions.

So, no. I do not think God made me to be a sniper. Could I do it? If I had no other choice, you bet. God would give me the strength and know-how to do what I had to do (as He did with the American Sniper). That being said... I am just glad Chris Kyle (and all other snipers, spec ops, and other U.S. military) went against the easy way, against public opinion, and did what had to be done. For, I would not be sitting here today with these personal inner struggles if all the other U.S. Veterans in the past and present did not do what they did.

Ahh. There it is. A theme in the history of the USA that we tend to forget today. Americans do not take the easy way. Not true Americans. I will talk more about that in a little bit.

Chris Kyle, an American Sniper, was a Christian man who went to war to fight for our freedom, on behalf of God and the USA. This brings up a question: Do Christians go to war? Wait. No. This brings up several questions: Is it against the Bible for Christians to go to war? How do Christians go to war? Isn't God a God of peace? Killing is against the Bible and goes against the sixth commandment, right?

The sixth commandment is quoted as: Thou shall not kill.That is incorrect.

If you look at the original language in which the commandment was written, which was Hebrew, the correct word is: MURDER. Not kill.

Do not trust any pastor or translation of the Bible. Instead, go to the original source, the original document, and find out what it really means--for yourself.

Murder is taking life for no reason and doing so on your own. It's premeditated.

Going to war for your country is different. This is particularly true with a declared where the enemy is targeted--now innocents.

I will journal more about this later. Stay tuned.

Can the U.S. get right with God or are we too late?

Can our land be healed?

Can we have a revival?

Can prayer change your things and make a difference?

More questions to ask and ponder.

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