Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Written January 20, 2015
What do you think of your journaling today?
This week?
This month?
The last quarter (three months)?
The last 6 months?
The last year?
The last two years?
How has journaling helped you live a fuller, more meaningful, deeper, and more purposeful life?
How can it help you to live a fuller, more meaningful, deeper, and more purposeful life?
What does your journal (or your journaling) mean to you?
How can you get more out of your journaling?
Just in general?
This week?
This month?
Over the next three months?
Six months?
Five years?
Your life?
Written January 20, 2015, Tuesday, 317 p.m.
Today has been the all over the place kind of day. Then again, that can be said of January for me as well. There is a reason why my one word for the year's FOCUS.
I am having difficulty figuring out which memoir angle I want to take, but I just realized, once again, what it all boils down to: I am a journal keeper. Period. This is my life's theme. End of story. Want to know me? I am a journal keeper. Who am I? I am a journal keeper? What do I do for a living? I am a journal keeper? What do I find the most rewarding thing I can do? Journaling. What is my biggest dream? To journal and to coach others to journal.
So, you see... My memoir can be summarized in one made-up word: Journalkeeper.
My whole life and all that I am and want to do is summarized in these two words: Journal Keeping.
How would I summarize my life? I'm a journal keeper--or journal keeping.
Journaling is what makes me--me.
If I don't journal as I should, I start to unravel. I get edgy. I feel irritated, off, not whole if I do not journal as I should or want--or need for that matter. My mind, emotions, and soul depend on journaling and need it.
A need is defined as something we cannot live without. Journaling is a need for me. I am not kidding. I start to unravel if I fail to journal as my soul, mind, and heart crave. I am not the same if I do not journal as I want.
Journaling is how I live. It's a way of life.
I am a far better person inside and out because I journal.
A life of journaling is the most blessed life I can live.
What makes you--you?
How can your journaling bring out the best in you?
How can journaling make you the best person you can be?
How can journaling help you live a deeper life?
How can journaling help you live a more meaningful life?
How can journaling help you to see how blessed you are?
List 25 or so blessings in your life today.
Journaling is how I pray best to God. It's how I communicate best with Him. After all, true prayer is listening as well as speaking. Journaling forces me to do both. Journaling makes me slow down in my crazy, busy life and makes me take a moment to breathe and think. Hence, I can then offer more to God.
I journal as though God was the One reading my journaling entry (and He is). He is my audience. He is the One I seek to curl up with when I journal.
I think that in today's world, we are all about action and feelings. We are go-go-go and we assign value to feelings. For example, people will actually not buy a house, even if it is their dream home and is the perfect price if they "are not feeling it."
We think feelings are really important. We base life decisions off of feelings.
Feelings change quicker than the weather and are fickle. They never last. So, putting value on feelings is ludicrous.
Let me make another point. People marry because they feel as though they are in love. Then, those same couples are the ones who divorce later.
Feelings are actually a choice. We can and should choose how we feel.
Case and point:
I choose to love my husband every hour of every single day. My feelings do not matter. I choose to love him because I chose to say "I do" to him--no matter what--til death do us part. No matter what. No matter how I feel. I can choose how I feel. I can choose to love him or not. Hence, I make sure to choose to love him every moment, no matter what, and make my/our love far deeper, richer, and more meaningful than feelings could ever be.
Hence, my emotions are a choice and are something I choose to control.
It has not always been this way. Ask those closest to me and they will tell you I used to be quite emotional and wore every single emotion on my sleeve. In fact, I used to drive people nuts because I was so emotional. However, life experience, maturity, and wisdom have taught me how I actually lived a lesser life because of it. I was not able to thoroughly enjoy life and all of its blessings because I was so focused on emotions.
I did not realize how much emotions cloud our judgement and thinking. I also didn't realize how emotions prevented me from fully living.
I am not saying not to feel. No. Not that. Rather, I am saying to control your emotions, rather than to allow them, to control you. Chose how you feel. Do not let people, things, or circumstances to ever control your emotions. You are the one with intelligence and can control how you feel. So, do so. Feel, but only if you thoroughly think something through--and do not feel something through. Feeling something through will lead to problems and will prevent you from fully living.
My journaling helps me to control my emotions and not allow my emotions to control me. This is one of the reasons I journal. Journaling helps me to control my emotions so I can see all of the blessings in that moment no matter how I feel. My emotions could otherwise cloud my vision and prevent me from seeing the blessing in every moment--even the challenging moments. It's in the times of challenge and storm that often bring the most blessings in our lives, but if we are feeling and emoting, we might miss them.
Journaling helps me to work through my emotion so I can choose to look for the blessings of each and every moment.
How do your emotions control you?
How do you control your emotions?
How can journaling help you with your emotions?

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