Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 5 A Friday Prayer

Day 5 A Friday Prayer
A Year of Always Giving Thanks (AYOAGT)
April 11, 2014, Friday, 946 a.m.

Lord, thank You for five days of trying to always give thanks. Help me to be more and more open to seeing all of the blessings in my life AND in the lives of those around me. The blessings of those around me I can claim as well because I know what a blessing is, Lord. It's seeing You at work, recognizing it, and realizing it's Your glory.

Lord, I want to learn to see the small blessings, not just the big. After all, the big blessings are large enough I can't miss seeing. They are obvious. Anyone can see those. I want to see the small blessings that are all around me, right in front of my face. They are all around. At all times. I want to fine-tune my blessing seeing ability. I bet if I were to actually see all of my blessings throughout my day, and add them up, I bet their totality would be many big blessings--in a day.

Lord, why do I want to see and count my blessings? Because they are tangible ways I see You, God, and know You.
I just got goosebumps. Abba, You just taught me a great deal about thanksgiving, gratitude, and counting my blessings. How awesome. How beautiful. Thank You.

To You be the glory!

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