Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The World Does Not Define Me or My Calendar: A Way of Life

I want to live the best life possible.

I realize the world's definition does not fit my definition of living the best life possible. In fact, through my over four decades of life, there is one certainty I have come to know and try to live by: Whatever the world says is good, run from it, for it will surely lead to a bottomless pit where nothing is good enough and I will always want more. The world says to be happy, it's up to me. Look within, or so they say.

Hah! If left to my own devices, I would be miserable. I error. All the time. I am far from perfect. If I were to depend on me, I would be an abysmal failure. So, no... The world's ways are not and cannot be my ways.

Also, the world says identity is dependent upon certain things... career, children, hobbies, etc. This is how people of the world define themselves.

My first and foremost identity is: Daughter of God. (Daughter of a king. Sister of a Savior.)

Nothing matters more than that. That is who I am.

I am a wife. I write. I am the human of two cats and two turtles. Do any of these define me? No. Not really. I am the child, the daughter of God. This is who I am and is what makes me who I am for eternity. My other earthly identities are just temporary.

So, again, the world does not define me or who I am.

Nor does the world determine or define my calendar.

The world thinks that busyness makes us more important. It even things busyness will make us more satisfied. The seeking of more is the way of the world. Hence, the world says that your calendar needs to be full—and it even needs to have so many events or so many categories in order for us to be satisfied or considered as an asset by people.

The world says our calendars must be full or you are lazy or are lower in their sights.

The world does not define my calendar because it does not consider or value what I find important.

If all I have each day on my calendar was: prayer, Bible, and thanks, I consider myself a massive success. I will have at least planned to live right, according to the Bible, and hopefully I will have actually lived out my calendar as well. These things go against the pleasures of this world.

I realize my day is not mine. It’s God’s. If I plan anything, I plan on ways on how to live the faithful trio of prayer, Bible, and thanks.

This is a way of life… the faithful trio. Not the things of this world. This is how I choose to live. This is how I want to live. I am the daughter of God and my day is his, not mine. I will live the faithful trio 24/7/365. This is a way of life and is the best way to live. I am and will be infinitely blessed because of these things. 

(Photo/Image Credit: Stacy Duplease and Remembering Your Present, LLC 2009-2016).

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