Friday, April 17, 2015

Daily Questions for "Journal the Word" 

Every day we will read 4 verses per day. Not only will we read them, but we will study them, ponder/meditate on/contemplate them, pray and prayer journal them, apply them, review them, and review them. We will think on these verses and pray on them so much throughout our day, moment by moment, that the verses will grow deep roots within us. We will take our time in our four verses per day and will try to thoroughly savor the verses.
Each day we will look at 20 different questions, 10 of which are strongly recommended, however, you can choose to do more. If you want to get the most out of the passage, answer as many as you can.
How should you answer them? Write your answers in your prayer journal. Write them down because we will review our answers periodically.
Answer at least the questions with the asterisks each day.

1 * Read 4 verses of the day
2 * 8 verses before the four verses
3 * 4 verses again, but in a different version
4 * 8 verses after the four verses
5 Who?
6 What?
7 Where?
8 When?
9 Why?
10 How?
11 Cross-References
12 What have I learned?
13 My thoughts
14 * Key Verse
15 * Key Word
16 What do I learn about God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit?
17 * What does this mean to my life? How can I apply this to my life?
18 * What did God say to me?
19 * My prayer
20 *** Count your blessings from this passage, from your reading, praying, journaling, thinking, applying, sharing, and praying.

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