Tuesday, December 30, 2014



*** I haven't been able to figure out how to fix the formatting errors in this blog post. Please excuse this. ***
Written December 28, 2014, Sunday, 1058 a.m.
Journaling should help you compensate and deal best with your weaknesses.
Journaling should magnify your strengths.
Journaling should help you learn from the past and remember, live fully in the present, and prepare for the future.
Journaling should make you more you. 
Journaling should help you search for and count your blessings in each moment
Does your journaling do each of those five things?
How can your journaling bring out more of each of those five things? Be thorough in your reply. 
Over the last few days, I've realized how those five facets of journaling are benefits of journaling, but also are absolute requirements. If our journaling doesn't bring these facets and shoulds out, then we have missed the mark. And, we are probably bored with our journaling and out journal is probably bored with us. After all, we will be spinning our wheels, wasting energy and time, and getting nowhere. 
Our journaling should help us vent out the yuck in our lives and bring out and focus on the good. If it isn't, we need to adjust what we're journaling and/or how we are journaling. 
How can you get the most out of your journaling?

Written December 29, 2014, Monday, 340 p.m.
This year, I will write my story. 
I've meant to do it for decades now, but simply haven't done it. Oh, I've tried, but it just hasn't felt right or sounded right. Or, I start with a theme, but then life happens. I go through a storm and that theme no longer seems as important, so the latest life story or memoir I worked on would then die a quick death. 
So, here I go again. I want to try to write my story and leave my legacy. 
I realize it will take several books, but that's okay. I have enough life material to write a library full of life stories. Are they interesting enough to write and share with others? You bet. I will make sure to share them in such a way, they will be interesting and will make people want to read them. 
Now, how do I go about that?
The whole theme idea, which is how most memoir writers write nowadays, works really well. There are several best sellers out there because of a theme. The catch is to find a theme that is timeless for my stories now and those that will happen as I write. Timeless so that whenever someone reads it, no matter where they are or when they read it, it applies to them. 
What is my timeless theme this go-round?
Hmm. I'm not sure. 
And, do I share any of this journaling entry in my story?
Wait. There is a theme that is absolutely timeless. It's timeless in my life and in others. It's a theme everyone can relate to, no matter what era.
The theme is that of JOURNALING.
Yep. Journaling. This is the common thread in all of my stories.  I can continue writing my stories if I keep this theme, no matter what happens and what curve ball life throws my way. No matter the storm, and no matter how much sunshine, journaling is my main life theme. It always has been, is now, and will always be. 
Journaling is my universal and timeless theme for my stories. 
My company's name is: Remembering Your Present, LLC.
My blog is called: RYP Journaling. 
Hence, this book's title only makes sense: MY RYP JOURNALING STORIES. 
Written December 30, 2014, Tuesday, 851 a.m.
{NOTE: I'm going to start counting my blessings within my journaling and in my blessings list; needless to say, you will see numbers within my journaling. I bet I will count all the more. }
What a blessed morning it is (1400). God is so good (1401)--all the time (1402).
It's been a precious morning (1403). The critters all know B is returning to work after Christmas and having the crud, so they are extra alert and clingy (1404). 
Sinan (Turkish name for "spearhead," for he is the spearhead of trouble--pronounced ' See-name-n') Orange Maine Coon cat hung out with B as B got ready for work (1405). Then, Sinan wanted to cuddle with B as B sat on the sofa with Zack and me and B had a cup of coffee (1406). Once the coffee was gone, Sinan assumed it was game-on and wanted B to play before he left for work (1407). I got some really good pics of cuddle and play time (1408).
Then, it was Kara's turn. She is only an indoor cat now (1409), but, oh, how she loves to have the front door open so she can look out the storm door (1410). She bellows until we open the door. Too cute (1411). Thank God, her lungs are doing well enough she can bellow (1412). 
Also, she doesn't try to run outside (1413). She knows she has it good (1414), but sure likes to look out, thank you very much. She gets bossy about that. Love it. Too precious (1415).
B left and neither cat is in sight. Poor! Vanished. But, Zack sure is a snuggle bug (1416). Yay!
I am really enjoying counting my blessings as I journal (1417). It's bringing depth (1418) and more meaning to my journaling (1419) and I am counting more blessings because of this new way of journaling (1420). Consequently, I'm really enjoying this change (1421). 
I'm being lazy and taking my time getting up, around, and ready this morning (1422). There's no reason to rush (1423), but all the reason to slow down, enjoy, and truly live (1424-1426). 
Plus, Zack normally has bad dementia when B returns to work after the weekend. He does better if we snuggle on the sofa. So, here I sit and journal (1427) and we are both thoroughly enjoying the snuggling and special time with one another (1428).
I cannot help but giggle with joy (1429), Lord, as I count all of these blessings, gifts from you (1430). 
How many blessings have I missed because I just tried to keep a Blessings Counted List? I realize I can copy and paste this journaling entry into my blessings counted journal (1431).
Sinan is now looking out front storm door (1432). 
I swear both cats are the nosey neighbors who would gossip. (Chuckling.) 
I can tell how much I have journaled by how much battery life I have left (1433). This morning, so far, I have the lowest  have seen and I started with 100% (1434).
I have had several AHA Moments this morning (1435). The first was when I realized for the JOURNALING STUFF FOR CHRISTIANS devotionals, I want to focus on heaven/eternity (1436) and Revelation 21-22 (1437-1438). 
Lord, You gave me that insight (1439).
We tend to forget to live for eternity--today. It's for eternity we live today.
The other AHA Moment of insight was when I thought to count my blessings as I journal (1440). 
Moreover, another AHA Moment of insight was when I realized that JOURNALING STUFF, the main and big resource book and library, will act as the "all-inclusive" resource of journaling and will be all of my blog posts (1441). From there, I will divide the posts into other books (1442).
I want most of the material to be on the RYP Journaling blog for free, but to give you the option to purchase the edited material, plus some additional material, in one convenient place (1443).
So, this blog to book is the JOURNALING STUFF: A RYP JOURNALING RESOURCE is all-inclusive. It will help inspire us to journal.
I cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of writing JOURNALING STUFF: A RYP JOURNALING RESOURCE, BOOK 1 (1444). (Then, it's editing time 1445 and publishing time 1446.)
The new material I post on the blog, starting January 01, 2015, will be part of Book 2 (1447). Book 2 will consist of material from January 01 to June 30, 2015 (1448). 
I will then offer Books 1 and 2 individually (1449) or as a bundle (1450). 
I cannot wait to see what happens because of these blog posts (1451) and each subsequent book (1452).
And, I cannot wait to hear the stories, journal entries, journaling goals, journaling questions, and journaling hints and tips from fellow journal keepers on this journaling journey (1453). 
Journal your thoughts.
What jumped out at you and why?
What do you can think of counting your blessings as you journal?
Count some blessings.
Share your journaling stories, thoughts, and questions as a comment at the end of any blog post send an email, or tweet to #RYPJournaling. 

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