Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Writing Space, The Progress of Book 1, and a 56 Day Writing Marathon

Recently, my husband and I ought new furniture for my study/office, where I sped all day doing Bible study and writing. I was in desperate need for some organization and smaller furniture to take up less space in the room, but still be functional. So, Ikea came to the rescue and fulfilled both of those requirements. (This is only part of my work space. I will share more photos later, by the way.)

I still have no idea of a title for Book 1 of Land of Risina Series. Then again, the idea is so new I'm not surprised. I've started to do some of an outline, some planning, and some writing and have 23 pages, 3,496 words so far.

Starting Saturday, I'm am going on a writing marathon, where I plan on writing at least 3,000 words per day for 56 days, for a total of 168,000 words minimum. Usually, I write about 2,000 words per day.

Also, I plan on writing at least twelve hours a day. So, I may get a great deal more written than I anticipate. We shall see.

Also, during those 56 days, I plan on increasing my workout. I am a runner, something I took up just a couple of years ago, after over three decades of only running in order to avoid getting hit by upcoming traffic or if I didn't want to get drenched by rain. Once a week, I run a 10k, but it hasn't been consistent. I do it once to twice a month. I would like to run more than that. Moreover, my minimum run is a 5k and I want to increase that to five miles a day, three days a week and 10 or more miles once a week. Ideally, my long run will be a half marathon, then a marathon. But, I need to get serious about working up to those distances. So, I plan on doing this the next 60 days or so--in order to establish a habit. From there, I will continue it and try to keep increasing my distance.

As a writer, it's easy to get lazy and not keep in shape like we should. That's why I am adding to my writing marathon more physical running. It's my desire to lose weight and get in better shape than I've been in a long time, if not ever.

As a writer, it's essential to have a balanced life. The next 56 days will be part of that. I will also be doing two to three Bible studies at that time as well.

Now, back to writing.

(Top Image Credit: Stacy Duplease 2014. Middle and Bottom Image Credit: Microsoft images online 2009-2014.)

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