Thursday, April 28, 2016

Praying through Psalm 1:1-3, Part 2

Lord, as I pray through the Bible, whenever I pray for I or me, unless it is highly personal, I also pray for: My husband, our marriage, our home, our family and friends, our block, our neighborhood, our city, the churches and government in our city, the businesses in our city, our county, the churches and government in our county, the businesses in our county, our state, the churches and government of our state, the businesses in our state, our region in our country, the churches and government in our region, the businesses in oir region, our country or nation, the churches and government and military of our nation, the businesses in our country, the nation's of the world, the churches and governments and militaries of all nations in this world, the businesses of the world, the U.N., NATO, against all terrorism worldwide, for our allies, for the news and current events worldwide, for all believers, and for nonbelievers worldwide (for the Great Commission to be fulfilled every year).

These are the we and us, not just the I or me. It will take me far longer to write out each of those out each time I pray something than just to say I, me, us, and we. Please forgive the abbreviation, Lord, but I think You understand. I, of course, will pray specifically when led by You to do so.

I pray for all of us.

Praying Through Psalm 1:3: The Word makes us thrive and it means we will always have what we need, in abundance, so we will never want because it is already provided for. In advance. Ahead of time. Before we ask, because we pray through the Holy Bible 24/7/365. Period. How marvelous, awesome, amazing! How You, God. This is so You. Glory! You are holy, holy, holy times holy, holy, holy. Wow! Wonder of Wonders.

We will only thrive if we pray through the Bible morning, noon, and night, day in and day out. Then, we will not only thrive, but we will bear fruit in each and every season. Meaning all the seasons. All four of them. Meaning all the time. We will bear spiritual fruit all the time, in every season, even in scorching summer or snowy winters, as well as rainy spring and cooler autumn. We will love an abundant life and will never want or need. Afternall, of we pray through Your Word 24/7/365, then we are on Your path and You, Lord, will be able to work through us, in us, and around us, for we are without need or want, are thriving, and are bearing fruit and having abundant lives.

Moreover, our leaves will never wither, dry up, or die.

After all, we meditate on Your Word, and pray through the Bible, all day and all night, and are like trees planted besides streams of water.

We will not falter, as in verse one, and it is because of verses 2 and 3.

Lord, I have gotten all of this out of reading and praying through Psalm 1:1-3 alone, without Bible commentaries, Bible textbooks, Bible studies, or sermon notes. It has been from praying through Your Word alone.

Praying Through Psalm 1:4: Lord, verse 4 shows the exact opposite of living of verses two and three. But, I imagine verse 4 is true because the wicked do not live verse two. Father God, I am going to pause and let that sink in for a moment.

How easy is it, without even realizing it, to move from temptation to sin to being a wicked mess and multiple sinning when we are not in the Holy Bible. Again, Lord, I am letting this sink in. I do not want to gloss over this and miss it's importance in my life.

A couple of weeks ago, I realized something important. I have never been able to have two thoughts at once (at the same time). I only am able to think one thought, then the other. Sure, the thoughts might come fast and are strung together, but are never at the same time. It is like walking. I cannot stop with both feet at the same time, unless I hop. I have to put one foot in front of the other in order to walk. Needless to say, I cannot think two thoughts at once.

Hence, if I am praying through the Word, it is hard for my thoughts to lead me to sin or wrongdoing because I am already thinking and praying the Word. I cannot pray through the Bible and think wicked thoughts at the same time and then I will jot act on those thoughts if they do come to mind, because I am already thinking, reading, and praying the Word of God.

Is this not why the Bible tells us to always pray, always meditate on the Bible, always be joyful, and always give thanks? Praying through the Word should always be our primary thought because it keeps us out he right path and keeps us from temptation and wrongdoing.

The wicked in verse 4 are not living verse 2. If they were, their primary thoughts would be on praying through the Bible. Praying through the Word of God is keeping our thoughts captive (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-5) and makes us think on godly things (Romans 12:2 and Philippians 4:8).

Wow. This is another big and important light bulb moment. Praying through the Word is holding our thoughts captive is making them obedient to Christ Jesus, who is the Word. Wow, Lord. Thank You.

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