Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Continual and united prayer for the elections of the USA

Lord, are the elections the way they are today because of my lack of prayer? I know that prayer makes the difference. Did I fail to live up to my part in making the difference?

Lord, can they count now? Can you convict all of us to pray and to keep praying about the USA and change us to believe and behave as though we are truly one nation united Under God? Can you help us turn from our wicked ways and live the godly way? Can you help us Christians to quit living the comfortable faith we want to live and live the uncomfortable faith where we are under you, Lord, in every way? And can you help us submit to you and your sacred word, the Holy Bible?

Can you help us get serious about our faith because  what we have been doing is not working as is sinful? We cannot live as a nation apart from you, Jesus.

Help us to quit being so busy, so career-focused, so self-focused, and turn to you and your sacred word. Can you help us stop being so spiritually lazy?

Lord, help the United States be one a nation under God again. Help us vote for strong biblical values, not for a person, but for the platform. Help us not be lazy and vote.

Helps us also to unite in unceasing prayer for the United States of America from now until the elections in November. Help us to pray, and keep praying, and remain in the Holy Bible and live for you alone once again.

Help us to remember how important it is to constantly and consistently pray for the biblical values of the USA.

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