Monday, November 23, 2015

Prayer, Thanks, and Terror on Monday (Cont.)

November 23, 2015, Monday
Thank You, Lord, for...
I am thankful, Creator, for 22,843 words so far with my National Novel Writing Month book, "Prayer, Thanks, and Terror."  This means I have reached my word count goal of at least 4,700 words today. (Yay!)
That I have journaled 78 pages between November 16, 2015, and now. Letter-size pages. Single spaced. 12 point type/font.
That I am seeing more of my life's purpose. Prayer. Thanks. Terror. Prayer journaling. Blessings Counted Journaling. Living a life of gratitude.
The size of our backyard--it is one of the larger ones in this neighborhood.
How my husband holds my hand.
B's whiskey colored eyes that I want to get lost in.
How I like my husband and do not just love him.
How B is my best friend.
How B puts up with me--warts and all. In which I have plenty. Too many.
How do I fully live today?
Have I lived more ingratitude than gratitude? As a whole, yes. Over the last two years, yes I have. Over the last month? Yes. Ingratitude seems to prevail--when I want with everything I have and am to live every moment with gratitude and a life of giving thanks.
Do I live fully or do I live empty? This is a question Ann Voskamp reminds me of in her book, "One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces."
Is my wanting to write a book on living a life of giving thanks pointless and futile? Isn't the market drowning with books on giving thanks?
I cannot help but wonder if rather than a title that says, "Prayer, Thanks, and Terror," is should be, "How to Give Thanks in Spite." After all, this is a lesson I have sure learned--and learned well, I must admit.
Ahh. Yes. That is it. "How to Give Thanks in Spite." Or something like that.
How can we look around this great, big, ugly world and find the beauty in spite?
How can we give thanks when we don't feel like it?
How can we give thanks when we are so busy we can barely breathe, let alone take time to count our blessings?
How can we give thanks in spite of the latest challenge we face?
How can we give thanks when we feel anything but thankful?
How can we give thanks in spite of the ugliness of this world and all of its challenges?
How do we count our blessings in spite of terror?
How can we give thanks during a new holocaust?
News article title: "Geological Discovery Proving Source of Earth’s Water Amazingly Similar to Biblical Account of Creation"
Read more at this link:
What do I want to devote my time to?
Giving thanks.
Truly. That is what I want. It is, also, what I crave.

1 comment:

  1. I love the title you have for book. It says alot. God is so good.
