Tuesday, October 21, 2014



Written 2014-10-20 12:30:23, Monday

I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo. November marks NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, where writers around the earth gather together and write 50,000 words in 30 days. 

Yes. It's NOVEL writing month. Meaning fiction. Therefore, why would Stories of Blessings, a work of nonfiction, be part of this? 

I'm what NaNo calls a rebel. The writing of nonfiction is being a rebel in the fiction writings of traditional NaNoWriMo. 

I want to use November, the month of Thanksgiving, as the opportunity to write as many of my life's stories of blessing as possible--or at least 50,000 words. As a matter of fact, since last week, I've been trying to do the same. I want to see how many stories of encouragement and inspiration I can tell as I act as a counter of blessings--and as a storykeeper of blessings--in that I want to see how many stories of blessing from your lives can be shared on this blog.

Life is tough at best sometimes and having a resource to turn to for hope, inspiration, and encouragement is, well, quite the blessing. 

My goal is 2,000 words per day of Stories of Blessing captured on the page. 

I started this blog, and this goal on Saturday, October 12, 2014. It's been 8 days. So, I should have by the end of day today 16,000 total words written. 

So far, I have 13,536 words written. 16,000 is my minimum. Therefore, I am roughly 2,500 words short. (I guess I better get busy counting!) 

Therefore, between now and November 30, 2014, I will have at least 88,000 words written of STORIES OF BLESSING, VOL. 1. 

I want to take all of my blog posts, combine them, edit them, add to them, and publish a book of 400 pages or so. I imagine it will be every 2.5 months or so. 

This is my progress and plan for NaNoWriMo. I will keep you updated about my word count progress (my goal progress). 

What a blessing it is to think of writing and keeping all of my blessings ans stories of blessings--along with yours. 

-- By Stacy Duplease of Virginia



Written 2014-10-21 07:06:31, Tuesday

Yesterday, in the early afternoon, I got my new computer. This was a major blessing. Of course, I spent the rest of the day working on set-up as well as trying to figure out how it, and.Windows 8, work. Which means I didn't get the 3,000 words of writing my stories of blessing done. (Sigh.)
However, I got my new laptop. This is a major blessing. (Thank the Lord.)

But, I didn't get my writing done, which means 5,000 words are due today. So, yesterday didn't go according to plan in general and with my counting of blessings. 

Am I complaining and whining a little bit? You bet I am. That means I now need to try to find the blessing in there and count more than normal. 

Then, for the last month, I've been dealing with back and neck pain. It's muscle related. That much I've figured out. I also know it's sleeping related. Is it pillow, sleeping position, mattress pad, or mattress, I'm not sure. I've been trying to figure it out. The first thing I tried was a different pillow. Three actually, but not one has helped. All three are cheaper pillows. I think we will go get me a nicer one later today and see if that helps. If that doesn't do it, I will try a pillow between my knees. And, then try getting rid of the topper or the mattress. 

After a month of getting five hours of.sleep on average... and last night four hours... I am desperate. I need sleep and pain free sleep, thank you very much. 

Now, after a house complaints, where do I find the blessing? After not much has gone according to plan in the last day, what now? Blessings? Hmm.

Yep. My crankiness is caused from pain and lack of sleep, which shows me all the more how I have to count my blessings and more than usual in order to counteract my mood and busyness.

Oh, how I so thoroughly need desperately to find some blessings. 

I feel blah and heavy, never mind hurting and tired. 

What blessings can be found in these things? Let me think...

I am alive. 

I am healthy... other than that.

My husband, B, is a very fine man, is an extremely loving and loyal husband, and is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. He is so good to me. He spoils me rotten, but also holds me accountable. He brings out the best in me. 

See. I'm feeling better in body, mind, heart, and soul already. Whew. 

For my five critters.

My home.

Rice socks! I warmed one up and have been using it on back and neck and feel so much better. Thank the Lord. What a blessing.

Being able to call home

Being able to email home

My new laptop

A hot shower on a sore body

Atkins shakes



The sense of wonder

The wild cry greeting of a deaf old lady cat 


Water to drink

Water for shower

Hot water heater

New ideas




Aunts and uncles


A throw blanket to snuggle under

Going to lunch with hubby, then shopping for new pillows

Yes. I feel a great deal better. Counting my blessings changes me, my perspective, my mood, etc. It's hard to be cranky while doing so. 

Counting my blessings is a blessing.

What a way to conquer when things go wrong or poorly.

-- By Stacy Duplease of Virginia


*** Updated last on Oct. 21, 2014 at 139 p.m. ***

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