Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Impact of Journaling: Dealing with the Storms of Life

The Impact of Journaling: Dealing with the Storms of Life 

Over the weekend, I met a couple who are going through a terrible storm in their lives and marriage. It would be something that would destroy most of us. It's one of those nightmare stories you cannot even fathom. And, you know there is no way you would be able to handle it. 

This couple, though, is doing amazing. Truly. Deeply.

First of all, they are people of faith. That explains their strength, hope, and incredible perspective. 

I had the opportunity to talk with the wife for a bit and found out how not only is she a woman of faith, but she journals. 

Aha! That explained more of it. 

Journaling impacts us deeply and powerfully. Often tiems, we do not realize how much of a difference it has made in our lives until we go through the rough patch. Then, it becomes obvious. 

I cannot tell you how many storms and rough patches I've gone through with my journal. I have no idea how I would have been able to do so without my journal and my journaling. Journaling ahs made all fo the difference. 

The wife said to me how her journaling ahs been the very thing that has helped her.

There are days it may seem like journaling is pointless,a nd you're not getting much out of it. However, the opposite is true.

Jouranling, like weight loss, is something you do not get instant results all the time. Rather, it takes endurance and eventually, slowly, you start to see the results. And, when you do, the results can be truly mindblowing. 

If you want to know the impact of journaling, let me say this: It's a life saver. Literally. 

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