Sunday, November 27, 2011



~*~ What did God say to you through your verses and the lesson yesterday?
~*~ What have you learned about Praying the Word?
~*~ What verse(s) do you want to meditate more on and Pray to God morning, noon, and night? 

Please journal your answer:
~*~ How do you define delight?
~*~ Is the Word of God, the Holy Bible, your delight? 

It's time for me to get real with you. I have to admit, the Word never brought me great satisfaction or enjoyment until I started Praying the Word. Sure, I loved the Word. I studied it, read it, threw myself into it. I soaked it up like a sponge. But, it was not my delight. 

Coffee or chair tea. That's delight. A good laugh with a friend or someone I care about--that's delight. Seeing the Rocky Mountains is delightful. Reading a book brings me delight. But, is the ancient text something that brings me delight? Do I get excited from the text? Do I find great satisfaction in reading the Word? I just don't. It is work for me. It takes great effort and intentionality on my part, if you want to know the truth. Well, that is unless I read the Psalms or Proverbs. I can usually read those and not feel like I've worked. But, the rest of the Bible takes concentration on my part. I do my best to get into the Word day after day. It can just be tricky. I do not get nearly enough out of the Word as I could. But, being in the Word is required of all of us. How else can we know the will of God, after all? 

Please tell me you know what I mean.

However, I make sure to add Praying the Word to the equation--and that changes everything for me. that's when prayer and the Word get exciting for me. 

But, let me back up a little. I've been a prayer warrior for years. I've read just about every book out there on the subject. But, when I did the prayer inventory about a month ago, I realized my prayer life was lacking. It was not what it could be. I try different types of prayer. I noticed if I do Praying the Word, my spiritual life, in every way, flourishes. When I stop, for whatever reason, my spiritual life and faith take a tailspin and I fall flat on my nose. 

Why am I sharing this with you? I want you to know I am not a perfect Christian. I have my points of contention. I have my flaws. But, I know how to work with them and how to workaround them. I know how to test myself and see if I am where I should be. I know what it means to fail. I know how to give God the silent treatment and how to ignore him. I also know how to be stubborn and question him to a fault. I am easily distracted. I get too busy for God, or prayer, let alone the Word at times. But, I know how to confess and repent. And I know what works for me. Praying the Word makes everything in my life come alive. It changes everything for me. This book is my attempt to share this with you. 

Again, I hope you know what I mean. I can't help but wonder if you are a super-Christian with a cape and all (I am being serious here.). After all, if you are, I hope you send me all of your advice and tips! My email and blog address are mentioned throughout this book. I love words of wisdom shared from others. But, if you are a fall-on-your-face at times sort of Christian, I think we'll relate with one another. 

So, do you delight in God and in his Word? Do you try to and want to? 

Do you want to learn how to bring a fire to every dimension in your life? Praying the Word is the secret. 

Please read this in your favorite version of the Bible and see why I bring up delight. I call it the battle cry of the Praying the Word Christian. If this doesn't get you excited to pray the Word, nothing will. 

~*~ Write your thoughts. 

Will you humor me for a moment? Would you read this out loud to yourself? If you are in a public space, it's okay to whisper it. Just make sure your ears can hear the words you utter. 

~*~ Write your thoughts again--after hearing it. 
~*~ Do you want to be blessed?
~*~ Do you want to prosper in life inwardly and outwardly?
~*~ What is the danger of not Praying the Word?
~*~ How can this be your battle cry for Praying the Word?
~*~ How can you apply this passage to your life?
~*~ What has God said to you?
~*~ What have you said to God?

Meditate on Psalm 1 mourning, noon, and night for at least the next 24 hours. Make sure to journal everything that happens between you and God.

Stacy Duplease
Bible Study Writer & Blogger
A Loyal Faith
Find my books at/store: 

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